Monday, October 26, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XIX
-When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator. Gandhi.
-A truly joyful and rewarding life come only through a process they called living in the now.
-Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Life for today. There will never be another one quite like it.
-You can have the life you deserve the very moment you start to understand that the path you are currently walking on is one rich with diamonds and other priceless treasures. Stop spending so much time chasing life's big pleasures while you neglect the little ones. Slow things down. Enjoy the beauty and sacredness of all that is around you. You owe this to yourself.
-Should I stop setting big goals for my future and concentrate on the present?
No. Goals and dreams for the future are essential elements in every truly successful life. Hope for what will appear in your future is what gets you out of bed in the morning and what keeps you inspired through your days. Goals energize your life. The point is never put off happiness for the sake of achievement. Never put off the things that are important for your well-being and satisfaction to a later time. Today is the day to live fully, not when you win the lottery or when you retire. Never put off living!
-Live your children childhood.
-A truly joyful and rewarding life come only through a process they called living in the now.
-Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Life for today. There will never be another one quite like it.
-You can have the life you deserve the very moment you start to understand that the path you are currently walking on is one rich with diamonds and other priceless treasures. Stop spending so much time chasing life's big pleasures while you neglect the little ones. Slow things down. Enjoy the beauty and sacredness of all that is around you. You owe this to yourself.
-Should I stop setting big goals for my future and concentrate on the present?
No. Goals and dreams for the future are essential elements in every truly successful life. Hope for what will appear in your future is what gets you out of bed in the morning and what keeps you inspired through your days. Goals energize your life. The point is never put off happiness for the sake of achievement. Never put off the things that are important for your well-being and satisfaction to a later time. Today is the day to live fully, not when you win the lottery or when you retire. Never put off living!
-Live your children childhood.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XVIII
-The quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution.
-When you take care to practice random acts of kindness daily, you own life becomes far richer and more meaningful. To cultivate the sacredness and sanctity of each day, serve others in some way.
-Your life moves to a more magical dimension when you start striving to make the world a better place.
-We should live our lives in such a way that when we die, the world cries while we are rejoicing.
-Compassion and daily acts of kindness make life far richer. Take the time to meditate every morning on the good you will do for others during your day. The sincere words of praise to those who least expect it, the gestures of warmth offered to friends in need, the small tokens of affection to members of your family for no reason at all, all add up to a much more wonderful way to live.
-Friends add humor; fascination and beauty to life. There are few things more rejuvenating than sharing a belly-bursting laugh with an old friend. Friends keep you humble when you get too self-righteous. Friends make you smile when you are taking yourself too seriously. Good friend are there to help you when life throws one of its little curves at you and things look worse than they seem.
-Regret is not an activity for which I have any time. Every dawn is a new day to the one who is enlightened.
-When you take care to practice random acts of kindness daily, you own life becomes far richer and more meaningful. To cultivate the sacredness and sanctity of each day, serve others in some way.
-Your life moves to a more magical dimension when you start striving to make the world a better place.
-We should live our lives in such a way that when we die, the world cries while we are rejoicing.
-Compassion and daily acts of kindness make life far richer. Take the time to meditate every morning on the good you will do for others during your day. The sincere words of praise to those who least expect it, the gestures of warmth offered to friends in need, the small tokens of affection to members of your family for no reason at all, all add up to a much more wonderful way to live.
-Friends add humor; fascination and beauty to life. There are few things more rejuvenating than sharing a belly-bursting laugh with an old friend. Friends keep you humble when you get too self-righteous. Friends make you smile when you are taking yourself too seriously. Good friend are there to help you when life throws one of its little curves at you and things look worse than they seem.
-Regret is not an activity for which I have any time. Every dawn is a new day to the one who is enlightened.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XVII
-The most productive people in this world have cultivated the habit of doing the things that less productive people don't like doing, even though they too might not like doing them.
-Those who are masters of their time live simple lives. Lasting happiness could be reached only by those who were effective and set definite aims for themselves, living a life rich with accomplishment and contribution did not have to come through the sacrifice of peace of mind.
-Too many people are dreaming of some magical rose garden on the horizon rather than enjoying the one growing in our back yards.
-Laughter opens your heart and soothes your soul. No one should take life so seriously that they forget to laugh at themselves.
-The best time to plant a tree is was forty years ago. The second best time is today. Don't waste even on minute of your day. Develop a deathbed mentality.
-Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Expand your dreams. Don't accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness. This is your birthright.
-Act as if failure is impossible, and your success will be assured.
-Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives, whether they are material or spiritual and set no limits on the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same.
-We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
-I'm no longer in the world. The world is in me.
-No matter how big a house you have or how slick a car you drive, the only thing you can take with you at the end of your life is your conscience. Listen to your conscience. Let it guide you. It knows what is right. It will tell you that your calling in life is ultimately selfless service to others in some form or another.
-Those who are masters of their time live simple lives. Lasting happiness could be reached only by those who were effective and set definite aims for themselves, living a life rich with accomplishment and contribution did not have to come through the sacrifice of peace of mind.
-Too many people are dreaming of some magical rose garden on the horizon rather than enjoying the one growing in our back yards.
-Laughter opens your heart and soothes your soul. No one should take life so seriously that they forget to laugh at themselves.
-The best time to plant a tree is was forty years ago. The second best time is today. Don't waste even on minute of your day. Develop a deathbed mentality.
-Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Expand your dreams. Don't accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness. This is your birthright.
-Act as if failure is impossible, and your success will be assured.
-Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives, whether they are material or spiritual and set no limits on the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same.
-We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
-I'm no longer in the world. The world is in me.
-No matter how big a house you have or how slick a car you drive, the only thing you can take with you at the end of your life is your conscience. Listen to your conscience. Let it guide you. It knows what is right. It will tell you that your calling in life is ultimately selfless service to others in some form or another.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XVI
-By the time most people figure out what they really want and how to go about attaining it, it's usually too late..
-If youth only knew, if age only could.
-Maybe it is all the pain you suffered in your former life that has allowed you to embrace our wisdom with such an open heart.
-Time is the great leveller. We all have been allotted days with only twenty four hours.
-It is the busiest people who have time to spare.
-Why are you so rigidly bound to convention? Why do you feel that you have to do things the same way as everyone else? Run your own race.
-Have the discipline to focus your time around your priorities. The most meaningful things in your life should never be sacrificed to those that are the least meaningful.
-Time spent enriching your non-work hours is never a waste.
-The way you act at home affects the way you act at work. The way you treat people at the office affects the way you will treat your family and friends.
-Eighty percent of the results you achieve in your life come from only twenty percent of the activities that occupy your time. Out of all of the hundreds of activities you give your time to, only twenty percent of those will yield real, lasting results. Only twenty percent of what you do will have an influence on the quality of your life. These are the high-impact activities.
-Direct all of your time to those activities that count. Enlightened people are priority driven.
-Don't let others steal your time. Be wary of time thieves. You must be ruthless with your time. Learn to say no. having the courage to say no to the little things in life will give you the power to say yes to the big things.
-Ironically, people will respect you more when they see that you are a person who values this time.
-If youth only knew, if age only could.
-Maybe it is all the pain you suffered in your former life that has allowed you to embrace our wisdom with such an open heart.
-Time is the great leveller. We all have been allotted days with only twenty four hours.
-It is the busiest people who have time to spare.
-Why are you so rigidly bound to convention? Why do you feel that you have to do things the same way as everyone else? Run your own race.
-Have the discipline to focus your time around your priorities. The most meaningful things in your life should never be sacrificed to those that are the least meaningful.
-Time spent enriching your non-work hours is never a waste.
-The way you act at home affects the way you act at work. The way you treat people at the office affects the way you will treat your family and friends.
-Eighty percent of the results you achieve in your life come from only twenty percent of the activities that occupy your time. Out of all of the hundreds of activities you give your time to, only twenty percent of those will yield real, lasting results. Only twenty percent of what you do will have an influence on the quality of your life. These are the high-impact activities.
-Direct all of your time to those activities that count. Enlightened people are priority driven.
-Don't let others steal your time. Be wary of time thieves. You must be ruthless with your time. Learn to say no. having the courage to say no to the little things in life will give you the power to say yes to the big things.
-Ironically, people will respect you more when they see that you are a person who values this time.
Friday, October 2, 2015
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XV
-Instead of being a slave of your habits, you challenge them with more powerful thoughts.
-Positive always overcomes negative.
-Thoughts are physical things and fully in your control. When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you control your life. And once you reach the stage of being in total control of your life, you become the master of your destiny.
-Complacency kills.
-Words are the verbal embodiment of power. By filling your mind with words of hope, you become hopeful. By filling your mind with words of kindness, you become kind. By filling your mind with thoughts of courage, you become courageous. Words have power.
-I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests inside me.
-Creative envisioning: picture yourself acting as Gandhi or Mother Theresa might act in a challenging situation.
-Start doing the things that you don't like doing. By getting into the habit of exerting your will, you will cease to be a slave to your weaker impulses.
-You have the power to be more than your environment. Similarly you have the capacity to be more than a prisoner of your past. To do this, you must become the master of your will.
-Keep setting the mark higher and raising your standards continuously.
-Momentum is also the secret ingredient to building self-discipline.
-Positive always overcomes negative.
-Thoughts are physical things and fully in your control. When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you control your life. And once you reach the stage of being in total control of your life, you become the master of your destiny.
-Complacency kills.
-Words are the verbal embodiment of power. By filling your mind with words of hope, you become hopeful. By filling your mind with words of kindness, you become kind. By filling your mind with thoughts of courage, you become courageous. Words have power.
-I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests inside me.
-Creative envisioning: picture yourself acting as Gandhi or Mother Theresa might act in a challenging situation.
-Start doing the things that you don't like doing. By getting into the habit of exerting your will, you will cease to be a slave to your weaker impulses.
-You have the power to be more than your environment. Similarly you have the capacity to be more than a prisoner of your past. To do this, you must become the master of your will.
-Keep setting the mark higher and raising your standards continuously.
-Momentum is also the secret ingredient to building self-discipline.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XIV
-Sure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strengths; that its pangs and toils are not beyond my endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and and unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us. Winston Churchill
-The virtue of self-discipline is like a wire cable.
-When you continually practice the ancient art of self-government, there will be no hurdle too high for your to overcome, no challenge too tough for you to surmount and no crisis too hot for you to cool down. Self-discipline will provide you with the mental reserves required to persevere when life throws you one of its little curves.
-An abundance of willpower and discipline is one of the chief attributes of all those with strong characters and wonderful lives.
-Willpower allows you to do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it. It is willpower that allows you to get up at five in the morning to cultivate your mind through meditation, or to feed your spirit by a walk in the woods when a cozy bed beckons you on a cold winter's day. It is willpower that allows you to hold your tongue when a less-actualized person insults you or does something you disagree with. It is willpower that pushes your dreams forward when the odds appear to be insurmountable. It is willpower that offers you the inner power to keep your commitments to others, and, perhaps even more importantly, to yourself.
-It was one of the greatest,and saddest nights of my life.
-Through the steel of discipline, you will forge a character rich with courage and peace. Through the virtue of will, you are destined to rise to life's highest ideal and live within a heavenly mansion filled with all that is good, joyful and vital. Without them, you are lost like a mariner without a compass, one who eventually sinks with his ship.
-Truly enlightened people never seek to be like others. Rather, they seek to be superior to their former selves. Don't race against others. Race against yourself.
-When you have self-control, you will have the resolve to do the things you have always wanted to do.
-Building self-control and discipline into your life will also bring you a tremendous sense of freedom. -Developing the power of your will can erase the worry habit, keep you healthy and give you far more energy than you ever had.
-Self-control is really nothing more than mind control.
-Will is the king of mental powers. When you master your mind you master your life. Mental mastery starts with being able to control every thought that you think. When you have developed the ability to discard all weak thoughts and focus only on those that are positive and good, positive and good actions will follow.
-The virtue of self-discipline is like a wire cable.
-When you continually practice the ancient art of self-government, there will be no hurdle too high for your to overcome, no challenge too tough for you to surmount and no crisis too hot for you to cool down. Self-discipline will provide you with the mental reserves required to persevere when life throws you one of its little curves.
-An abundance of willpower and discipline is one of the chief attributes of all those with strong characters and wonderful lives.
-Willpower allows you to do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it. It is willpower that allows you to get up at five in the morning to cultivate your mind through meditation, or to feed your spirit by a walk in the woods when a cozy bed beckons you on a cold winter's day. It is willpower that allows you to hold your tongue when a less-actualized person insults you or does something you disagree with. It is willpower that pushes your dreams forward when the odds appear to be insurmountable. It is willpower that offers you the inner power to keep your commitments to others, and, perhaps even more importantly, to yourself.
-It was one of the greatest,and saddest nights of my life.
-Through the steel of discipline, you will forge a character rich with courage and peace. Through the virtue of will, you are destined to rise to life's highest ideal and live within a heavenly mansion filled with all that is good, joyful and vital. Without them, you are lost like a mariner without a compass, one who eventually sinks with his ship.
-Truly enlightened people never seek to be like others. Rather, they seek to be superior to their former selves. Don't race against others. Race against yourself.
-When you have self-control, you will have the resolve to do the things you have always wanted to do.
-Building self-control and discipline into your life will also bring you a tremendous sense of freedom. -Developing the power of your will can erase the worry habit, keep you healthy and give you far more energy than you ever had.
-Self-control is really nothing more than mind control.
-Will is the king of mental powers. When you master your mind you master your life. Mental mastery starts with being able to control every thought that you think. When you have developed the ability to discard all weak thoughts and focus only on those that are positive and good, positive and good actions will follow.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XIII. Last 5 Rituals of Radiant Living
6. The Ritual of Early Awakening.
Rise with the sun and start the day off well. Most of us sleep far more than we need to. The average person can get by on six hours and remain perfectly healthy and alert. Sleep is really nothing more than a habit and like any other habit, you can train yourself to achieve the result you want: sleeping less in this case.
Pain is the precursor to personal growth. Don't dread it. Instead, embrace it.
Nothing to extremes, everything in moderation.
There are few things more natural than rising with the glory of the first rays of a new day.
Get up early, every day.
It is the quality and not the quantity of sleep that is important. The better the sleep, the less I will need.
The ten minute period before you sleep and the ten minute period after you wake up are profoundly influential on your subconscious mind. Only the most inspiring and serene thoughts should be programmed into your mind at those times.
The Ancient Rule of Twenty one: if you do anything for twenty one days in a row, it will be installed as a habit.
Laughing is medicine for the soul. We don't laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.
What would I do today if today was my last?
7. The Ritual of Music.
Spend a little time with music every day, even if it is listening to a soft piece on a cassette while you drive to work. Music is one of the finest motivators I know of.
8. The Ritual of the Spoken World.
Affirm all that is good in your world through mantras.
If your self-image is one of a person who lacks the confidence to do anything of value, you will only be able to take actions which are aligned with this trait. On the other hand, if your self-image is one of a radiant individual who is fearless, again, all your actions will correspond to this quality. Your self-image is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
You can change your self-image. When you change your inner world, you change your outer world.
9. The Ritual of a Congruent Character.
This ritual requires you to toke daily, incremental action to build your character.
Strengthening your character affects the way you see yourself and the actions you take. The actions you take come together to form your habits and, your habits lead you to your destiny.
You sow a thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your destiny.
A virtuous life was a meaningful life.
Live in a manner congruent to these principles: industry, compassion, humility, patience, honesty and courage.
Do the right things. Act in a way that is congruent with your true character. Act with integrity. Be guided by your heart. The rest will take care of itself. You are never alone.
10. The Ritual of Simplicity.
Live a simple life. Focus only on your priorities, those activities which are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful.
Reduce your needs. Unless you reduce your needs, you will never be fulfilled. You will always want more than you have. How can you ever be happy?
Lifelong happiness does come through striving to realize your dreams. You are at your best when you are moving forward. The key is not to make your happiness contingent on finding that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
True life change is spontaneous. The very moment you decide from the deepest core of your being that you will raise your life to its highest level, in that instant, you will be a changed person, one set on the course of this destiny.
Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things around you come from the same source. We are all one.
Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe. When you nourish your own mind and you own spirit, you are really feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And you have the courage to advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of the universe. Life gives you what you ask of it. It is always listening.
Failure is not having the courage to try. The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. Never fear failure. Failure is your friend. The universe favors the brave.
Everyone's destiny is laid out for them at birth. This path always leads to a magical place filled with magnificent treasures. It is up to each individual to develop the courage to walk this way.
Always be brave. Stand your ground and follow your dreams. They will lead you to your destiny. Follow your destiny, it will lead into the wonders of the universe. And always follow the wonders of the universe, for they will lead you to a special garden filled with roses.
Rise with the sun and start the day off well. Most of us sleep far more than we need to. The average person can get by on six hours and remain perfectly healthy and alert. Sleep is really nothing more than a habit and like any other habit, you can train yourself to achieve the result you want: sleeping less in this case.
Pain is the precursor to personal growth. Don't dread it. Instead, embrace it.
Nothing to extremes, everything in moderation.
There are few things more natural than rising with the glory of the first rays of a new day.
Get up early, every day.
It is the quality and not the quantity of sleep that is important. The better the sleep, the less I will need.
The ten minute period before you sleep and the ten minute period after you wake up are profoundly influential on your subconscious mind. Only the most inspiring and serene thoughts should be programmed into your mind at those times.
The Ancient Rule of Twenty one: if you do anything for twenty one days in a row, it will be installed as a habit.
Laughing is medicine for the soul. We don't laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.
What would I do today if today was my last?
7. The Ritual of Music.
Spend a little time with music every day, even if it is listening to a soft piece on a cassette while you drive to work. Music is one of the finest motivators I know of.
8. The Ritual of the Spoken World.
Affirm all that is good in your world through mantras.
If your self-image is one of a person who lacks the confidence to do anything of value, you will only be able to take actions which are aligned with this trait. On the other hand, if your self-image is one of a radiant individual who is fearless, again, all your actions will correspond to this quality. Your self-image is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
You can change your self-image. When you change your inner world, you change your outer world.
9. The Ritual of a Congruent Character.
This ritual requires you to toke daily, incremental action to build your character.
Strengthening your character affects the way you see yourself and the actions you take. The actions you take come together to form your habits and, your habits lead you to your destiny.
You sow a thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your destiny.
A virtuous life was a meaningful life.
Live in a manner congruent to these principles: industry, compassion, humility, patience, honesty and courage.
Do the right things. Act in a way that is congruent with your true character. Act with integrity. Be guided by your heart. The rest will take care of itself. You are never alone.
10. The Ritual of Simplicity.
Live a simple life. Focus only on your priorities, those activities which are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful.
Reduce your needs. Unless you reduce your needs, you will never be fulfilled. You will always want more than you have. How can you ever be happy?
Lifelong happiness does come through striving to realize your dreams. You are at your best when you are moving forward. The key is not to make your happiness contingent on finding that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
True life change is spontaneous. The very moment you decide from the deepest core of your being that you will raise your life to its highest level, in that instant, you will be a changed person, one set on the course of this destiny.
Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things around you come from the same source. We are all one.
Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe. When you nourish your own mind and you own spirit, you are really feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And you have the courage to advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of the universe. Life gives you what you ask of it. It is always listening.
Failure is not having the courage to try. The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. Never fear failure. Failure is your friend. The universe favors the brave.
Everyone's destiny is laid out for them at birth. This path always leads to a magical place filled with magnificent treasures. It is up to each individual to develop the courage to walk this way.
Always be brave. Stand your ground and follow your dreams. They will lead you to your destiny. Follow your destiny, it will lead into the wonders of the universe. And always follow the wonders of the universe, for they will lead you to a special garden filled with roses.
The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes XII. First five Rituals of Radiant Living
-The Ten Rituals of Radiant Living:
1. The Ritual of Solitude (Mandatory period of peace).
Solitude and quiet connects you to your creative source and releases the limitless intelligence of the Universe.
Positive life habits inevitably guide you to your destiny.
Commune with nature daily.
2. The Ritual of Physicality.
As you care for the body so you care for the mind.
3. The Ritual of Live Nourishment.
Live foods. Feel your plate with fresh vegetables, fruits and grains.
4. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge.
Read regularly. Do not read just anything. It must be immensely nourishing: philosophical literature, biographies, etc.
To truly get the best out of a great boo, you must study it, not just read it.
Every answer to every problem you have ever faced is in print. All the mistakes you will ever make in your life have already been made by those that have walked before you. Do you really think that the challenges you are facing are unique to you? Read the right books.
It is not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching. It is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life. Books simply help you to see what is already within yourself.
5. The Ritual of Personal Reflection.
Inner contemplation. Get into the regular habit of personal introspection.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. But there is something very wrong with making the same mistakes over and over again, day in and day out. This shows a complete lack of self-awareness.
1. The Ritual of Solitude (Mandatory period of peace).
Solitude and quiet connects you to your creative source and releases the limitless intelligence of the Universe.
Positive life habits inevitably guide you to your destiny.
Commune with nature daily.
2. The Ritual of Physicality.
As you care for the body so you care for the mind.
3. The Ritual of Live Nourishment.
Live foods. Feel your plate with fresh vegetables, fruits and grains.
4. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge.
Read regularly. Do not read just anything. It must be immensely nourishing: philosophical literature, biographies, etc.
To truly get the best out of a great boo, you must study it, not just read it.
Every answer to every problem you have ever faced is in print. All the mistakes you will ever make in your life have already been made by those that have walked before you. Do you really think that the challenges you are facing are unique to you? Read the right books.
It is not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching. It is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life. Books simply help you to see what is already within yourself.
5. The Ritual of Personal Reflection.
Inner contemplation. Get into the regular habit of personal introspection.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. But there is something very wrong with making the same mistakes over and over again, day in and day out. This shows a complete lack of self-awareness.
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