In November of 2011 Spaniards chose in their general elections a change in the Moncloa's office. It passed more than seven years with Zapatero as a president to leave the country in bankruptcy. Families, business, international image, official organisms of the state got deteriorated in every single level due to his lack of competency and preparedness to be able to lead a country in the way to prosperity. The outcome of these General Elections was clear: the Partido Popular party got an absolute majority in the parliament from the citizens that trusted Rajoy as a leader of this party to try to change things for the better.
Today, almost seven months after that 21st of December of 2011 when he assumed the office, the situation in Spain is heartbreaking to say an euphemism. Nothing changed for the better but for the worse. The successive promulgation of decrees, laws, ministerial orders, etc., are having catastrophical effects in our economy and society. During these seven months of presidency, Rajoy, the prime minister of Spain, has increased all type of taxes, direct and indirect, cutting budget in basic areas, in those departments that define the quality and welfare of any country: there have been huge cuts in education, in health, in housing benefits, in unemployment benefits, cuts in public services...
Everything has been done according to Rajoy, to reduce the deficit that Spain holds. Surprisingly enough, during the first four months of the year 2012, and after the first rise of taxes, Spain is expending more than double than the money obtained from taxes and different resources. Yesterday, 13th of April government rose again the taxes, lowering the public servants' salary around a 7% among other measures.
Well, this is the definition of deficit: "an excess of expenditure or liabilities over income or assets in a given period". In other words, when the expenses are higher than the income. Obviously, to reduce this deficit it's possible by increasing the income and by reducing the expenditures. In Spain the deficit is caused basically by the Autonomic Regions. The expenditure of these regions is endangering the possibility to face the daily payments that any country has to manage: public servants, roads, infrastructures, public services, etc. Besides, Spain is obliged to pay enormous quantities of money for its debt, originated by the deficit early on mentioned. In this situation, is logical to think that the main prime minister's concern should be to cancel all the useless expenditures of the autonomic regions. In Spain there are more than 30.000 cars with chauffeurs, 124 regional embassies, bottomless privileges of the politicians by which they can get retired after having worked only for 7 years or not to have to pay taxes of their 75% of income, or having the possibility to accumulate various salaries. Many politicians have two o more salaries. Plus, there are more than one million people working in the administration chosen directly by the politicians. In Spain there are 17 regional autonomies. All of them are in bankruptcy except 2. Along the years, those regions were given more autonomy in order to manage different aspect that were controlled by the central government. With that extension of autonomy, the whole country had to cover the money due for these regions.
With this situation in Spain, with almost 25% of unemployment, with a broken society by a lack of opportunities, political corruption and disintegration, Mr. Rajoy's solution is just to keep raising taxes, cutting rights for citizens, and above all, preserving and maintaining the privileges of his fellow politicians along Spain. Because for Mr. Rajoy, the only essential thing, the only thing that matters is to remain in the office, to keep the power. Mr. Rajoy doesn't care about the regular citizens, unemployed people, humble employees that are lucky to keep their jobs and every day have more taxes to pay and less money to the next salary. He, as a paradigm of the politicians privileges, have 2 salaries earning more than 200. 000 Euros per year. He has been sued for keeping his position as a mercantile register in Santa Pola, post that is consider by some as incompatible with his position as a prime minister.
With this scenario, and with no intention to force the regions to reduce their expenses, Mr. Rajoy is leading Spain. The main cause of the decay of Spain, -the privileges of the politicians and their cost- is untouched. Mr. Rajoy is just focused on squeezing more and more the citizens. The message before and after the elections as a president, were the opposites.
Now, after few months in the office, it is clear that he is even worse than his predecessor, because Rajoy not only lied, but also betrayed millions of Spaniards that believed in him.
The future of Spain is terrible, and will worsen. Probably it is not by accident how Spaniards have these politicians as representatives. In the end, they are the consequence of what the citizens are.
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