Monday, October 3, 2011

The Column: The Zapatero's legacy. General Elections 11-20

Year 2008. 3-9. Zapatero's prime minister after interview on one of the many governmental TV's off the record:
    -Interviewer: How are the polls?
    -Zapatero: Well. It is convenient for us to have tension on the campaign.

    This is one of the many sides of this character  and all of them filled with despicable tinges of radicalism, extremism, incompetency, unprofessionalism and sectarian ignorance. I hope for the sake of my country that it will pass a long time to have someone  like him on the Moncloa's office. It's been almost eight years of his presidency. I already warned what was going to happen at the time of the last general election if this person would be elected again. It was on March the 9th of 2008. Well, 11 million people voted again on him. The outcome of this decision has been clear: Spain is about to be taken over by the European Union. There is a 21% of unemployment ratio. The whole nation is divided and disintegrated with many parts of the country that rivals one another fiercely instead of working together for the same cause.
    It is though what Zapatero has been doing with a total proficiency: making Spaniards enemies to each others. Instead uniting them, make them fight. Instead of advocating for a sole country walking together, battling and making sides: the good ones, his and the enemies, the opposition followers.
    Zapatero has never hesitated on his purpose. He needed all the support from all the radical sectors of the country. With him, any means justifies the cause. At any cost, even if this cost is poverty, disaggregation, humiliation, loss of respect and consideration as a country to quote just a few factors. He even betrayed those victims whose lives built the main pillars that any country has to be settle on: Memory, Dignity and Justice.
   He is not going to run for presidency this time. How could if he ruined all the things that he touched? Time always places everyone on his place. What is the Zapatero's legacy? The answer is heartbreaking: 44 % of unemployment for people between 22 and 40 years old. The country is paying huge amounts of interests because of the large debts that Zapatero created. At this time, Spain is a broken country. Democracy barely still survives with judges, media, public prosecutors and police departments working for the benefit of him and his political party.
  On November the 20th there are General Elections again. Spain needs a change, or better an agreement between the two big parties to get a consensus in order to work for Spain as a country, for the main interest of it, not just for a few sectarian regions occupied on growing with the investments that should be distributed among all the regions according to one of the major principles: general interest.
   I wrote almost 4 years ago that voting for Zapatero was the same as voting for poverty, sectarian principles, incompetency, radicalism and bankruptcy. Time sadly proved me right. Now I say that voting for PSOE is the same as before. It is what Socialism brings in Spain: poverty, unemployment and division.
     The same as just a few main characteristics of Zapatero's legacy.

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