Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved (HD Music Video)
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke – I'm just a broken-hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do?
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you?
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving
Policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here."
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows.
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go."
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving
People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
And maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved
[Chorus 2x]
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Monday, December 30, 2013
Economia. Roberto Centeno. Balance de 2013. Hacia la liquidacion.
La pasada semana me despedí de todos ustedes hasta Reyes, pero estas reflexiones no deberían esperar ante las colosales falsedades y el rosario de mentiras del Rey y de Rajoy, que difundidas por los palmeros habituales y amplificadas por una mayoría de medios atados al pesebre, hacen creer a una mayoría que prefieren las falsas esperanzas a la cruda realidad que España es una país en recuperación, cuando la realidad es la contraria: una nación en liquidación, por un Gobierno, una oposición y unas instituciones plagadas de incompetentes, corruptos y traidores. Una oleada de mendacidad y de ignominia creada por las declaraciones de los responsables de la nación.
El discurso del Rey
Se trata una vez más de un discurso vulgar, lleno de falsedades y promesas vanas, donde a pesar de la situación de emergencia nacional en la que nos encontramos, el número de oyentes del discurso cayó en picado y en más de cuatro millones, lo que da una idea clara no ya de credibilidad, que es inexistente, sino de la indiferencia que producen las palabras del Rey. Es la antítesis de aquel discurso histórico del Rey Jorge VI, pronunciado en 1939, donde superando su tartamudez hizo un encendido llamamiento a la guerra contra la Alemania recurriendo al patriotismo nacional del pueblo británico, para defender su integridad y su libertad. En contraste, este Rey audaz en todo lo que no es su deber, y enfermizo de cobardía ante sus obligaciones políticas, templa gaitas con los enemigos de España que buscan nuestra destrucción diciéndoles que “hablando se entiende la gente”.
Este Rey audaz en todo lo que no es su deber, y enfermizo de cobardía ante sus obligaciones políticas, templa gaitas con los enemigos de España que buscan nuestra destrucción diciéndoles que “hablando se entiende la gente”
Comentemos con piedad sus párrafos más hilarantes. El Rey, como el Príncipe, siempre dicen lo mismo: “Sé de vuestros problemas”, cuando ignoran todo y no arreglan nada. “Asumo las exigencias de ejemplaridad y transparencia que hoy demanda la sociedad”. ¿Cómo hoy? ¿Es que ayer no? ¿Acaso un Rey no debe ser ejemplar siempre? La ejemplaridad no se predica, Majestad, se practica. El Rey ignora que la base social de un pueblo, una Nación, es alcanzar su unidad como sujeto actor de la Historia. Sin esta base primordial ni siquiera puede hablarse de una Nación y de un Estado como unidad de poder político. El Rey no tiene idea siquiera de estas nociones elementales de la política, sus afirmaciones acreditan tanto su frivolidad como su impotencia, es decir, su cobardía para emplear los medios que la Constitución le otorga para haber liquidado a los terroristas de ETA, primero, y cortado de raíz el humillante avance del separatismo catalán hoy.
Hubiera bastado para mover a la indecente clase política colocada en el Estado para enriquecerse, que el Rey la amenazara con su dimisión, un rey no puede presidir jamás, sin degradase como persona y anularse como autoridad, la intensidad y el volumen alcanzados por el separatismo vasco y catalán. A Cataluña ni se atreve ya a llamarla por su nombre, igual que hacen los partidos políticos y sindicatos estatales con el nombre de España, a la que llaman “este país”. ¿Y estos son los representantes de España? ¡Pues vaya indignidad la de quienes les votan! ¿Cómo se puede votar a esta chusma?
Continua el discurso real: “Creo en un país libre, justo y unido dentro de su diversidad”. Le faltó lo de benéfico de las Cortes de Cádiz. Los países no son justos ni libres, esas cualidades no corresponden a los países sino a los pueblos. En cuanto a su idea de la unidad como matriz de la diversidad, es simplemente ridícula. Aplicarlo a una nación que no es federal resulta completamente demagógico para abonar el caldo separatista. La idea de todo su discurso parece hacer creer que España, la nación más antigua de Europa, es una nación de naciones, un aglomerado de nacionalidades, regiones, territorios y habitantes autóctonos como los catalanes y los vascos, todo lo cual es radicalmente falso histórica y objetivamente.
A Cataluña ni se atreve ya a llamarla por su nombre, igual que hacen los partidos políticos y sindicatos estatales con el nombre de España, a la que llaman “este país”. ¿Y estos son los representantes de España?
¿Cuándo Cataluña o el País Vasco han sido naciones independientes? El Rey parece asumir en su discurso la “idea” de su maestro, el indigente mental Zapatero. “Zapatero sabe perfectamente lo que hace” diría, según lo cual España es algo discutido y discutible. Pero, claro, como hablando se entiende la gente, se llega a donde hemos llegado. Y suma y sigue: “Hay que saber cuándo es preciso ceder”. En cuanto a la unidad de España, la verdad y la moral política, nunca. Esas palabras son propias de un mercachifle, jamás de un gobernante, sino no es capaz de sostener lo irrenunciable con palabras que lo haga con las bayonetas o que se vaya.
Dice que no piensa abdicar para “continuar el desempeño fiel del mandato y las competencias que me atribuye el orden constitucional”. En primer lugar, no hay orden constitucional ninguno. Si lo hubiera, se respetaría la norma del mandato imperativo prohibiendo a los diputados obedecer órdenes de nadie, ni siquiera de su propio partido. España sería un Estado de Derecho y no un país sin ley. Segundo, la única competencia que le atribuye el desorden constitucional nunca la ha ejercido, ni la ejerce, ni ejercerá, pues a la vista está hasta donde ha llegado la connivencia del Rey con la tolerancia de los partidos con el separatismo, y con la oligarquía financiera con el robo masivo a los ciudadanos.
Finalmente, es inaceptable que el Rey adopte el leguaje separatista hablando de sensibilidades distintas dentro del pueblo español para separar a unos regiones de otras. Porque entonces, ¿dónde está la sensibilidad española? ¡Qué bien están los reyes en el exilio!
El discurso de Rajoy
Cuando Rajoy estaba en la oposición, era el único político capaz de hablar durante horas sin decir nada útil. Ahora en el Gobierno puede hablar durante horas sin decir una sola verdad. El discurso de Rajoy es el de los brotes verdes. Juan Laborda resumía la situación así hace un par de semanas: “Tras el repunte de final 2010 el consenso del mercado era un crecimiento del 1,8% para 2011. Acertaron de pleno solo que con signo negativo. La situación hoy es objetivamente peor que la de finales 2010”; estamos no ante una recuperación, sino ante una nueva recesión.
Cuando Rajoy estaba en la oposición, era el único político capaz de hablar durante horas sin decir nada útil. Ahora en el Gobierno puede hablar durante horas sin decir una sola verdad
¿Por qué la situación es objetivamente peor? Vayamos a los números: afiliados a la Seguridad Social, 1,5 millones menos. ¿Por qué, señora vicepresidenta de todo, no tiene usted la decencia y la vergüenza torera de mostrar a los españoles los gráficos que expuso hace un par de meses a los inversores internacionales, según los cuales las pensiones bajarían un 18% en los próximos tres años? Paro, 1,4 millones más, pero Guindos ya tiene la solución. En 2014 bajaran las contraprestaciones por desempleo y se reducirá el tiempo de percepción porque, según este miserable, los parados no buscan empleo hasta que termina la prestación. Deuda, la total o pasivos en circulación, 450.000 millones más; la computable, 310.000 millones más, algo imposible de devolver. Y lo verdaderamente malvado, el grado de dolor y sufrimiento que están infligiendo a cada vez más españoles.
Quiero contarles un ejemplo que he vivido personalmente, y que demuestra más allá de cualquier cifra a dónde nos ha llevado la crueldad de este Gobierno de canallas. Poco antes de Navidad, mi mujer y yo fuimos a llevar dinero y comida a una sede de Cáritas en un barrio periférico de Madrid, algo que hacemos periódicamente. Al salir y como siempre, había una larga cola de personas esperando ayuda. Pasamos al lado de un padre con aspecto derrotado por la vida y un niño de unos cinco años de la mano. Justo al pasar el niño le pregunta al padre: “Papá, ¿crees que podré comer hoy?”.
Si les digo que se me heló el corazón ni siquiera me acerco a lo que sentí en ese momento, me agaché y le di cien euros al niño. “Hoy y mañana seguro que comerás” le dije. Al padre se le saltaban las lágrimas, a mí me invadió una ira incontrolable contra los responsables de esta canallada. Algunos dicen que no tengo respeto por estos miserables, que no se puede insultar a las autoridades, y es cierto tiene que ser procesados y pagar por el infinito dolor que están produciendo, pero de esto hablaremos y mucho. De momento el despiadado Rajoy ha congelado el salario mínimo. The Economist situaba recientemente a España entre los países con más posibilidades de que se produzca un estallido social. Espero que acierten de pleno y se lleven por delante a todos estos canallas.
Hablaré de las cifras 2013 cuando tenga los datos, pero los últimos conocidos muestran una caída clara de la economía. La producción industrial está cayendo desde septiembre, los datos en tasa anual son un ¡9,8% inferiores a los del año anterior! Y la cifra de negocios del sector servicios ha caído un 7,8% en el tercer trimestre del año anterior, y para colmo la aportación positiva del sector exterior ha desaparecido. ¿De dónde sacan Rajoy y sus secuaces desde el BdE al BBVA, pasando por los palmeros y medios atados al pesebre, que 2014 será el año de la recuperación? No habrá recuperación alguna en 2014 ni en 2015, solo profundización en la pobreza y en la liquidación de España.
P.D./ Según los datos publicados hoy, el incremento de la deuda pública en circulación ha sido de 128.000 millones de euros en los doce meses anteriores a noviembre, más del doble que en el mismo período del año anterior. Esto significa un déficit de financiación pública del 12% del PIB.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Top 10 Crossovers 2013
The Four Agreements. Selected Quotes VII
-Practice makes the master.
-Action is what makes the difference.
-You have to stand up and be a human. You have to honor the man or woman that you are. Respect your body, enjoy your body, love your body, feed, clean and heal your body. Exercise and do what makes your body feel good. This is a puja to your body and that is a communion between you and God.
-Your own body is a manifestation of God and if you honor your body everything will change for you. Then every action becomes a ritual.
-If you are impeccable with your word, if you don´t take anything personally, if you don´t make assumptions, if you always do your best, then you are going to have a beautiful life. You are going to control your life one hundred per cent.
-You must have a very strong will to keep these agreements because wherever we go we find that our path is full of obstacles. That´s why you need to be a great hunter, a great warrior who can defend these Four Agreements with your life.
-I have fallen many times but I stood up and kept going. And I fell again and I kept going. I did not feel sorry for myself. I said: if I fall, I am strong enough, I am intelligent enough, I can do it. I stood up and kept going. I fell and I kept going and going and each time it became easier and easier. Yet, in the beginning it was so hard, so difficult. So if you fall, don´t judge. Do no give your Judge the satisfaction of turning you into a victim. No, be tough with yourself.
-If you break an agreement, begin again tomorrow, and again the next day. It will be difficult at first, but each day will be easier and easier until someday you will discover that your are ruling your life with these Four Agreements. And you will be surprised at the way your life has been transformed.
-Action is what makes the difference.
-You have to stand up and be a human. You have to honor the man or woman that you are. Respect your body, enjoy your body, love your body, feed, clean and heal your body. Exercise and do what makes your body feel good. This is a puja to your body and that is a communion between you and God.
-Your own body is a manifestation of God and if you honor your body everything will change for you. Then every action becomes a ritual.
-If you are impeccable with your word, if you don´t take anything personally, if you don´t make assumptions, if you always do your best, then you are going to have a beautiful life. You are going to control your life one hundred per cent.
-You must have a very strong will to keep these agreements because wherever we go we find that our path is full of obstacles. That´s why you need to be a great hunter, a great warrior who can defend these Four Agreements with your life.
-I have fallen many times but I stood up and kept going. And I fell again and I kept going. I did not feel sorry for myself. I said: if I fall, I am strong enough, I am intelligent enough, I can do it. I stood up and kept going. I fell and I kept going and going and each time it became easier and easier. Yet, in the beginning it was so hard, so difficult. So if you fall, don´t judge. Do no give your Judge the satisfaction of turning you into a victim. No, be tough with yourself.
-If you break an agreement, begin again tomorrow, and again the next day. It will be difficult at first, but each day will be easier and easier until someday you will discover that your are ruling your life with these Four Agreements. And you will be surprised at the way your life has been transformed.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
If you want something you've never had... you must be willing to do something you've never done.
Humility, unity, discipline, thankfulness, servanthood, integrity, passion
Seven principles to excel in whatever you might be doing.
Friday, December 27, 2013
The Four Agreements. Selected Quotes VI
-Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. Taking action is being alive. It's taking the risk to go out and express your dream.
-I make everything a ritual. Taking a shower is a ritual for me and with that action I tell my body how much I love it. I feel and I enjoy the water on my body. I do my best to fulfill the needs of my body. I do my best to give to my body and to receive what my body gives to me. What it is important is the way we perform the ritual saying I love you God.
-God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say I love you God is to live your life doing your best. The best way to say Thank you God is by letting go of the past and living in the present moment, right here and now. Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.
-There is no time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. Not enjoying what is happening right now is living in the past and being only half alive. This leads to self-pity, suffering and tears.
-You were born with the right to be happy. You were born with the right to love, to enjoy and to share your love. You are alive so take your life and enjoy it. Don't resist life passing through you because that is God passing through you. Just your existence proves the existence of God. Your existence proves the existence of life and energy.
-I make everything a ritual. Taking a shower is a ritual for me and with that action I tell my body how much I love it. I feel and I enjoy the water on my body. I do my best to fulfill the needs of my body. I do my best to give to my body and to receive what my body gives to me. What it is important is the way we perform the ritual saying I love you God.
-God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say I love you God is to live your life doing your best. The best way to say Thank you God is by letting go of the past and living in the present moment, right here and now. Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.
-There is no time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. Not enjoying what is happening right now is living in the past and being only half alive. This leads to self-pity, suffering and tears.
-You were born with the right to be happy. You were born with the right to love, to enjoy and to share your love. You are alive so take your life and enjoy it. Don't resist life passing through you because that is God passing through you. Just your existence proves the existence of God. Your existence proves the existence of life and energy.
Pulitzer Prize for Photography
The Pulitzer Prize for Photography was one of the American Pulitzer Prizes annually awarded for journalism. It was inaugurated in 1942 and replaced by two photojournalism prizes in 1968: the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography and "Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography". The latter was renamed for Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography in 2000.
The Pulitzer Prizes were established by the bequest of Joseph Pulitzer, which suggested four journalism awards, and were inaugurated beginning 1917. By 1942 there were eight Pulitzers for journalism; for several years now there have been 14 including the two for photojournalism.
The Four Agreements Selected Quotes V
-What really make the difference is action.
-Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more no less.
-Everything is alive and changing all the time, so your best will sometimes be high quality, and other times it ill not be as good.
-Your best will depend on whether you are feeling wonderful and happy, or upset, angry or jealous.
-If you do your best there is no way you can judge yourself.
-Doing your best is taking the action because you love it, not because you are expecting a reward. Most people do exactly the opposite: they only take action when they expect a reward, and they don't enjoy the action. And that's the reason why they don't do their best. They are working for the reward, and as a result they resist work.
-On the other hand, if you take action just for the sake of doing it, without expecting a reward, you will find that you enjoy every action you do. Rewards will come, but you are not attached to the reward. You can even get more than you would have imagined four yourself without expecting a reward. If we like what we do, if we always do our best, then we are really enjoying life. We are having fun, we don't get bored, we don't have frustrations.
-Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more no less.
-Everything is alive and changing all the time, so your best will sometimes be high quality, and other times it ill not be as good.
-Your best will depend on whether you are feeling wonderful and happy, or upset, angry or jealous.
-If you do your best there is no way you can judge yourself.
-Doing your best is taking the action because you love it, not because you are expecting a reward. Most people do exactly the opposite: they only take action when they expect a reward, and they don't enjoy the action. And that's the reason why they don't do their best. They are working for the reward, and as a result they resist work.
-On the other hand, if you take action just for the sake of doing it, without expecting a reward, you will find that you enjoy every action you do. Rewards will come, but you are not attached to the reward. You can even get more than you would have imagined four yourself without expecting a reward. If we like what we do, if we always do our best, then we are really enjoying life. We are having fun, we don't get bored, we don't have frustrations.
The Four Agreements Selected Quotes IV
-When we really see other people as they are without taking it personally, we can never be hurt by what they say or do.
-If others say one thing, but do another, you are lying to yourself if you don't listen to their actions.
-Telling yourself the truth about it my hurt, but you don't need to be attached to the pain.
-If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you.
-When you don't take the emotional poison, it becomes even worse in the sender, but not in you.
-You will only trust yourself to make responsible choices.
-You can choose to follow your heart always.
-The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth.
-It is always better to ask questions than to make an assumption, because assumptions set up us for suffering.
-If others change is because they want to change, not because you can change them.
-Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying to change them. If we try to change them, this means we don't really like them.
-We have to be what we are, so we don't have to present a false image.
-The way to keep myself from making assumptions is to ask questions.
-If others say one thing, but do another, you are lying to yourself if you don't listen to their actions.
-Telling yourself the truth about it my hurt, but you don't need to be attached to the pain.
-If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you.
-When you don't take the emotional poison, it becomes even worse in the sender, but not in you.
-You will only trust yourself to make responsible choices.
-You can choose to follow your heart always.
-The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth.
-It is always better to ask questions than to make an assumption, because assumptions set up us for suffering.
-If others change is because they want to change, not because you can change them.
-Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying to change them. If we try to change them, this means we don't really like them.
-We have to be what we are, so we don't have to present a false image.
-The way to keep myself from making assumptions is to ask questions.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Moby - After (Official Video)
Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow [x34]
Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you want, you want from me,
Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you want, you want from me,
Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
(But my mind was slow)
(But my mind was slow)
(But my mind was slow) [x5]
Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you want, you want from me,
Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Oh when you want, you want from me,
Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow...
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
The Four Agreements, selected quotes III
-Your opinion is nothing but your point of view. It is not necessarily true. Your opinion comes from your beliefs, your own ego, and your own dream.
-Impeccability of the word will also give you immunity from anyone putting a negative spell on you.
-How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word.
-What causes to be trapped is what we call personal importance which is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make the assumption that everything is about me.
-Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.
-When we take something personally , we make the assumption that they know what is in our world and we try to impose our world on their world.
-Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds. Their point of view comes from all the programming they received during domestication.
-Taking things personally makes you easy prey for the black magicians. If you do so, you eat all their emotional garbage and now it becomes your garbage. But if you don't take it personally, you are immune in the middle of hell.
-When you take things personally, then you feel offended and your reaction is to defend your beliefs and create conflicts.
-There is no way that I can take this personally. Not because I don't believe in you or don't trust you, but because I know that you see the world with different eyes, with you eyes.
-Your point of view is something personal to you. It is no one's truth but yours. Then if you get mad at me, I know you are dealing with yourself. I am the excuse for you to get mad. And you get mad because you are afraid, because you are dealing with fear. If you are not afraid there is no way you'll get mad at me.
-When you feel good, everything around you is good. When everything around you is great, everything makes you happy. You are loving everything that is around you, because you are loving yourself.
-Even the opinions you have about yourself are not necessarily true. Therefore, you don't need to take whatever you hear in your own mind personally.
-You have to trust yourself and choose to believe or not to believe what someone says to you.
-Impeccability of the word will also give you immunity from anyone putting a negative spell on you.
-How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word.
-What causes to be trapped is what we call personal importance which is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make the assumption that everything is about me.
-Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.
-When we take something personally , we make the assumption that they know what is in our world and we try to impose our world on their world.
-Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds. Their point of view comes from all the programming they received during domestication.
-Taking things personally makes you easy prey for the black magicians. If you do so, you eat all their emotional garbage and now it becomes your garbage. But if you don't take it personally, you are immune in the middle of hell.
-When you take things personally, then you feel offended and your reaction is to defend your beliefs and create conflicts.
-There is no way that I can take this personally. Not because I don't believe in you or don't trust you, but because I know that you see the world with different eyes, with you eyes.
-Your point of view is something personal to you. It is no one's truth but yours. Then if you get mad at me, I know you are dealing with yourself. I am the excuse for you to get mad. And you get mad because you are afraid, because you are dealing with fear. If you are not afraid there is no way you'll get mad at me.
-When you feel good, everything around you is good. When everything around you is great, everything makes you happy. You are loving everything that is around you, because you are loving yourself.
-Even the opinions you have about yourself are not necessarily true. Therefore, you don't need to take whatever you hear in your own mind personally.
-You have to trust yourself and choose to believe or not to believe what someone says to you.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Four Agreements selected quotes II
-Be impeccable with your word.
-What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are, will all be manifested through the word.
-The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human. It is the tool of magic.
-We cast spells all the time with our opinions.
-Impeccability means without sin. A sin is anything that you do which goes against yourself. Everything you feel or believe or say that goes against yourself is a sin. You go against yourself when you judge or blame yourself for anything. Being impeccable is not going against yourself.
-When you are impeccable you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself.
-Misery likes company.
-Gossip is black magic at its very worst because it is pure poison.
-What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are, will all be manifested through the word.
-The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human. It is the tool of magic.
-We cast spells all the time with our opinions.
-Impeccability means without sin. A sin is anything that you do which goes against yourself. Everything you feel or believe or say that goes against yourself is a sin. You go against yourself when you judge or blame yourself for anything. Being impeccable is not going against yourself.
-When you are impeccable you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself.
-Misery likes company.
-Gossip is black magic at its very worst because it is pure poison.
The Four Agreements selected quotes I
-I am made of light, I am made of stars.
-The real us is pure love, pure light.
-Everyone is a mirror.
-The process of domestication: children believe everything adults say. We agree with them, and our faith is so strong that the belief system controls our whole dream of life. We did not choose these beliefs, and we may have rebelled against them, but we were not strong enough to win the rebellion. The result is surrender to the beliefs with our agreement. We train our children whom we love so much the same way that we train any domesticated animal: with a system of punishment and reward. The reward feels good, and we keep doing what others want us to do in order to get the reward. With that fear of being punished and that fear of not getting the reward, we start pretending to be what we are not, just to please others, just to be good enough for someone else.
-How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember the mistake, we blame them and send them all the emotional poison we feel at the injustice , and then we make them pay again for the same mistake. Is that justice?
-Ninety five percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lie, and we suffer because we believe all these lies.
-We have the need to be right and to make others wrong.
-To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have. Our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive. We have learned to live by other people's points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.
-We dishonor ourselves just to please other people.
-The more self-love we have, the less we will experience self-abuse.
-The most important agreements are the ones you made with yourself
-The real us is pure love, pure light.
-Everyone is a mirror.
-The process of domestication: children believe everything adults say. We agree with them, and our faith is so strong that the belief system controls our whole dream of life. We did not choose these beliefs, and we may have rebelled against them, but we were not strong enough to win the rebellion. The result is surrender to the beliefs with our agreement. We train our children whom we love so much the same way that we train any domesticated animal: with a system of punishment and reward. The reward feels good, and we keep doing what others want us to do in order to get the reward. With that fear of being punished and that fear of not getting the reward, we start pretending to be what we are not, just to please others, just to be good enough for someone else.
-How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember the mistake, we blame them and send them all the emotional poison we feel at the injustice , and then we make them pay again for the same mistake. Is that justice?
-Ninety five percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lie, and we suffer because we believe all these lies.
-We have the need to be right and to make others wrong.
-To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have. Our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive. We have learned to live by other people's points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.
-We dishonor ourselves just to please other people.
-The more self-love we have, the less we will experience self-abuse.
-The most important agreements are the ones you made with yourself
Monday, December 16, 2013
Intoxicaciones que pueden ser mortales.
¿Qué tipo de alimentos podrían causar una reacción tan grave y tan inminente? Como explica María Casadevall, de la Asociación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas (AEDN), "aquellos que tienen una bacteria concreta, Clostridium botulinum, capaz de fabricar una toxina que puede causar la muerte de personas en pocas horas". Cabe señalar, agrega, que esta bacteria "sólo puede crecer en condiciones muy concretas, en ausencia de oxígeno, una condición que se asocia a latas de conservas industriales (golpeadas, perforadas...), conservas o embutido de fabricación doméstica". Basta con que entre oxígeno para que se produzca el crecimiento de la bacteria. "Existe más riesgo de que ocurra en casa, por eso hay que ser muy estrictos con las conservas domésticas". Primero, calentar el recipiente a 100 grados durante unos 15 minutos. Después, introducir el alimento, cerrarlo muy bien y calentarlo al baño maría otros 15 minutos, al menos".
En este tipo de intoxicación "aparecen náuseas, vómitos, cansancio, vértigo y acabaría provocando una parálisis respiratoria que terminaría con la muerte del individuo", señala Casadevall. "Esta toxina disminuye la capacidad ventilatoria con mucha rapidez y afecta al sistema simpático y parasimpático".
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Harvey Milk
Go after her. Fuck, don’t sit there and wait for her to call, go after her because that’s what you should do if you love someone, don’t wait for them to give you a sign cause it might never come, don’t let people happen to you, don’t let me happen to you, or her, she’s not a fucking television show or tornado. There are people I might have loved had they gotten on the airplane or run down the street after me or called me up drunk at four in the morning because they need to tell me right now and because they cannot regret this and I always thought I’d be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never give enough of a fuck to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable and honest and making someone fall in love with you is easy and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can’t just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone’s idea of love but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do. Go scream it and be with her in meaningful ways because that is beautiful and that is generous and that is what loving someone is, that is raw and that is unguarded, and that is all that is worth anything, really.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Sons Of Anarchy Season 6 Finale (End Song) - Noah Gundersen & The Forest...
Take it back
I would take it back
for just another minute
just another chance with you
Give it up
I would give everything up
Every last breath
every first taste for you
Just to make it all right
just to make it all right
But it's too late
to go back
I can see the darkness
through the cracks
Daylight fading
I curse the breaking
The day is gone
the day is gone
Run away
I'll just run away
like a child
from all of them to you
And now I see
my most constant mistake
is I don't know what I love till it's gone
But it's too late
to go back
I can see the darkness
through the cracks
Daylight fading
I curse the breaking
The day is gone
the day is gone
It's too late
to go back
I let the darkness
seep through the cracks
Love is bleeding
I curse my breathing
The day is gone
the day is gone
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Invictus - Willian Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance...
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance...
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Passenger - Let Her Go [Official Video]
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies
But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast
Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much
And you dived too deep
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go (oh, oh, ooh, oh no)
And you let her go (oh, oh, ooh, oh no)
Will you let her go?
'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Quotes on mental toughness
“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” –Unknown
“Me personally, I believe that it’s only pain if you acknowledge it. If someone sees it as pain, I like to describe it as something that is unusual, out of place, or uncomfortable. You have to be all about being comfortable in uncomfortable situations. In the end, there’s work that has to be done. You don’t really have the time for self pity”.-Unknown
“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”-Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break records.”- Unknown
“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.”- Unknown
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”- Mark Twain
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”- Alexander Graham Bell
“Today I will do the things that other people won’t, so tomorrow I can do the things that other people can’t”
“We’ll operate with no excuses. There are no excuses. You succeed or you don’t.” -Unknown
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands at times of comfort and convenience, but at times of challenge and adversity.”-Unknown
”Why tip toe through life, to arrive safely at death? If you’re gonna be afraid to live, what’s the point?”-Unknown
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” –Theodore Roosevelt
“Nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”- Thomas Jefferson
“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.”-Napoleon Hill
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”-Dale Carnegie
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”-Michael Jordan
“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” -Muhammad Ali
“Falling down is how we grow, Staying down is how we die.” – Brian Vaszily
“When someone tells me something is impossible, all i hear is that he or she in particular cannot do it. If it can be thought, it can be done.” – Brian Vaszily
“What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” -Alexander Graham Bell
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
- Henry David Thoreau
“He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”
- Confucius
“If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it, then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful.”-Theodore Roosevelt
“Me personally, I believe that it’s only pain if you acknowledge it. If someone sees it as pain, I like to describe it as something that is unusual, out of place, or uncomfortable. You have to be all about being comfortable in uncomfortable situations. In the end, there’s work that has to be done. You don’t really have the time for self pity”.-Unknown
“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”-Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break records.”- Unknown
“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.”- Unknown
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”- Mark Twain
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”- Alexander Graham Bell
“Today I will do the things that other people won’t, so tomorrow I can do the things that other people can’t”
“We’ll operate with no excuses. There are no excuses. You succeed or you don’t.” -Unknown
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands at times of comfort and convenience, but at times of challenge and adversity.”-Unknown
”Why tip toe through life, to arrive safely at death? If you’re gonna be afraid to live, what’s the point?”-Unknown
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” –Theodore Roosevelt
“Nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”- Thomas Jefferson
“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.”-Napoleon Hill
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”-Dale Carnegie
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”-Michael Jordan
“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” -Muhammad Ali
“Falling down is how we grow, Staying down is how we die.” – Brian Vaszily
“When someone tells me something is impossible, all i hear is that he or she in particular cannot do it. If it can be thought, it can be done.” – Brian Vaszily
“What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” -Alexander Graham Bell
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
- Henry David Thoreau
“He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”
- Confucius
“If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it, then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful.”-Theodore Roosevelt
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Samsung SGH-A157
Step 1: Remove sim card from phone and turn the phone on.
Step 2: Dial *2767*3855# This will initiate a Full reset for Samsung A157
Step 3: Once the phone restarts, dial #*7337# This will remove sim lock and reset phone
Step 4: Now insert your sim card. and restart the phone.
Invictus. William Ernest Henley
En la noche que me envuelve, negra como un pozo insondable.
Doy gracias al dios que fuere por mi alma inconquistable
En las garras de las circunstancias no he gemido ni llorado
Ante las puñaladas del azar si bien he sangrado jamás me he postrado
Más allá de este lugar de ira y llantos acecha la oscuridad con su horror
No obstante la amenaza de los años me halla y me hallará sin temor
Ya no importa cuán recto haya sido el camino ni cuantos castigos lleve a la espalda
Soy el amo de mi destino
Soy el capitán de mi alma
Doy gracias al dios que fuere por mi alma inconquistable
En las garras de las circunstancias no he gemido ni llorado
Ante las puñaladas del azar si bien he sangrado jamás me he postrado
Más allá de este lugar de ira y llantos acecha la oscuridad con su horror
No obstante la amenaza de los años me halla y me hallará sin temor
Ya no importa cuán recto haya sido el camino ni cuantos castigos lleve a la espalda
Soy el amo de mi destino
Soy el capitán de mi alma
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Who can win quote
"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or the faster man. Sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can". Vince Lombardi.
Muhammad Ali giving an amazing speech
Ali Speech Transcript:
"When I retire from boxing, I really don't know. I'm gonna say something here that might make you all think. Life is not really long. Let's say the average person is 30 years old. If you're 30 years old, you're not but about 7 years old."
How can I prove it? Add up all the 7, 8, 9 hours you slept each night for 30 years. Last night when you went to bed and woke up this morning, you don't remember a thing. You've been unconscious for about 8 years if you're 30 years old.
How much traveling have you done in 30 years? You've probably spent two years of your life just traveling to get back and forth from where you're going. So there's 8 years of sleeping, two years of traveling, out of your 30 years of life before you accomplish anything.
How long do you sit in school? In America we sit in school from the 1st grade to the 12th grade, 6 hours per day. Break it down. You sit in a class room for about 3 years of your life without leaving.
So two years of traveling, 8 years of sleeping, 3 years of school, and how many movies have you gone to? How much entertainment? Probably two years of entertainment. And by the time you have children, by the time you've made a way for your children and you have a home, you're pushing 60 years old. So, life is real short. Add up all your sleeping, all your traveling, all your entertainment, all your school, and you've probably spent half your life doing nothing.
I'm 35 right now. In 30 years I'll be 65. We don't have much influence and can't do much of nothing at 65. Your wife will tell you that. And out of my next 30 years, I might have 16 years to be productive. So what am I going to do over the next 16 years? What's the most productive thing for me to do? Get ready to meet God.
Owning real estate. Getting rich in business. Teaching boxers. That won't get me to heaven. How many here believe there is a God that made the sun, the moon and the stars? So, what I'm gonna do when I get out of boxing, is to get myself ready to meet God.
It's a scary thing to think that I might be going to Hell and burn eternally forever. So when I get out of boxing, I'm going to do everything I can to help people. God doesn't praise me because I beat Joe Frazier. God don't give no care about England or America as far as our wealth. He wants to know how do we treat each other and how we help each other.
So, I'm going to dedicate my life to using my name and popularity to helping charities, helping people, uniting people. People are bombing each other because of religious beliefs. We need somebody in the world to help make peace. So when I die, if there's a Heaven, I want to see it."
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Photoshop express
1. Photoshop Express
Si quieres ver en detalle las posibilidades que ofrece, no te pierdas La Guía Definitiva de Photoshop Express en Español. En él te contamos con gran nivel de detalle todas y cada una de las funcionalidades que ofrece el producto.
Lo mejor:
- Resultados de gran calidad.
- Previsualización de los resultados antes de aplicarlos.
- Muy sencillo de usar.
Lo peor:
- Llamándose Photoshop se echa de menos las capas.
- Los ajustes son aplican en la totalidad de la fotografía.
- No hay herramientas de selección.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Alternative assessment
Alternative Assessment
Alternative assessment, often called authentic, comprehensive, or performance assessment, is usually designed by the teacher to gauge students' understanding of material. Examples of these measurements are open-ended questions, written compositions, oral presentations, projects, experiments, and portfolios of student work. Alternative assessments are designed so that the content of the assessment matches the content of the instruction.
Authentic assessment can include many of the following:- Observation
- Essays
- Interviews
- Performance tasks
- Exhibitions and demonstrations
- Portfolios
- Journals
- Teacher-created tests
- Rubrics
- Self- and peer-evaluation
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Pecho + Abdomen Mega Entrenamiento
Relentless. Tim Grover quotes.
-When people start broadcasting what they are going to do, and how great they are going to be when do it, it's a sure sign they are still trying to convince themselves.
-The loudest guy in the room is the one with the most to prove, and no way to prove it.
-A Cleaner has no need to announce his presence. You know he's there by the way he carries himself, always cool and confident. He's never the blowhard telling you how great he is. He is the quiet guy focused on results, because results are all that matter.
-Respect is not just about what you can do physically. You have to be able to perform intellectually and mentally as well. The way you conduct yourself in all areas of your life, your ability to show intelligence, and class and self-control... those are the things that separate you from the rest of the pack.
-Show up, work hard and listen.
-When the answer is no, a Cleaner says no. He doesn't soften it or wrap it in something pretty. No excuses and no explanation afterward. When the other guy sees you had some indecision, he is going to try to negotiate.
-Never running. Always walking. He leaves smoothly and on his own terms.
- A cleaner can lose a battle because he is still planning to win the war. Lose a game, but win the season. Lose the season, come back and win the next three. Lose a job, start a new business. No one else is getting the last word on whether he succeeded.
-The loudest guy in the room is the one with the most to prove, and no way to prove it.
-A Cleaner has no need to announce his presence. You know he's there by the way he carries himself, always cool and confident. He's never the blowhard telling you how great he is. He is the quiet guy focused on results, because results are all that matter.
-Respect is not just about what you can do physically. You have to be able to perform intellectually and mentally as well. The way you conduct yourself in all areas of your life, your ability to show intelligence, and class and self-control... those are the things that separate you from the rest of the pack.
-Show up, work hard and listen.
-When the answer is no, a Cleaner says no. He doesn't soften it or wrap it in something pretty. No excuses and no explanation afterward. When the other guy sees you had some indecision, he is going to try to negotiate.
-Never running. Always walking. He leaves smoothly and on his own terms.
- A cleaner can lose a battle because he is still planning to win the war. Lose a game, but win the season. Lose the season, come back and win the next three. Lose a job, start a new business. No one else is getting the last word on whether he succeeded.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Running to the sea. Royksopp
I could hear them howling from afar
I saw them rushing to your car
In a moment all went screaming wild
Until the darkness killed the light
I remember running to the sea
The burning houses and the trees
I remember running to the sea
Alone and blinded by the fear
And the river flows beneath your skin
Like savage horses kept within
And all is wasted in the sand
Like breaking diamonds with your hand
I remember running to the sea
Remember falling to my knees
I remember gliding off the shore
Until I touched the ocean floor
And the river flows beneath your skin
The savage horses kept within
And all is wasted in the sand
Like breaking diamonds with your hand
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
I saw them rushing to your car
In a moment all went screaming wild
Until the darkness killed the light
I remember running to the sea
The burning houses and the trees
I remember running to the sea
Alone and blinded by the fear
And the river flows beneath your skin
Like savage horses kept within
And all is wasted in the sand
Like breaking diamonds with your hand
I remember running to the sea
Remember falling to my knees
I remember gliding off the shore
Until I touched the ocean floor
And the river flows beneath your skin
The savage horses kept within
And all is wasted in the sand
Like breaking diamonds with your hand
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
And the river grows inside of me
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