Friday, December 22, 2023

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLIV

 -In every life, especially the hardest ones, doorways of possibility and gateways into the miraculous swing open, revealing the reality that everything that each one of us experiences is part of some intelligent and yes often illogical plan meant to draw us nearer to our greatest powers, most wonderful circumstances and highest good. 

-Education is the ultimate highway into freedom. 

-No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. 

-Suffering can either embitter us or ennoble us. 

-Leadership is for everyone. 

-We all must break free from our private jails that incarcerate our glory and keep our nobility in bondage. Please, remember that gifts and talents neglected become curses and sorrows. 

-Yes, no matter what struggles we face and what adversities we will endure. No matter what attacks, humiliation and violence are visited on us. We must persist. We must continue. We must stay strong. We must live our luminous nature. And magnify our sovereign selves. Even if it feels the whole world is against us. This is truly what makes us human beings. Even if it seems the light will never transcend the darkness, keep making your walk to freedom. Model what's highest for the rest of us. Exemplify grace, for the majority of us. Demonstrate actual love, for all of us. 

-Refrain from allowing the shadow forces of fear, rejection, doubt and disappointment to dim the light of your most luminous self.  

-To lead is to inspire others by the way that you live. To lead is to walk through the fires of your hardest times to step up into forgiveness. To lead is to remove any form of mediocrity from infiltrating the quarters of your life in a dazzling celebration of the majesty that is your birthright. To lead is to turn your terrors into triumphs and translate each of your heartbreaks into heroism. 

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLIII

 -When you summit a high peak, you'll see the next range of peaks waiting to be scaled. 

-Increase constantly your personal standards and raise the quality of your life. 

-Go through life as a world-class. 

-Your relationship with everything outside of yourself cannot help but be a demonstration of your relationship with all that is within you. 

-Every human being you meet has a lesson to teach, a story to tell and some dream in their heart that longs for your support. 

-Very little of what happened to you was an accident. Everything was for your growth. And all was for your good. 

-Connect with your mortality. Understand that your days are numbered. And with the passage of every glorious morning, you grow closer to your end. 

-Don't put off expressing your gifts and talents. 

-Life absolutely is a sublime journey. Yes, we all experience trials and heartbreak. But it's all mostly good. Every hero story needs to have a villain as well as some juicy tragedy along with the triumphs and ultimate victory for it to be a tale worth watching. 

-Keep the shortness of life at the forefront of your focus. 

-Tomorrow is a promise not a fact. Enjoy every morning and appreciate each day you have on Earth. Take bold risks yet hedge them with common sense. Balance living like there is not tomorrow with behaving like you'll live forever. So that when the end does come you'll know you lived your life as a majestic testimony to the capacity for legendary that every human being carries inside of them. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLII

 -It is in quietude that self-awareness rises. 

-Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of a consumer of material things. 

-It's impossible to enter the magic that each fresh morning brings if parts of you are holding on to old disappointments, resentments and hurts. 

-This time is all you really have. 

-Every ending marks a new beginning. 

-You can allow yourself to become paralyzed by fear of rejection or you can go out there and astonish the world. 

-Within every seeming setback lies a distinguished opportunity for even greater success. 

-Only people in pain do painful things to others. 

-Never underestimate the power of your associations. The real key is to avoid trouble creators. Stay away from all dram queens and negativity kings. 

-Relate peacefully. Pass through life gracefully. 

-Poverty is the consequence of an inner condition, not an outer situation. To believe otherwise is to hand over your capacity to produce the magic of prosperity that you want to the very things you are complaining of. 

-Give more to receive more. Give without a single thought of any return. 

-We reap what we sow. 

-Peak health is true wealth. 

-The whole game of the A-player is to always be rising. 

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLI

 -The Maxims of Life

#1. To create magic in the world, own the magic within yourself. 

#2. Collect miraculous experiences over material things. 

#3. Failure inflates fearlessness. 

#4. Proper use of your primal power creates your personal utopia. 

#5. Avoid bad people. 

#6. Money is the fruit of generosity, not scarcity. 

#7. Optimal health maximizes your power to produce power. 

#8. Continue raising your life standards toward absolute world-class. 

#9. Deep love yields unconquerable joy. 

#10. Heaven on earth is a state, not a place. 

#11. Tomorrow is a bonus, not a right. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XL

 -Our gifts don't increase when we stay in our safety circles. 

-Challenge and stretch your capacities past the normal. 

-Dream big. Start small. Begin now. 

-Why be alive if you are not going to be totally alive?

-I took myself too seriously. 

-Self-care is essential to self-love. 

-This day is priceless. All the money in the world will not bring it back again. And so, I seize it, and I savor it and I honor it. 

-It's only misfits, oddballs, and eccentrics that change our world. 

-Being successful without feeling soulful is the biggest of defeats. 

-I own my things but they don't own me. 

-You enter the magic of life and begin to experience outright bliss daily once you reclaim the inherent power that lurks in your core. And when you don't postpone being grateful for even the tiniest of everyday graces. You will become a magnet for miracles when you begin being a magician of sorts. 

-Getting back to being more innocent brings the magic back to our lives. 

-Your heart is always wiser than your head. 

-To know ever-increasing amounts of happiness, trust what makes you feel happy. 

-Your heart knows where you need to be. 

-Follow your joy. Only be around those people who fuel your joy. Only perform those pursuits that feed your bliss. Only be in those places that make you feel most alive. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIX

 -The 2 Massage Protocol. Vague plans yield vague performance. Try to get two ninety-minute massage onto your weekly schedule.

-Traffic University. Use your traveling time to learn, expanding your professional prowess and personal knowledge: listen to audiobooks, podcasts, etc. 

-The Dream Team Technique. Delegate tasks. Restructure your entire life so you are doing only the things you are great at and love to do. 

-The Weekly Design System. Design early each Sunday morning your blueprint for a beautiful week. Write a story in your journal about the highlights from the seven day you just lived. Record your lessons learned and the optimizations for making the coming week even better. Write down all your commitments. 

-The 60 Minute Student. For at least 60 minutes a day, study. 

-With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy? Oscar Wilde. 

-Massive productivity in society without an abundant heart, an authentic sense of joyfulness and enduring inner peace was no different from the game a hamster plays on a running wheel. 

-Your growth happens when you are resting. 

-Pressure is a privilege. 

-The time you least feel like doing something is the best time to do it. 

-When you enlarge your willpower muscle in one important area, your self-discipline in every other area rises with you. 

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXVIII

 -The five primary assets that all superproducers defend are mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent and daily time. 

-The spaces you inhabit shape the output you produce. 

-Sell your television; avoid the news for the remainder of your days; stay out of noisy shopping malls where you buy things you don't need; unfriend energy-draining people you follow on social platforms.

-The 90/90/1 Rule. For the next ninety days, schedule yourself to invest the first ninety minutes of your workday on the one activity that when completed at world class, will cause you to own your field. 

-The 60/10 method. After you have run the 90/90/1 segment of your workday, use a timer and work at your best for sixty minutes straight. After your sixty-minute productivity sprint is done, refuel for 10 minutes (quick walk; reading a book; meditate; visualize; listen to music, podcast, etc.). After these 10 minutes, go back and perform your next sixty-minute work segment again.  

-The Daily 5 Concept. During the second pocket of your Victory Hour, list the 5 tiny targets you wish to accomplish over the day ahead for you to feel it was one well-spent. 

-The Second Wind Workout. Exercise helps you stay healthy longer. Schedule a second workout at the end of your workday to give you a second wind for a great evening.  

Monday, December 18, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXVII

 -The early morning has gold in its mouth. 

-I am always a leader, never a victim. A lion, not a sheep. I love my life and am making it even better every day. And the more people I help, the more happy I am. 

-We need not wait to see what others do. 

-Day by day. Step by step, an epic existence gets handcrafted. 

-If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius. Michelangelo. 

-If you live to be one hundred, I want to live a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. A. A. Milne. 

-Life's finest treasures live in its simplest moments. 

-We each do the best we can based on the level of awareness, maturity and personal security we are at. 

-The greatest of leaders were all servant leaders. 

-And beyond adversity exists a bridge into enduring victory, if one has the eyes to see it. 

-Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do. 

-The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil. 

-Every distraction that steals our attention lowers our chance to do masterful work. 

-The spaces you inhabit shape the output you produce. 

-Specific application ideas include selling your television, avoiding the news for the remainder of your days, staying out of noisy shopping malls where you buy things you don't need, unfriending energy-draining people you follow on social platforms, turning off all notifications while you are in the TBTF and deleting apps with constant announcements.