-The tumultuous period of adolescence is when values and priorities are forged, meaning and purpose are discovered, and an inner compass is honed. this critical work of crafting the self helps the teen determine how to engage with the world.
-Spirituality si the most robust protective factor against the big three dangers of adolescence: depression, substance abuse, and risk taking.
-Spiritual individuation is the adolescent's drive to find deeper personal meaning and purpose, in himself and in life.
-The process of spiritual awakening is triggered by puberty, literally ignited in the brain by the same rush of hormones that trigger sexual growth.
-Family, school, community, and personal choices of the adolescent create the environment that shapes the adolescent brain.
-When head and heart are connected, there is a resource, a guiding inner voice, that helps answer the questions and can actively respond to help the teen resist temptation.
-The emerging picture from research is clear: the brain's front-back connectivity is critical in helping adolescents process their experiences and feelings, modulate impulses, and make good decisions that are informed by head and heart.
-Severed spirituality occurs when transcendence is not infused into the developmental process of adolescence. The foundation is built withouth the strength, connection and direction of spirituality. If we have severed the spirit during groundlaying work, the house is colder, darker, and less sure. The structural integrity is compromised.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes VII
-What comes around, goes around karma.
-Dreams, mystical experiences, and more common spiritual experiences are sources of direct knowing, direct, authentic, and uncommanded experience, that invite connection between a child's head and heart knowing.
-How can we keep those neural connections of unitive empathy strong? Language, our own actions, and love are our most powerful tools.
-The child of four through six or seven years old still feels others' suffering directly, not as if they know what it's like, but as their own.
-The conversation about spiritual values isn't a conversation that should be segregated from the rest of a child's learning experience.
-If you encourage your child's natural spiritual assets, trusting heart kwowing and validating direct transcendent experience; encouraging natural love of nature, of spiritual ritual and prayer and right action, and the sense of family as special, these assets will develop into spiritual strengths with lfelong benefits.
-Simple parental attention is more than simply supportive.
-A child's inner life is an instrument of spiritual knowing, a trustworthy inner compass that aligns itself for health, and orients toward the truth and spiritual values.
-Young children experience parents as omniscient beings, loving and protective.
-Sports teams tap into kids' hardwired spiritual values: for selfless commitment, collective practice, ritual, play, and higher purpose.
-All people of genuine, loving spiritual nature share a fundamental sense of goodness in how they view others and the world we share.
-If you can stand up for yourself and others on the playground, you are solid.
-Our values dictate how we play.
-Dreams offer a deeper developmental narrative of the transition, helping the child take just one step beyond. This is what a dream does: it illuminates our path.
-Dreams, mystical experiences, and more common spiritual experiences are sources of direct knowing, direct, authentic, and uncommanded experience, that invite connection between a child's head and heart knowing.
-How can we keep those neural connections of unitive empathy strong? Language, our own actions, and love are our most powerful tools.
-The child of four through six or seven years old still feels others' suffering directly, not as if they know what it's like, but as their own.
-The conversation about spiritual values isn't a conversation that should be segregated from the rest of a child's learning experience.
-If you encourage your child's natural spiritual assets, trusting heart kwowing and validating direct transcendent experience; encouraging natural love of nature, of spiritual ritual and prayer and right action, and the sense of family as special, these assets will develop into spiritual strengths with lfelong benefits.
-Simple parental attention is more than simply supportive.
-A child's inner life is an instrument of spiritual knowing, a trustworthy inner compass that aligns itself for health, and orients toward the truth and spiritual values.
-Young children experience parents as omniscient beings, loving and protective.
-Sports teams tap into kids' hardwired spiritual values: for selfless commitment, collective practice, ritual, play, and higher purpose.
-All people of genuine, loving spiritual nature share a fundamental sense of goodness in how they view others and the world we share.
-If you can stand up for yourself and others on the playground, you are solid.
-Our values dictate how we play.
-Dreams offer a deeper developmental narrative of the transition, helping the child take just one step beyond. This is what a dream does: it illuminates our path.
The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes VI
-When we live authentically in an affirmative space of inspiration, events unfold in the realm of miracles.
-Love grows exponentially. You put a little bit of love and you get twice as much back.
-Suffering is lighter when we are bonded together.
-Don't stop with people: include pets or wildlife, and all aspects of nature. This can make a lovely bedtime ritual, a nightly remembering of all the love and support that exists for your child, from Mom and Dad and siblings to family far and near, naming each one and, especially for those who live far away, naming where they live to help your child feel their presence. For those who have passed on, you can say loved you even before you were born and still do.
-Family is sacred.
-Many religious traditions hold that family members are purposefully brought together to share life lessons and help each other grow.
-We can notice one another first and foremost as souls on earth rather than the label we might assign in a judging way: the smart one, etc.
-Family models our core humanity.
-When we como from a place of love and acceptance, then suddenly other people are worthy, not weird.
-Express thanks for the gift of the day and the many ways those gifts present themselves.
-There was not disadvantage in mental health between those children who had been left behind and those who lived with both parents. The love and support that the children needed to flourish was sufficient from any committed loving source.
-Cynical people have a higher likelihood of developing dementia: cynicism appears to be neuro-degenerative for the long term.
-We don't make our child spiritual at all. We cultivate their spirituality when we recognize the field of love as ground and guide for spiritual parenting. We set our intention to make our home environment and communities, our actions and expectations, and our ways of interacting with one another to be consistent with spiritual values.
-Love grows exponentially. You put a little bit of love and you get twice as much back.
-Suffering is lighter when we are bonded together.
-Don't stop with people: include pets or wildlife, and all aspects of nature. This can make a lovely bedtime ritual, a nightly remembering of all the love and support that exists for your child, from Mom and Dad and siblings to family far and near, naming each one and, especially for those who live far away, naming where they live to help your child feel their presence. For those who have passed on, you can say loved you even before you were born and still do.
-Family is sacred.
-Many religious traditions hold that family members are purposefully brought together to share life lessons and help each other grow.
-We can notice one another first and foremost as souls on earth rather than the label we might assign in a judging way: the smart one, etc.
-Family models our core humanity.
-When we como from a place of love and acceptance, then suddenly other people are worthy, not weird.
-Express thanks for the gift of the day and the many ways those gifts present themselves.
-There was not disadvantage in mental health between those children who had been left behind and those who lived with both parents. The love and support that the children needed to flourish was sufficient from any committed loving source.
-Cynical people have a higher likelihood of developing dementia: cynicism appears to be neuro-degenerative for the long term.
-We don't make our child spiritual at all. We cultivate their spirituality when we recognize the field of love as ground and guide for spiritual parenting. We set our intention to make our home environment and communities, our actions and expectations, and our ways of interacting with one another to be consistent with spiritual values.
The Spiritual Child. Quotes V
-Practices to improve mindfulness are effective in calming emotions, focusing attention and relieving anxiety.
-Focus and attention in children are cultivated in long silences and introspective moments.
-Children and teens need time to watch the bee and sit with the tree, let their minds wander and wonder.
-By allowing and cultivating peaceful moments, we encourage mindfulness.
-If we build our positive assets, we have a far-enhanced inner landscape through which to relate and ultimately thrive in the world.
-Child and parent are attuned to one another, both as senders and receivers, well beyond physical sight, sound, or touch. This phenomenon is the unitive state, a shared experience between child and parent.
-The child's pure happiness for the assembled relatives may reawaken us to the joyousness of having a family beyond the petty concerns or unfortunate wrinkles of the past. Like a family assembled, together we are more than the sum of our parts.
-The child is born whole. This new soul arrives with spirituality intact. The developmental work of childhood and then adolescence is to integrate this natural spirituality into the changing capacities of cognitive, social, emotional, moral, and physical growth.
-We can raise strong souls.
-Long, loving silences let the connection flow.
-In a world of sometimes shocking mixed messages, parents intuitively try to create a home in which values cultivate a deeper and more resonant life, one with higher meaning and purpose.
-Spiritual presence, guidance, and values can come from extended family, close friends, psychologists, youth workers and clergy, coaches, and educators. Each of these important adults has a personal choice to decide to be a spiritual presence and model of love.
-Trascendence is prominent in the positive experiences of compassion, forgiveness, hope, and joy that we share with one another.
-We do not need to be perfectly on the mark each day, but the field can become and ever present statement of how we aim to live as family and who we are as family.
-When we lean into the goal of being a collective field of love, things change.
-The field of love is in us, and in the space between us, made up of love so strong that it feels almost physical to the touch.
-Focus and attention in children are cultivated in long silences and introspective moments.
-Children and teens need time to watch the bee and sit with the tree, let their minds wander and wonder.
-By allowing and cultivating peaceful moments, we encourage mindfulness.
-If we build our positive assets, we have a far-enhanced inner landscape through which to relate and ultimately thrive in the world.
-Child and parent are attuned to one another, both as senders and receivers, well beyond physical sight, sound, or touch. This phenomenon is the unitive state, a shared experience between child and parent.
-The child's pure happiness for the assembled relatives may reawaken us to the joyousness of having a family beyond the petty concerns or unfortunate wrinkles of the past. Like a family assembled, together we are more than the sum of our parts.
-The child is born whole. This new soul arrives with spirituality intact. The developmental work of childhood and then adolescence is to integrate this natural spirituality into the changing capacities of cognitive, social, emotional, moral, and physical growth.
-We can raise strong souls.
-Long, loving silences let the connection flow.
-In a world of sometimes shocking mixed messages, parents intuitively try to create a home in which values cultivate a deeper and more resonant life, one with higher meaning and purpose.
-Spiritual presence, guidance, and values can come from extended family, close friends, psychologists, youth workers and clergy, coaches, and educators. Each of these important adults has a personal choice to decide to be a spiritual presence and model of love.
-Trascendence is prominent in the positive experiences of compassion, forgiveness, hope, and joy that we share with one another.
-We do not need to be perfectly on the mark each day, but the field can become and ever present statement of how we aim to live as family and who we are as family.
-When we lean into the goal of being a collective field of love, things change.
-The field of love is in us, and in the space between us, made up of love so strong that it feels almost physical to the touch.
The Spiritual Child. Quotes IV
-Spirituality in adulthood was linked to less suffering in life, less depression and substance abuse, higher rates of recovery from physical illness, and even a longer life span.
-A key factor in thriving has to do with the habits of living, particularly around relationships, that we establish in childhood.
-These daily ways of living are so much a part of our family culture and conversation that we absorb them like a sponge.
-Regardless of race, ethnicity, or apparent material wealth, some people shone with a brightness of warmth and kindness, with radiant eyes and expressions, while others were visibly downcast and burdened. I came to think of this brightness as a sign that, spiritually, the light is on.
-Spirituality is not found in the mother or the youth alone but in the nod: the passage from parent to child or grandparent to grandchild.
-The parent is an ambassador of transcendence, the guide on the ground who introduces a child to the spiritually attuned life.
-Everyone is born with an inherent spirituality, a natural sense of trascendence.
-The power of the nod was illuminated for me by the compassionate grandmother and granddaughter royal couple on the subway that Sunday twenty years ago.
-I am very spiritual. Why? Because my father just really, really loved me. I mean he absolutely adored me. The way that his love felt, I now feel a similar feeling, it's that feeling, from God.
-The way a baby looks at you, and especially your own baby... they look at you with this sense of you are my everything, and that is amazing.
-Babies bring out the best in us.
-Parents are perceived as generally carrying divine qualities.
-The natural long term developmental trajectory of the brain is toward enligthment. This path is only disturbed by our contemporary culture putting spirituality on the back shelf.
-The deeply soulful presence of a newborn or youngster grabs our attention, shows us the realm of human possibility, and perhaps jolts us into remembering a bigger reality from our own childhood. They show us our true spiritual nature.
-A key factor in thriving has to do with the habits of living, particularly around relationships, that we establish in childhood.
-These daily ways of living are so much a part of our family culture and conversation that we absorb them like a sponge.
-Regardless of race, ethnicity, or apparent material wealth, some people shone with a brightness of warmth and kindness, with radiant eyes and expressions, while others were visibly downcast and burdened. I came to think of this brightness as a sign that, spiritually, the light is on.
-Spirituality is not found in the mother or the youth alone but in the nod: the passage from parent to child or grandparent to grandchild.
-The parent is an ambassador of transcendence, the guide on the ground who introduces a child to the spiritually attuned life.
-Everyone is born with an inherent spirituality, a natural sense of trascendence.
-The power of the nod was illuminated for me by the compassionate grandmother and granddaughter royal couple on the subway that Sunday twenty years ago.
-I am very spiritual. Why? Because my father just really, really loved me. I mean he absolutely adored me. The way that his love felt, I now feel a similar feeling, it's that feeling, from God.
-The way a baby looks at you, and especially your own baby... they look at you with this sense of you are my everything, and that is amazing.
-Babies bring out the best in us.
-Parents are perceived as generally carrying divine qualities.
-The natural long term developmental trajectory of the brain is toward enligthment. This path is only disturbed by our contemporary culture putting spirituality on the back shelf.
-The deeply soulful presence of a newborn or youngster grabs our attention, shows us the realm of human possibility, and perhaps jolts us into remembering a bigger reality from our own childhood. They show us our true spiritual nature.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Solomon Grey - Home (official audio)
Follow you home
How could I ever live without you
Follow you home
Until the witch grey I could never let you go
And you're free
And you're free
Just follow you home
I'll take you back to where we used to live
Thankfully now
These times will never go away again
And you're free
And you're free
Just watch you go out
Monday, August 12, 2019
Geoffroy - Raised By Wolves (Official Video)
I was lost now I'm found,
I'm sustained by the sound,
Of the angels singing me to sleep,
While my feet are leaving the ground,
Am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead?
A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head
I'm sustained by the sound,
Of the angels singing me to sleep,
While my feet are leaving the ground,
Am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead?
A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head
I'm insane, I am smart,
All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions,
And do what I do best to your heart,
Don't be fooled I was raised by the wolves,
Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't play by the rules
All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions,
And do what I do best to your heart,
Don't be fooled I was raised by the wolves,
Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't play by the rules
I will never spill
(spill my blood for you)
You have let me down
(one too many times)
Someway somehow, we've fallen out,
Caught in between my enemies,
No way not now, I won't back down,
I draw the line at you and me,
Your what I started, now disregarded,
One day they'll see, it was always me
(spill my blood for you)
You have let me down
(one too many times)
Someway somehow, we've fallen out,
Caught in between my enemies,
No way not now, I won't back down,
I draw the line at you and me,
Your what I started, now disregarded,
One day they'll see, it was always me
Due to mistakes, I have made to the state,
Friday, August 9, 2019
The Spiritual Child. Quotes III
-What makes us spiritual is our awareness that our lives, our relationships, and the natural world both seen and unseen are filled with an ultimate presence.
-Is it the case that good guys tend to be spiritual? Yes.
-People with greater hunger and pursuit of spiritual transcendence were viewed by other people as more self-actualized, emotionally balanced, and delighted in living.
-From early adolescence to emerging adulthood, we live through the most intense surge into spiritual arrival.
-How can we help support and encourage natural spirituality?
-Spiritual development foundational to adolescent development, and if it is not supported, we often see other failed attempts to achieve direction, connection, and a sense of transcendence and inner peace, through substance abuse, risk taking, and casual sex.
-With spiritual growth also come the positive psychology assets shown to accompany spirituality: thriving, optimism, grit, and the relational assets of forgiveness, intimacy, and commitment.
-Another way to conceptualize this idea is to imagine a view high above ourselves and our situation, looking down and through and in; this view from the mountaintop is the view by the higher self, or observing eye.
-When we meditate, we feel less revved up for fight or flight.
-We can see the broad and pervasive positive effects of seeing life from the seat of the higher self, which is filled with the clarity, perspective, and wisdom of the knower.
-A state of craving in our inner life means we never feel satisfied.
-When participants shift their mind to the transcendent relationship, there is a cessation of blood flow in the region of the brain associated with craving.
-Is it the case that good guys tend to be spiritual? Yes.
-People with greater hunger and pursuit of spiritual transcendence were viewed by other people as more self-actualized, emotionally balanced, and delighted in living.
-From early adolescence to emerging adulthood, we live through the most intense surge into spiritual arrival.
-How can we help support and encourage natural spirituality?
-Spiritual development foundational to adolescent development, and if it is not supported, we often see other failed attempts to achieve direction, connection, and a sense of transcendence and inner peace, through substance abuse, risk taking, and casual sex.
-With spiritual growth also come the positive psychology assets shown to accompany spirituality: thriving, optimism, grit, and the relational assets of forgiveness, intimacy, and commitment.
-Another way to conceptualize this idea is to imagine a view high above ourselves and our situation, looking down and through and in; this view from the mountaintop is the view by the higher self, or observing eye.
-When we meditate, we feel less revved up for fight or flight.
-We can see the broad and pervasive positive effects of seeing life from the seat of the higher self, which is filled with the clarity, perspective, and wisdom of the knower.
-A state of craving in our inner life means we never feel satisfied.
-When participants shift their mind to the transcendent relationship, there is a cessation of blood flow in the region of the brain associated with craving.
The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes II
-We are so very much more, from our chidren's wondrous arrival into our lives to their rounds of questioning and development, when we pay attention and we reflect, we can see great things through their spiritual lens.
-What is this parenting journey is actually the ultimate spiritual journey.
-We are also aware of the psychological toll on kids who are over-scheduled and under chronic pressure to perform, and we want to preserve childhood as a joyful, explorative and carefree time.
-Spirituality is an inner sense of relationship to a higher power that is loving and guiding.
-Spiritual development is the growth and progression of our inborn spirituality.
-The way in which a parent supports a child's spiritual development has a great deal to do with how a child grows into that rich spiritual potential.
-People with a developed spirituality gets sick less, are happier, and feel more connected and less isolated.
-The brains of spiritually engaged people when simply resting with closed eyes is the same wavelength as that of a monk during mediation.
-Spiritual individuation has a paradox. It is grueling, yet eminently satisfying, uplifting, and mind-opening.
-An adolescent with a strong personal with the higher power.
-Authentic spirituality requires reflection and the development of a road back to transcendence through the cultivation of our inner life, through prayer, meditation or perhaps good works, intertwined with our general capacities of cognition, morality, and emotion.
-You are never mistaken for supporting a child's spiritual self.
-The difficult lies not in solving problems but in expressing them.
-All she had to do to support his daughter was to pay attention.
-The precious opportunity before you is that you child is giving you an opening and saying: Hey, come with me. You don't need to know where you are going, or how you are going to get there, you are simply asked to go with her. Our children look to us, but not really for the answers. We're being asked to show up. We need to show up, but we don't need to have all the answers.
-What is this parenting journey is actually the ultimate spiritual journey.
-We are also aware of the psychological toll on kids who are over-scheduled and under chronic pressure to perform, and we want to preserve childhood as a joyful, explorative and carefree time.
-Spirituality is an inner sense of relationship to a higher power that is loving and guiding.
-Spiritual development is the growth and progression of our inborn spirituality.
-The way in which a parent supports a child's spiritual development has a great deal to do with how a child grows into that rich spiritual potential.
-People with a developed spirituality gets sick less, are happier, and feel more connected and less isolated.
-The brains of spiritually engaged people when simply resting with closed eyes is the same wavelength as that of a monk during mediation.
-Spiritual individuation has a paradox. It is grueling, yet eminently satisfying, uplifting, and mind-opening.
-An adolescent with a strong personal with the higher power.
-Authentic spirituality requires reflection and the development of a road back to transcendence through the cultivation of our inner life, through prayer, meditation or perhaps good works, intertwined with our general capacities of cognition, morality, and emotion.
-You are never mistaken for supporting a child's spiritual self.
-The difficult lies not in solving problems but in expressing them.
-All she had to do to support his daughter was to pay attention.
-The precious opportunity before you is that you child is giving you an opening and saying: Hey, come with me. You don't need to know where you are going, or how you are going to get there, you are simply asked to go with her. Our children look to us, but not really for the answers. We're being asked to show up. We need to show up, but we don't need to have all the answers.
The Spiritual Child by Lisa Millar. Quotes.
-Sometimes in difficult family moments or a crisis, children display wisdom and understanding far more on point than the surrounding aggravated or bereaved adults.
-Spirituality is the central organizing principle of inner life in the second decade, boosting teens into an adulthood of meaning and purpose, thriving and awareness.
-The universal developmental surge in adolescence, previously viewed as a fraught passage toward physical and emotional maturity, is now understood more fully to also be a journey of essential spiritual search and growth.
-Now more than ever, in a culture where often enormous amounts of money, empty fame, and cynicism have become toxic dominant values, our children need us to their quest for a spiritually grounded life at every age, and to discover or strengthen our own.
-Optimism was shown to be teachable, not just inborn.
-Our children have an inborn spirituality that is the greatest source of resilience they have as human beings.
-Fulfillment in life is found in meaning and purpose, in spiritual bearings, and not in a better computer, a nicer car, the latest cell phone, or more money.
-Scientists can make the numbers say anything they want.
-The important question for a parent to consider is: Might I offer my child something relevant and beneficial, even if it is not something familiar to me?
-Spirituality is the central organizing principle of inner life in the second decade, boosting teens into an adulthood of meaning and purpose, thriving and awareness.
-The universal developmental surge in adolescence, previously viewed as a fraught passage toward physical and emotional maturity, is now understood more fully to also be a journey of essential spiritual search and growth.
-Now more than ever, in a culture where often enormous amounts of money, empty fame, and cynicism have become toxic dominant values, our children need us to their quest for a spiritually grounded life at every age, and to discover or strengthen our own.
-Optimism was shown to be teachable, not just inborn.
-Our children have an inborn spirituality that is the greatest source of resilience they have as human beings.
-Fulfillment in life is found in meaning and purpose, in spiritual bearings, and not in a better computer, a nicer car, the latest cell phone, or more money.
-Scientists can make the numbers say anything they want.
-The important question for a parent to consider is: Might I offer my child something relevant and beneficial, even if it is not something familiar to me?
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Simon Sinek. Things I wish I knew when I was younger
1. Focus on the bagel.
2. This is exciting. I am not nervous, I am excited. Nervousness vs. excitement.
3. The highest performing teams are those who give to each other selflessly.
4. Practice to speak the last in your team. Make people feel heard.
5. Fulfillment is the opportunity to serve those who serve others.
6. The ceramic cup was never meant for me. It was meant for the position that I held. We all always deserve the Styrofoam cup.
2. This is exciting. I am not nervous, I am excited. Nervousness vs. excitement.
3. The highest performing teams are those who give to each other selflessly.
4. Practice to speak the last in your team. Make people feel heard.
5. Fulfillment is the opportunity to serve those who serve others.
6. The ceramic cup was never meant for me. It was meant for the position that I held. We all always deserve the Styrofoam cup.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
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