-"Entonces, comoo uno tiene la espalda erguida, no siente ni rastro de timidez ni de vergüenza, y por lo tanto no agacha la cabeza. Uno no se está inclinando ante nada. Por eso, los hombros se enderezan, automáticamente y uno empieza a tener la cabeza y los hombros bien plantados..."
-"La postura erquida es sumamente importante. Tener la espalda erguida no es una postura artificial. Es lo natural en el cuerpo humano. Lo no habitual es incorvarse y desplomarse. Al sentarse erguido , uno está proclamando para sí y para el resto del mundo , que va a ser un guerrero, un ser intégramente humano"
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Devics - You Could Walk Forever
the walk that walks
and takes me forever
leads me down the road to never
the shoes that take me don't matter
and i've been walking forever
you could wear fancy clothes
you could hope that i wear your rose
but inside you know what's true
and baby it's not you
the walk that i've been walking forever
to make sure no one finds me ever
i could wear pretty clothes
and i could wear your rose
but inside you know the truth
you know... i'm not like you
Editorial La Gaceta: Al borde del abismo.
El problema esencial de España es que Zapatero ya no tiene ninguna credibilidad. Seis años mintiendo a los ciudadanos han llevado al Gobierno al más completo descrédito y a la economía española, a la ruina. De los brotes verdes y el optimismo enfermizo del presidente hemos pasado a la amenaza seria de una posible intervención. El ambiente se corta a cuchillo y la sensación imperante que define el sentimiento de las autoridades comunitarias y de los inversores es de miedo. Miedo a que España necesite acudir al Fondo de Estabilidad Financiera aprobado el pasado mayo.
Las dudas surgen por todas partes y la UE y el FMI estudian ya un plan B para rescatar a España en caso de quiebra. Para colmo, la guinda la ponía el propio vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea y comisario de la Competencia, Joaquín Almunia, quien ratificaba las dudas sobre la solvencia española. “Dudas en torno a España las hay. Lo estamos viendo en la reacción de los mercados ante la deuda pública española”.
Los primeros en alertar ayer fueron los analistas de los principales diarios alemanes, que no dudaban en poner a España en el punto de mira. Alemania es la que más tiene que perder, y la posibilidad de que la economía española quiebre se planteaba sin tapujos. La duda que venían a poner sobre la mesa es si la quiebra se llevará por delante la moneda única. El diferencial con el bono alemán superó ayer los 250 puntos básicos, y el miedo se ha instalado no sólo en los medios germanos, sino también en las principales cabeceras de EE UU, como The New York Times o Washington Post, que analizan en profundidad el “potencial desastre” que implicaría esta situación. Las dudas, como decía el propio Almunia, hay que despejarlas cumpliendo con los compromisos, pero el Gobierno se empecina en repetir que no hacen falta más ajustes.
El proceso es muy simple. España está endeudada hasta las cejas y cada día tiene más dificultades para pagar. Y el dilema es si tras el rescate de Grecia e Irlanda, y descontado el salvamento de Portugal, España será el siguiente. En cualquier caso el euro se debilita y la todopoderosa Alemania pierde, ya que es el país que cuenta con mayor deuda española en su poder. El problema es que el endeudamiento español sigue creciendo mientras el cuadro macroeconómico se deteriora prácticamente en todos los renglones: el consumo cayó un 1,1% en el último trimestre; la balanza comercial se ha deteriorado un 5% en lo que va de año; el PIB se estanca; el desempleo se mantiene en el 20% (y creciendo), y la deuda se mantiene disparada con una prima de riesgo batiendo récords todos los días.
Ante este panorama, la financiación de la deuda se hará insostenible y el dinero dejará de venir. Y si nos cierran el grifo, sólo quedarán tres opciones: suspender pagos, echarnos en brazos de Alemania o esperar que el Banco Central Europeo cree más euros para refinanciarnos. Una situación límite que sólo se podría abortar –si es que nos queda tiempo– si el Gobierno hace los gestos necesarios para devolver la confianza a los mercados. Es decir, cumplir de una manera decidida las promesas anunciadas, aplicando nuevos recortes y arbitrando serias y profundas reformas estructurales de liberalización capaces de impulsar el crecimiento y el empleo.
Una tarea ardua y difícil. Si en tres años Zapatero y su Gobierno han sido incapaces de arbitrar medidas para tranquilizar a los mercados, ¿qué cabe esperar de la reunión que mañana mantendrá el presidente del Ejecutivo con los primeros espadas de la empresa española, auspiciada por el Rey Juan Carlos? La cita, una muestra más de la delicada situación de la economía española, es el reflejo de la preocupación reinante. ¿Qué cabe esperar? No mucho.
El crédito, que es lo que España necesita para no suspender pagos, se basa en la confianza, y ésta está en mínimos porque Zapatero se ha encargado de dilapidarla a base de engaños y mentiras. ¿Hay tiempo para enderezar el rumbo? Las dudas están más vivas que nunca y puede pasar de todo. Pero si este Gobierno no es capaz de hacer nada, lo mejor que puede hacer es dimitir. España y Alemania le quedarían eternamente agradecidos.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
OneRepublic - Stop And Stare
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see
They're trying to come back, all my senses push
Untie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Imma run till you can't walk
Something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What you need, what you need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do you see what I see...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rework. Very interesting book.
This is the link in which you can find the book.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tomislav Ivančić
Tomislav Ivančić (born 1938) is a Croatian theologian and academic.
Ivančić was born in Davor, Croatia. After the study of philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome he was ordained priest of the Zagreb Archdiocese in 1966. After achieving a doctorate at the Papal Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to Zagreb to become professor at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb. He is head of the Chair of Fundamental Theology, was one of the editors of the magazine “Bogoslovska smotra” (Theogian’s Review), is member of the editorial boards and associate of many Croatian and foreign theology magazines and member of the Croatian Literary Translators’ Association. Since 1983 he is canon of Zagreb’s Cathedral Chapter.
The areas of his scientific work are philosophy, theology and literature. The area of his special interest is the research of men’s existential-spiritual dimension, in which he discovers new possibilities and ways of modern evangelisation and the need of developing spiritual medicine, which - next to somatic and psychiatric medicine - is indispensable in the holistic healing of man, and especially in healing spiritual illnesses and addictions. For this purpose he developed the method of hagiotherapy and founded the Centre for Spiritual Help in 1990 in Zagreb, which he is the head of.
Apart from working at the Faculty, since 1971 Tomislav was also a religious teacher for students in Zagreb, the initiator of the prayer movement in the Church in Croatia, founder of the religious community “Prayer and Word” (Zajednica “Molitva i Riječ”) and the “Centre for a Better World”, as well as lecturer at numerous seminars for the spiritual renewal in Croatia and abroad. In the last decade he has been training persons to work in centres for spiritual help and hold seminars for the apostolate of evangelisation in Croatia and abroad.
His scientific and expert articles are published in Croatian and foreign magazines. He wrote more than 50 books, of which almost the half was translated into foreign languages, whereas some have been published only in foreign languages. His book “Follow Me” (Pođi za mnom) was translated in 12 languages. He was editor-in-chief of the magazine “Steps” (Koraci), and then “New Steps” (Novi koraci), as well as founder of the magazine “Hagiotherapy” (Hagioterapija).
From 1998 until 2001 he was dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb. In September 2001 he was elected Head of the University of Zagreb.[citation needed]
On 9 February 2004 Pope John Paul II designated him member of the International Theological Commission, presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, today’s Pope Benedict XVI.
Ivančić is author and host of a very popular radio program “Lord, teach us to pray” which is broadcasted during the academic year.
Hagiotherapy is a term occasionally used to describe the medieval practice of using religious relics, prayers, pilgrimages etc. to alleviate sickness.[1] It was used to treat epilepsy during the Middle Ages with Saint Valentine particularly associated with the treatment as an 'epilepsy specialist'.[2]
"Hagiotherapy" is also the name of a modern therapeutic method of healing a man's "spiritual soul" that is used in Croatia[3] as a way of treating mental illness[4]. This form of treatment first appeared in 1990, when Tomislav Ivančić, influenced by pope John Paul II's encyclica Salvifici doloris, found Center for Spiritual Help in Zagreb. The name "Hagioterapy", which is literally translated as "Holy therapy" was chosen in 1994 [
A course in Miracles.
A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a self-study curriculum (spiritual in nature) that sets forth an absolute non-dualistic metaphysics yet integrates (its definition of the principle of) forgiveness emphasizing its practical application in daily living.[1]
There is no author listed on either the cover or the title page of the publication, nor is there a "personal name" listed for author/creator with the United States Library of Congress. However, in the Preface of the Course, under the section entitled "How It Came," there is a first-person account by Helen Schucman who describes in her own words the process by which the material came to fruition. Schucman claimed to have written the material, with the help of William Thetford, based on the dictation of an inner Voice, which voice Schucman identified as Jesus. In the last paragraph of this section, Schucman explains why the names of the collaborators do not appear on the cover.[2][3]
The most recent copyrighted, published edition of A Course in Miracles is the only edition that contains in one place all of the writings that Schucman authorized to be printed. It is published solely by the Foundation for Inner Peace, the organization chosen by Schucman for this purpose. It consists of preface, text, workbook for students, manual for teachers, including clarification of terms, and two supplements: 1) Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice; and 2) The Song of Prayer (see image and infobox to right).
Judith Skutch Whitson, President and Chairperson of the Foundation for Inner Peace, reports that nearly two million volumes of A Course in Miracles have been published and disseminated worldwide since it first became available for sale in 1976. Additionally, A Course in Miracles has been translated into nineteen different languages with eight new translations underway.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Jean - Francoise Revel Quote. Progresssives.
"la certeza de ser de izquierdas descansa en un criterio muy simple, al alcance de cualquier retrasado mental: ser, en todas las circunstancias, de oficio, pase lo que pase y se trate de lo que se trate, antiamericano."
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Progressives
"Do as I say not as I do" could be a perfect definition on what being a progressive means. They always are in possession of the truth, the only truth. There cannot be any other option. The rest of the people, those who disagree, are consequently wrong. Their words are close to the poor, to those whose lives are painful and miserable. Their actions, totally opposite to their words: actions prone to spend on expensive things, obsessed with leading a lifestyle of luxuries and and expensive brands.
Progressives fill their mouths with big principles and carry out actions of cowardice and hypocrisy. It is necessary to help the poor but they spend thousands of Euros or Dollars on trendy clothing, everlasting nights going out. They condemn capitalism but keep silent on socialist or communist dictatorships. For them, all the issues have a very simple solution: expending and expending money. It does not matter if eventually that money has to be returned because they will have not to do it. Others will come to do it. They are the saviors, the avant - garde. The world will always be in debt with them.
The progressives talk, others have to act. They just spend, others have to save. Progressives cultivate propaganda, with the majority of the media. They are entitled to control it because they deserve it. After all, they will never be recognized enough.
Thus, there is a terrible paradox: the progressive becomes the antonym of progress. They are just words, pretences, smoke, a petty mirage...
However facts are stubborn: looking at the countries where progressive governments lead the country, we can observe bankruptcy, cracks in the democratic system, regression in relation to liberties, less jobs, less opportunities and prospects for everyone: Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland...
Visa Gold credit cards, luxurious houses, expensive brands and a obsession for the image and the material things are the pillars of the progressives.
"Do as I say, not as I do", defines them with thoroughness. The dictatorship of the masses is all around, the tyranny is set... in the meantime, the poor are poorer, and the rich, richer.
Progressives fill their mouths with big principles and carry out actions of cowardice and hypocrisy. It is necessary to help the poor but they spend thousands of Euros or Dollars on trendy clothing, everlasting nights going out. They condemn capitalism but keep silent on socialist or communist dictatorships. For them, all the issues have a very simple solution: expending and expending money. It does not matter if eventually that money has to be returned because they will have not to do it. Others will come to do it. They are the saviors, the avant - garde. The world will always be in debt with them.
The progressives talk, others have to act. They just spend, others have to save. Progressives cultivate propaganda, with the majority of the media. They are entitled to control it because they deserve it. After all, they will never be recognized enough.
Thus, there is a terrible paradox: the progressive becomes the antonym of progress. They are just words, pretences, smoke, a petty mirage...
However facts are stubborn: looking at the countries where progressive governments lead the country, we can observe bankruptcy, cracks in the democratic system, regression in relation to liberties, less jobs, less opportunities and prospects for everyone: Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland...
Visa Gold credit cards, luxurious houses, expensive brands and a obsession for the image and the material things are the pillars of the progressives.
"Do as I say, not as I do", defines them with thoroughness. The dictatorship of the masses is all around, the tyranny is set... in the meantime, the poor are poorer, and the rich, richer.
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH HIGH-ENERGY PEOPLE. Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering, who appeal to your sense of connection to intention, who see the greatness in you, who feel connected to God, and who live a life that gives evidence that Spirit has found celebration through them.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
This is Spain, the country in which more than 11 million people voted the present president for the second time. Zapatero arrived at Moncloa in 2004 after the Madrid bombings, during the terrible date of 11th of March.
With Zapatero as a prime minister, Spain has suffered the worst regression in its history of a democratic nation. In every single area: economic, social, political, institutional...
More than 20% of the people who live in Spain is unemployed. Zapatero's political tactics is very simple: presenting a positive and optimistic view on the state of the country. There is nothing to be worried about: the economy will come back to normal sooner than later, Spain is a great country that should not be worried. He is there, to protect the citizens and provide comfort to the society.
However, never before Spain suffered from a crisis of these dimensions: unemployment, sectarian and radical politics, lack of freedom, manipulation of Country's departments of Justice, trade unions subsidized and controlled by the government along with the media and main newspapers and televisions, a foreign politics based in the comradeship of dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and others like Evo Morales or Rafael Correa, the different police departments working in the benefit of the government...
There are just 18 months left before the next general elections in Spain. And the strategy to keep the power by Zapatero is very simple: talk to the assassins of ETA. He believes that, offering the dissolution of this terrorist organization that have murdered more than 1000 innocents, he will be reelected despite the enormous crisis, poverty, and disintegration of Spain as a country, as a culture and as a united country.
It is simply miserable, dishonest, coward, and a complete betrayal to get into negotiations with a band of terrorists. Zapatero, however does not have any scruples, any sense of honour, respect to those who died defending a just cause or principles in order to stop these talkings with the terrorists. In his mind there is just one goal: to remain in the power, at all costs. No means are discarded specially the ones that have let him be at the Moncloa's office: lies, manipulation of the Country departments, treacheries...
It is said that a country has the politicians that it deserves. That's right. More than 11 million people believed in Zapatero for second time, despite his lies, incompetency, radical politics and sectarian measures.
In 18 months, Spain will have another opportunity to express themselves. There will be unemployment, a cracked society by a Socialist party that has broken the country in halves, no future nor prospects for the young and the old, a country hit by the worst president of the democratic history of Spain.
Once more, Spanish will define themselves. For now, they just became accomplices and allies of Zapatero.
With Zapatero as a prime minister, Spain has suffered the worst regression in its history of a democratic nation. In every single area: economic, social, political, institutional...
More than 20% of the people who live in Spain is unemployed. Zapatero's political tactics is very simple: presenting a positive and optimistic view on the state of the country. There is nothing to be worried about: the economy will come back to normal sooner than later, Spain is a great country that should not be worried. He is there, to protect the citizens and provide comfort to the society.
However, never before Spain suffered from a crisis of these dimensions: unemployment, sectarian and radical politics, lack of freedom, manipulation of Country's departments of Justice, trade unions subsidized and controlled by the government along with the media and main newspapers and televisions, a foreign politics based in the comradeship of dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and others like Evo Morales or Rafael Correa, the different police departments working in the benefit of the government...
There are just 18 months left before the next general elections in Spain. And the strategy to keep the power by Zapatero is very simple: talk to the assassins of ETA. He believes that, offering the dissolution of this terrorist organization that have murdered more than 1000 innocents, he will be reelected despite the enormous crisis, poverty, and disintegration of Spain as a country, as a culture and as a united country.
It is simply miserable, dishonest, coward, and a complete betrayal to get into negotiations with a band of terrorists. Zapatero, however does not have any scruples, any sense of honour, respect to those who died defending a just cause or principles in order to stop these talkings with the terrorists. In his mind there is just one goal: to remain in the power, at all costs. No means are discarded specially the ones that have let him be at the Moncloa's office: lies, manipulation of the Country departments, treacheries...
It is said that a country has the politicians that it deserves. That's right. More than 11 million people believed in Zapatero for second time, despite his lies, incompetency, radical politics and sectarian measures.
In 18 months, Spain will have another opportunity to express themselves. There will be unemployment, a cracked society by a Socialist party that has broken the country in halves, no future nor prospects for the young and the old, a country hit by the worst president of the democratic history of Spain.
Once more, Spanish will define themselves. For now, they just became accomplices and allies of Zapatero.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Federico Jimenez Losantos: Tras el exitazo imprevisto del 6-N, hay que trabajar más y mejor
El primer balance de la convocatoria de Voces contra el Terrorismo el pasado sábado en Colón tiene que ser, necesariamente, jubiloso y emocionado. La inmensa mayoría de los que hemos dedicado nuestro esfuerzo y nuestros escasos medios a impedir que no fuera un fracaso esperábamos semejante éxito. Ahora bien, si queremos honrar a los presentes y a los ausentes, a los que ayer participaban en manifestaciones de este tipo y el sábado no estuvieron en Colón, hay que analizar lo que pasó, cómo pasó y qué debemos hacer para mejorar la forma de movilización con los mismos fines que la de este sábado. Porque nadie puede dudar de la voluntad del PSOE de encamarse de nuevo con la ETA –de hecho, como dijo Teresa Jiménez Becerril, los presos etarras que han soltado son las mejores pruebas de esa negociación– y es archievidente la voluntad de la dirección del PP, especialmente el vasco, de sumarse a la foto de la Pax Etarra.
No ha cambiado el fin último de las convocatorias de las víctimas del terrorismo, que sólo puede ser la lucha contra la banda por todos los medios legales y la denuncia de todas las fechorías ilegales de unos políticos que buscan votos vendiendo un final del terrorismo que, así, no terminaría nunca. Pero sí ha cambiado el número y la identidad de esos políticos, que hoy incluye a una parte del PP, con Rajoy a la cabeza, aunque la inmensa mayoría del partido esté con las víctimas y no con los que templan gaitas con Rubalcaba y Eguiguren. No tenemos dudas de sus simpatías, pero hay que conseguir de nuevo su movilización. Tampoco estaba en Colón Rosa Díez, pese a que mantiene en el Parlamento una postura muy clara contra la negociación del Gobierno y la ETA, tendría que haber estado y hay que conseguir que esté. No rogándoles, sino forzándoles. El animal político es un marrajo de embestida incierta que sólo mediante el palo se resigna a probar la zanahoria de la virtud. Pero mucha gente seguirá este movimiento de apoyo a las víctimas y rechazo al Gobierno y sus cómplices cuanto antes se desactive esa mezcla de cobardía y vagancia que ha caracterizado esta vez a los líderes del PP y a la líder de UPyD. Ni olvido ni perdón, pero aprovechemos el éxito para mejorar nuestra posición.
Lo fundamental es crear una estructura de movilización que ya no puede contar con el PP, ni falta que le hace, pero que sólo ha funcionado esta vez gracias a la férrea voluntad y al espíritu de sacrificio de nuestros connacionales, y con bastante suerte. Pero por respeto a esa gente que se ha tirado diez horas de autobús para llegar a Madrid sin saber si iba a encontrar a alguien en la Plaza de Colón, hay que mejorar la capacidad de convocatoria y la estructura de acogida. Por supuesto, en esRadio y Libertad Digital TV podemos presumir –ya lo hemos hecho bastante– de haber sido los únicos que hemos puesto todos nuestros medios, absolutamente todos, al servicio de esta causa. También Intereconomía dedicó una parte de ellos, porque la mayoría los empleó en la cobertura a la deslucida visita del Papa, pero La Gaceta y su voluntad también quedaron de manifiesto. Pero lo más delicado es la recuperación de la gente que en El Mundo, ABCy La Razón, amén de unos pocos medios de internet, ha estado siempre a favor de las víctimas pero se han quedado fuera del éxito del 6-N por decisión de la empresa, por seguidismo del PP o por falta de valor para colar informaciones y publicar opiniones al margen de la postura del periódico. Hay excepciones como la de Fernando Lázaro informando en El Mundo pese al vacío empresarial –faldón en página par el viernes, crónica en elmundo.es el sábado, portada e información el domingo– que prueban la voluntad moral de algunos periodistas y la forzada rectificación de la inmoralidad de otros.
Yo creo que la clave de que, siquiera por interés, algunos medios vuelvan a apoyar la llamada rebelión cívica –a mí me gusta más Resistencia, pero no es cosa de discutir– contra el terrorismo etarra y los políticos amancebados con él es hacerles entender que Rubalcaba, que es el que manda, no es Zapatero sino algo peor. Con Zapatero, el desastre era seguro. Con Rubalcaba, también, pero después de una enorme confusión. Tratemos de limitarla en el tiempo y el espacio, mejoremos la organización, recupérese si es posible la AVT y si no abandónese, créese una red informativa de informadores y de informados no burocrática pero sí permanente y multipliquemos las iniciativas de denuncia hacia fuera –la querella de VCT contra Eguiguren– y de reagrupamiento en los medios y en toda la sociedad. Con humildad, porque hay que rehacer de nueva planta un edificio que se derrumbó en Bulgaria, capital Valencia, pero a la vista está que sobra piedra de sillería y madera de primera para volver a edificar.
Eso sí, para no perder la costumbre, habrá que hacerlo sobre la marcha, porque seguramente Rubalcaba anunciará pronto la tregua de respuesta de ETA a la tregua infecta de su Gobierno. Habrá, pues, que volver a Colón las veces que haga falta pero multiplicados por diez. Es posible y hay que hacerlo posible. El que quiera hacer política de partido, que funde un partido. El que crea que lo más urgente y eficaz es reconstruir esta base civil de la defensa nacional que es el movimiento de apoyo a las víctimas del terrorismo, a trabajar. No estamos solos pero podemos estar mucho más acompañados. La causa, por justa, exige modestia y ambición. No faltará jamás la segunda. No sobrará nunca la primera.
¡España y Libertad!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Annabel Lee. Edgar Allan Poe.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Washington Times Editorial: the Democrats self-mutilation
Congressional Democrats are poised to lose the largest governing majority in a generation. The House certainly will return to Republican control after only four years, and the Democrats' 60-seat Senate supermajority effectively will be reduced to a tie.
Liberals are having a hard time explaining why this is happening. Talk of a "wave" or "tsunami" election gives the impression that it's a natural disaster, unforeseen and unstoppable, nobody's fault, probably the product of global warming. Others posit the message of the election is murky, or mixed. Lame self-justifications aside, today is a referendum on the Democratic Party's poor stewardship of government and a stinging rebuke for the Obama agenda rammed into law over the wishes of the American people.
One talking point Democrats are pushing is that they pursued sound policies but had "poor messaging," which is a politician's way of saying voters are too foolish to know what's good for them. Of course, it would be difficult to explain the many benefits of legislation lawmakers vote for without having read. Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comment in March that "we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what is in it" will not only go down in history as a classic of political doublespeak; it encapsulates the problem Americans have with the current Congress. Lawmakers who don't know the laws they are passing have no business being in office.
Another canard is that Democrats are being victimized by a "new incivility" in political discourse - they represent the calm, rational center and their opponents are bitter, divisive extremists. Liberals seek to "restore sanity" while their opponents are fear-mongers. This story line appeals to radical elements of the left who harbor a lurking contempt for the American people who are simply unqualified to render judgment on their enlightened theories of rule. This ignores the fact that the current Congress steamrolled through one of the most ideologically driven agendas in history. One irony is that today will see the downfall of moderate Democrats representing competitive districts, who were badgered into voting in favor of Obamacare, "cap-and-trade" and other liberal initiatives after being promised they wouldn't pay a political price.
Former President Bill Clinton - who presided over his own first-term electoral catastrophe in 1994 and is thus something of an expert on Republican landslide wins - denied this election is a referendum on the Obama agenda. "It. Is. A. Choice," he said. "A choice between two different sets of ideas." Well, obviously it's a choice; the people are simply choosing to reject the Democrats' ideas. Mr. Obama quipped, "The big difference here and in '94 was you've got me" - a point on which all sides can agree.
According to Gallup weekly survey data, Mr. Obama is only favored by 34 percent of those who attend church weekly, 37 percent of whites, 38 percent of married voters, 39 percent of those 65 and older, 41 percent of independents, 42 percent of men and a mere 44 percent among college graduates and those earning over $60,000 a year. Among "pure" independents - those without party ID or ideological affiliation - Mr. Obama's rating has sunk to a miserable 32 percent. These numbers represent a complete repudiation by the middle class.
The 2010 election requires no complex explanations. The Democrats were handed a supermajority and exploited it to the hilt. They acted on an ideologically driven agenda that was far from the mainstream of American politics. Absolute power corrupted absolutely. Now voters have their say, and it is up to the next Congress to try to repair the damage.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. In this context, Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds.
This use of the word bohemian first appeared in the English language in the 19th century[1] to describe the non-traditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major European cities. Bohemians were associated with unorthodox or anti-establishment political or social viewpoints, which were often expressed through free love, frugality, and/or voluntary poverty.
The term Bohemianism emerged in France in the early 19th century when artists and creators began to concentrate in the lower-rent, lower class gypsy neighborhoods. Bohémien was a common term for the Romani people of France, who had reached Western Europe via (or from)Bohemia.[2]
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