-The mass believes that it has the right to impose and to give force of law to notions born in the cafe.
-The mass crashes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select.
-Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated.
-We are living under the brutal empire of the masses.
-The element of terror in the destiny of our time is furnished by the overwhelming and violent moral upheaval of the masses, imposing, invincible, and treacherous, as is destiny in every case.
-The masses are today exercising functions in social life which coincide with those which hitherto seemed reserved to minorities.
-These masses have at the same time shown themselves indocile to the minorities: they do not obey them, follow them, or respect them; on the contrary, they push them aside and supplant them.