Thursday, September 28, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIV

 -We need more men and women who are pure leaders. People who influence not through the strength of a large title and by the threat of a big position but via the power of their characters, the nobility of their expertise, the compassion in their hearts and by their unusual dedication to leaving everyone they meet better than they found them.

-My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Maya Angelou.

-The teacher learns the most. 

-In the moment you feel you can't go further lies an enormous opportunity to forge an entirely new level of willpower. 

-Do not betray the powers that sleep within you by staying too late in a soft bed that keeps you sedated. 

-When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. All these things shall love do unto you so that you may know the secrets of your heart. K. Gibran. 

-A wishbone without a backbone doesn't really get you very far. 

-No idea works without doing the work. 

-The way you start your day dramatically influences how it unfolds. 

-As we create each day, so we craft our life. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIII

 -Awesome takes patience. And genius takes time. 

-God, we need to make this world a better, healthier, safer and more loving place. 

-She laughed. Not some forced laugh that so many of us hear at business meetings where good people in quiet fear wear social masks in an effort to fit in, appear powerful and look cool. 

-Life always has a way to work things out for the best. 

-She understood that there are things more important than wealth, acclaim and fame. And that many financially rich people are actually desperately poor. 

-Nothing is more valuable than happiness. 

-She'd found love. She was still in excellent health. She had so many things to be grateful for: to eyes to see the splendors of this wonderful world, two legs to explore it all, food on her table each night at a time when billions have empty bellies. And a roof over her head for ample shelter. She had wise books to read in her library, work that fed her creativity and, as the billionaire said so often, an opportunity to achieve outright mastery not only to benefit herself but also in service to society. 

-Every human being does the best they can do based on their level of consciousness they are currently at and on the grade of true power they can command. 

-Those who hurt others loathe themselves. 

-It's when we face losing everything that we come to know our grandest selves. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXII

 -External order increases your discipline.

-Sixty-six days of training to make a new habit yours. 

-Persistency sits at the threshold of mastery.

-Doing difficult things that are very important was how the highest achievers and greatest heroes of our civilization embraced their power. 

-When faced with a choice, always choose the one that pushes you the most, increases your growth and promotes the unfoldment of your gifts, talents and personal prowess. So, when you feel like quitting, persevere. You'll get to the next stage soon. 

-Negative thoughts, cranky emotions and strong desires to surrender are a normal part of the process of hardwiring any new regime. 

-The illusion of safety is much more deadly than your rise toward personal mastery. 

-The primary purpose of life is growth. 

-Boredom kills the human spirit. 

-For the A-player the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next. 

-I am not afraid of failing. I am afraid of not growing.

-One habit installation after habit installation is how the pros play. 

-These superstars practiced their habits of victory so often, they've arrived at a place where they forgot how to not do them. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXI

 -The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. 

-You gotta love yourself before you can lift the world. 

-Self-control is more indispensable than gunpower. 

-These exceptionalists began as ordinary people. 

-Legendary performers practice being spectacular for so long that they no longer remember how to behave in non-spectacular ways. 

-You should have not any technology in your bedroom. 

-All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end. 

-The real measure of your majesty is shown not in your outer moments before an audience, but in the soft and early light of lonely practice. You become undefeatable by what you do when no one's watching. 

-The brilliant moves in the last seconds of the championship match were automatic: the result of tireless hours of repetition of those splendid moves during training. 

-Installing a habit follows a sixty-six day process. 

-We make our worst decisions and our lowest choices when we're exhausted. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXX

 -For those showing up as victims, future will be very hard because they won't know what hit them. 

-They have given away their power to make change for so long, they've come to believe their powerlessness represents the truth. 

-Most people are passive instead of active builders of the ambitions within them. And then unconsciously they've manufactured a series of excuses about why they can't show up as leaders in their work and capable creators of their lives because they're so scared to leave the safety of their stuckedness and make the very improvements that would bring them to glory. 

-Real leaders always feel great joy when they shine a light on the talents of others. 

-Daily discomfort is the price of enduring success. 

-It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.  

William Ernest Henley

-The masters and the geniuses and the heroes of civilization all lived hard lives. 

-Playing small with your promise demotes our world.

-The single best way to build your willpower is to voluntarily put yourself into conditions of discomfort. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXIX

 -I don't wish for an easy life because there is no growth of my powers there. Give me a challenging life, one that brings out the finest in me. For this makes an iron will. And an unconquerable character. 

-The misuse of technology leads to the destruction of creativity and an extreme reduction of productivity. 

-Dreams don't come true while you are sleeping. 

-Anything legendary requires generous amounts of industry, artistry, and persistency. 

-Anyone can be great for a minute. 

-The common denominator of success: they formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do, even when, they, too, don't feel like doing them. 

-We all have the magic. Most of us don't know how to use it. 

-He thought to himself that this woman's magnetism comes from a place deeper than merely an attractive face. It was a charm born of struggle, an electricity emanating from hurt, an energy emitting through a formidable intellect and a prettiness formed by her robust resolve to step into a person of true power, wisdom and love.