Sunday, December 28, 2014

10 Common Problems Old Souls Experience At Least Once In Their Life. By Koty Neelis

1. The inexperience of feeling truly understood.

Old souls can be seen as strange people because they often hold unconventional ideals and standards of living. They often feel a sense of separation from themselves and the “real world” because things like obtaining great wealth, owning a lot of expensive possessions, and other traits of living a materialistic lifestyle aren’t really an interest to them. In a world fueled by consumerism this can seem kind of weird to most people. Having a different set of expectations and ideas about living can make it hard to feel like anyone truly understands you and what drives you in life.

2. People don’t understand how easygoing and forgiving you can be at times.

Old souls tend to have a philosophical viewpoint about life and look at things on a larger spectrum. What does this mean? When problems arise and old souls are forced to overcome great obstacles they understand even the hardest moments in life are a chance to learn and become stronger. It’s not that the things that have happened to them haven’t affected them – they have – but they look at their struggles as just a brief moment in the overall journey of life. They can find the good in people, in life, in everyday interactions that can seem negative or monotonous to others and that’s where they focus their energy.

3. You can be inhibited by the way you view life.

As you evolve over time your self-awareness increases and you’re able to firmly identify your beliefs about life and this world. The problem with old souls is that often they can see a multitude of possibilities within the spectrum of life and instead of freeing them to create whichever destiny they believe would suit them they instead can become inhibited by the very freedom they’ve established.

4. Making decisions based off of a “feeling” can seem illogical.

Intuition is a subtle, sophisticated language and old souls actively work to become in-tune with the way their body communicates with them. The gut instinct is the most simple and basic level of physical intuition that communicates through yes/no, safe/unsafe messages. We use this the most often when trying to make decisions about people and relationships, both personal and professional. Old souls rely on their gut instinct to guide them in their decision making and other people often won’t understand the logic when you tell someone you just “have a feeling” about something or someone.

5. You can be seen as a loner.

Old souls are after long-lasting, impactful, meaningful relationships in all aspects of life. They’d rather have a few close friends than dozens of acquaintances they hardly know but this can give the impression they’re some sort of social outcast. Old souls, like introverts, would rather focus their social energy on people they can have deep conversations with and they loathe being pressured to socialize more or make more friends.

6. You’re unsure if you’ll ever find your home.

One of the most universal problems with being an old soul is the inability to ever really feel like you belong with others. Whether you travel all over or have lived in the same town your entire life it can be difficult for old souls to feel like they have a home in this world. They’re constantly seeking kindred spirits and a place where they truly belong.

7. The desire for solitude can impact your relationships.

Being an old soul can be an isolating existence at times. You need your solitude to sit and reflect on life and to recharge when you’ve completely exhausted yourself but sometimes this can be frustrating to your friends and family. They love you and they want to be around you. Unless they also draw their energy from themselves and understand the need to be alone from time to time this can create issues when they really want you to hang out with them and you’d rather be at home reading a book

8. Your idea of fun is different than others.

Old souls find simple pleasure in small moments in life, and activities that are a bit old-fashioned are what they’re naturally drawn to. Going on a weekend drive through the country, heading to the 24-hour diner at midnight on the other side of town with the best breakfast within a 50-mile radius, getting milkshakes and watching the sunset over the pier, spending the evening writing hand-written letters to your friends that live across the country – these are the kinds of things you love doing. The problem is finding other people who like to engage in the same types of old school fun.

9. You learn the brutal realities of romanticizing life and love.

Old souls have a very romantic way of seeing the world and often when the world doesn’t live up to their expectations they can be emotionally impacted by this. Although old souls are idealistic, eventually they learn to also try and see the more realistic side of things.

10. You find it hard to disengage in conversation with strangers.

Something about old souls makes other people want to come up to them and talk. It’s like you’re sitting on a train or bench somewhere, a person sits down next to you, and 20 minutes later you know their entire life story. Others are drawn to speak to you but it can be difficult to turn others away or to remove yourself from the conversation because you feel some sense of duty to be a sounding board for this stranger that felt compelled to talk to you.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The fault in our stars quote

You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have a say in who hurts you.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The four agreements. Selected quotes

-Taking action is being alive. It's taking the risks to go out and express your dream. Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way we deny life.
- I make everything a ritual.
-There is no time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. Not enjoying what is happening right not is living in the past and being only half alive. This leads to self-pity, suffering and tears.
- Your opinion is nothing but your point of view. It is not necessarily true.
- Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.
- When we really see other people as they are without taking it personally, we can never be hurt by what they say or do

Friday, December 19, 2014

Coconut choco balls

Chocolate Coconut Balls

TOTAL TIME: Prep: 30 min. + chilling


  •  1-3/4 cups flaked coconut
  •  2 tablespoons shortening
  •  Optional ingredients: flaked coconut, chopped almonds, sliced almonds and sprinkles
  • Directions

    1. In a large bowl, combine the confectioners' sugar, coconut, almonds and milk. 
    2. Shape into 1-in. balls. Refrigerate until firm, about 20 minutes.
    3. In a microwave, melt semisweet chips and shortening on high for about 1 minute; stir. 
    4. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smooth.
    5. Dip balls in chocolate; allow excess to drip off. Coat or garnish with ingredients of your choice. 
    6. Place on waxed paper; let stand until set. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 2-1/2 dozen.

Receta de mantecados caseros

Quedan 6 días para Noche Buena y como cada temporada, en te proponemos unas sencillas recetas para adornar la mesa en esa noche especial. La receta de hoy: Mantecados tradicionales.

Se acerca la Navidad, las calles ya están iluminadas, las casas adornadas, en prácticamente todos los hogares coronan estrellas los árboles y el Belén preside la mesa. Quedan 15 días escasos para la cena de Noche Buena y como cada temporada, en te proponemos unas sencillas recetas navideñas para adornar la mesa en esa noche especial con un toque dulce y casero. La receta de hoy: Mantecados tradicionales.


1 Kg de harina
1/2 Kg de Manteca de Cerdo (que no sea Ibérica)
2 Cucharadas de azúcar
1 copa de Anís Seco
Un poco de canela molida
3 clavos indios molidos
Azúcar glas para rebozar

Preparación Paso a Paso

1. Preparar todos los ingredientes.
2. Formar un volcán con la harina y la manteca, echarle la canela, el azúcar, el clavo y el anís. Amasar todo bien hasta que quede todo unido.
3. Estirar la masa, dejándola al grosor deseado (recomendación un centímetro de grosor).
4.Cortamos la masa en pequeñas piezas con un cortador o un molde para conseguir que el mantecado tenga la forma deseada (los tradicionales son redondos o cuadrados pero hoy en día hay una gran variedad de moldes en el mercado que nos permitirán jugar con la masa y hacer formas variadas, incluso con motivos navideños). Un consejo, para evitar que la masa se pegue
5. Colocamos los mantecados en una bandeja y los metemos al horno a unos 180º, durante 15 ó 20 minutos. No se tienen que dorar demasiado. Para evitar que los mantecados se queden pegados a la bandeja ponemos sobre esta mantequilla y harina o bien papel de hornear.
6. Una vez fuera del horno los dejamos enfriar (mínimo un par de horas) y los espolvoreamos con azúcar glas para decorar.

Recetas del turron de Jijona y de Alicante

Turrón duro o de Alicante

Ingredientes (para 2 tabletas)

250gr de almendra cruda tipo Marcona
250gr de azúcar
2 claras ó 50gr de claras


1. Tostar las almendras en el horno o en una sartén sin engrasar, moviéndolas siempre que puedas para que se doren homogéneamente y retíralas cuando estén tostadas (al gusto).
2. En una olla de fondo grueso mezclar el azúcar con la miel y calentar la mezcla a fuego lento, removiendo el azúcar con la miel.
3. Montar la clara con las varillas eléctricas pero sin que llegue a cuajar.
4. Cuando la mezcla empiece a burbujear, dejaremos que cueza unos minutos más y a continuación la retiraremos del fuego.
5. Incorporar la clara montada lentamente y moviendo de forma ligera para que no cuaje.
6. Volver a incorporar la olla al calor del fogón y prosequir la cocción sin dejar de remover. (Si utilizamos vitrocerámica usaremos la temperatura mínima, entre el 1 y el 2).
7. Continuar removiendo con una cuchara de madera hasta que la mezcla adquiera la textura del caramelo, lo que se conoce como "punto de bola dura" o "hasta que el caramelo rompa". A continuación incorporaremos las almendras y mezclaremos todo bien.
8. Dejar entibiar unos minutos y verter la masa del turrón en un molde forrado con papel de horno (el molde será rectangular y bajo, preferiblemente.)
9. Alisar la superficie y dejar enfriar durante al menos un día.
Turrón blando o de Jijona
Esta variedad, con denominación de origen de Jijona o Xixona, también se conoce como turrón blando y consiste en una masa molida de miel, azúcar y almendras.


300 gr de almendras tostadas (la variedad más utilizada para el turrón es la almendra Marcona)
200 gr de miel
200 gr de azúcar
50 gr de avellanas tostadas
50 gr de piñones
1 cuchara de canela (la cantidad, al gusto)


1. Pelar los frutos secos y triturarlos hasta conseguir un polvo muy fino.
2. Poner en un cazo la miel y el azúcar. Calentarlos y dejarlos cocer a fuego medio unos minutos removiendo continuamente. Cuando el azúcar se haya disuelto por completo, añadir los los frutos secos y mezclarlo todo bien.
3. Rellenar con esta preparación un molde de madera o de aluminio, de forma rectangular y sin mucha altura. Colocar un peso encima y dejarlo reposar unos cuatro o cinco días en un lugar fresco y seco para que la mezcla se adapte a la forma y se solidifique la pasta.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stay on the brink by Pema Chodron

When things fall apart and we’re on the verge of we know not what, the test for each of us is to stay on that brink and not concretize. The spiritual journey is not about heaven and finally getting to a place that’s really swell. In fact, that way of looking at things is what keeps us miserable. Thinking that we can find some lasting pleasure and avoid pain is what in Buddhism is called samsara, a hopeless cycle that goes round and round endlessly and causes us to suffer greatly. 

The very first noble truth of the Buddha points out that suffering is inevitable for human beings as long as we believe that things last—that they don’t disintegrate, that they can be counted on to satisfy our hunger for security. From this point of view, the only time we ever know what’s really going on is when the rug’s been pulled out and we can’t find anywhere to land. We use these situations either to wake ourselves up or to put ourselves to sleep. Right now—in the very instant of groundlessness—is the seed of taking care of those who need our care and of discovering our goodness.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The puzzle of motivation. Intrinsic motivacion versus extrinsic motivacion

Video about intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivacion.

The Choice Theory. William Glasser.

The term choice theory is the work of William GlasserMD, author of the book so named, and is the culmination of some 50 years of theory and practice in psychology andcounseling. Choice Theory posits that behavior is central to our existence and is driven by five genetically driven needs.
  • Survival (food, clothing, shelter, breathing, personal safety, and security)
and four fundamental psychological needs:
  • Belonging/connecting/love
  • Power/significance/competence
  • Freedom/autonomy, and
  • Fun/learning
Choice Theory posits the existence of a "Quality World." The phrase "Quality World" represents a person's "perfect" world, as it relates to people, possessions, beliefs, etc. Starting from birth and continuing throughout our lives, we place the people who are important to us, things we prize, and systems of belief (religion, cultural values, and icons, etc.) within the framework of our "Quality World." Glasser also posits a "Comparing Place" in which we compare and contrast our perceptions against our Quality World perspective. We behave to achieve as best we can a real world experience consistent with our Quality World.
Behavior ("Total Behavior" in Glasser's terms) is made up of these four components: actingthinkingfeeling, and physiology. Glasser suggests that we have considerable control or choice over the first two of these, and little ability to directly choose the latter two. As these four components are closely intertwined, the choices we make in our thinking and acting greatly affect our feeling and physiology.
The source of much unhappiness is the failing or failed relationships with those who are important to us: spouses, parents, children, friends and colleagues. The symptoms of unhappiness are widely variable and are often seen as mental illness. Glasser believed that "pleasure" and "happiness" are related but are far from synonymous. Sex, for example, is a "pleasure" but may well be divorced from a "satisfactory relationship" which is a precondition for lasting "happiness" in life. Hence the intense focus on the improvement of relationships in counseling with Choice Theory—the "new Reality Therapy".
Choice Theory posits that most mental illness is, in fact, an expression of unhappiness and that we are able to learn how to choose alternate behaviors that will result in greater satisfaction. Reality Therapy is the Choice Theory-based counseling process focused on helping clients to learn to make those self-optimizing choices.
The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory[1]

1. The only person whose behavior we can control is our own.
2. All we can give another person is information.
3. All long-lasting psychological problems are relationship problems.
4. The problem relationship is always part of our present life.
5. What happened in the past has everything to do with what we are today, but we can only satisfy our basic needs right now and plan to continue satisfying them in the future.
6. We can only satisfy our needs by satisfying the pictures in our Quality World.
7. All we do is behave.
8. All behavior is Total Behavior and is made up of four components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology
9. All Total Behavior is chosen, but we only have direct control over the acting and thinking components. We can only control our feeling and physiology indirectly through how we choose to act and think.
10. All Total Behavior is designated by verbs and named by the part that is the most recognizable.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poliça - Smug

Red lips upon your suit
No bother I'm through with you
Trying to keep a few on the side
Baby you could never lie
Red lips upon your suit
No bother I'm through with you
It's really quite confusing
You're pushing me away and then you're pulling
You wear smug so very well
If you were in love with me I could never tell
It's time for you to go
But I've glued my feet to your floor
It's time for you to leave
But I've wrapped my hand around your leash
It's really quite confusing
You're pushing me away and then you're pulling
You wear smug so very well
If you were in love with me
I could never tell
You ask me you ask me just to leave you
But then the bow breaks and it's all through
You ask me you ask me just to leave you
But then the bow breaks and then it's all through
Boys make me way too tired
All the work they require
Why don't you get down on your knees?
All I do, I do for free
It's really quite confusing
You're pushing me away and then you're pulling
You wear smug so very well
If you were in love with me
I could never tell

Read more: Polica - Smug Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Monday, November 17, 2014

If I stay. Memorable quotes.

-Gramps. Gramps, what do I do?...
-I've trying to think of what Denny would want me to say to you. The kid was a helluva of dad, wasn't he? He sure had me beat.
I remember the day that he quit the band. He just up and said, "that's it. The time has come".
I was surprised. I never really liked the way the band sounded, but I knew how important it was to him. And so I asked him, I said, "Why are you quitting? And he said: "You make sacrifices for your kids. For your kids". He said that without even blinking. That's why he quit the band. For Teddy. For you. It was when he heard you play so well. I think that's when it clicked for him. Your incredible talent, it... He just couldn't believe it. And all he wanted to do was to give you more. So he quit the band, he sold his drum kit and he bought you a cello. Sacrifice. That's what we do for the people we love. And here's mine, Mia. I want you to live. I want that more than anything in this world. I want you to fight like hell to stay with us. But with everybody else gone, I know, it might not be what you want. It might be too hard for you to keep fighting, so... if you wanna go, I want you to know it's okay. It's okay. I understand.
-Thank you.

-Mia. Don't. Stay. I know, a huge part of your life if forever ruined because of what happened today. I'm not dumb enough to think that I can fix it. Bu I went to your house. And I had to climb up the balcony to get in like I used to. And I found this in your mail slot. I totally broke and entered and stole your mail, so the Feds might be coming after me.
"Dear Mia. It gives me tremendous pleasure..." Mia, you got in. To Juilliard. Mia, you did it. And if you want me to come with you, I will. Okay, I'll move to New York. I'll do whatever you want. Just please, stay. You're my home, Mia. I don't care where we are. I just care that we're together. I know that now. I will do anything if you stay.
I am still kinda working on this thing, but...
"Breathed deep, breathe clear
Know that I am here
Know that I am here
Waiting stay strong,
stay gold.
You don't have to fear
You don't have to fear
I'll see you soon.
How could a heart like yours
ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?
So blind you opened up my heart.
You still have a family.
All your love is all I'll ever need
I will do anything if you stay.
If you wanna go, I want you to know it's okay.
How I could live before?
How could I have lived?


Friday, November 7, 2014

Krishnamurti on education. Selected quotes II

-If your teachers really loved to teach, do you know what would happen to you? You would be extraordinary human beings. You would love not only your games and your studies, but also the flowers, the river, the birds, the earth, because you would have this thing vibrating in your hearts, and you would learn much more quickly, your minds would be excellent and not mediocre. That is why it is very important to educate the educator.

-Living is itself a process of education, a process of learning. There is an end to examinations, but there is no end to learning and you can learn  from everything if your mind is curious, alert.

-Our present education is rotten because it teaches us to love success and not what we are doing. The result has become more important than the action.

-It is good to hide your brilliance under a bushel, to be anonymous, to love what you are doing and not to show off. It is good to be kind without a name. That does not make you famous, it does not cause your photograph to appear in the newspapers. Politicians do no come to your door. You are just a creative human being living anonymously , and in that there is richness and great beauty.

-There is inspiration in everything. That is why it is very important not to follow anybody, not to have one particular teacher, but to learn from the river, the flowers, the trees, from the woman who carries a burden, from and education which nobody can give you but yourself, and that is the beauty of it.

-Most of us are educated to pay attention through resistance, and so our attention is always partial, never complete -and that is why learning becomes tedious, boring, a fearful thing. Therefore it is very important to pay attention in the deep sense of the word, which is to be aware of the workings of one's own mind. Without self-knowledge you cannot pay complete attention. That is why, in a real school, the student must not only be taught various subjects but also be helped to be aware of the process of this own thinking. In understanding himself he will know what it is to pay attention without resistance, for the understanding of oneself is the way of mediation.

Family of the Year - Hero (Official Music Video)

Let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
I just wanna fight with everyone else

Your masquerade
I don't wanna be a part of your parade
Everyone deserves a chance to
Walk with everyone else

While holding down
A job to keep my girl around
And maybe buy me some new strings
And her a night out on the weekend

And we can whisper things
Secrets from our American dreams
Maybe I need some protection
But I'm a kid like everyone else

So let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
I just wanna fight like everyone else


So let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
I just wanna fight with everyone else

Your masquerade
I don't wanna be a part of your parade
Everyone deserves a chance to
Walk with everyone else

Read more: Family Of The Year - Hero Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Test the valoracion fisica

Krishnamurti on education. Selected quotes.

-Why do we go through the struggle to be educated? Is it merely in order to pass some examinations and get a job? Or is it the function of education to prepare us while we are young to understand the whole process of life? Surely, life is not merely a job, and occupation. Life is something extraordinarily wide and profound. If we merely prepare ourselves to earn a livelihood we shall miss the whole point of life. And to understand life is much more important than merely to prepare for examinations and become very proficient in mathematics, physics, or what you will.

-Have you ever asked yourselves what you are going to do when you grow up? In all likelihood you will get married, and before you know where you are, you will be mothers and fathers. And you will then be tied to a job, or to the kitchen, in which you will gradually wither away. Is that all that your life is going to be? Have you ever asked yourselves this question? If your family is wealthy you may have a fairly good position already assured, your father may give you a comfortable job, or you may get richly married, but there also you will decay, deteriorate. Do you see?

-Where there is fear there is no intelligence. Is it not possible for all of us, while we are young, to be in an environment where there is no fear but rather an atmosphere of freedom - freedom, not just to do what we like, but to understand the whole process of living?

-Not to imitate but to discover, that's education, is it not? It is very easy to conform to what your society  or your parents and teachers tell you. That is a safe and easy way of existing. But it is not living, because in it there is fear, decay, death. To live is to find out for yourself what is true, and you can do this only when there is freedom, when there is continuous revolution inwardly, within yourself.

-It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true, not the man who conforms, who follows some tradition. It is only when you are constantly inquiring, constantly observing, constantly learning, that you find truth, God, or love. And you cannot inquire, observe, learn, you cannot be deeply aware, if you are afraid. So the function of education, surely, is to eradicate , inwardly as well as outwardly, this fear that destroys human thought, human relationship and love.

-Do you know what it means to learn? When you are really learning you are learning throughout your life and there is no one special teacher to learn from .Then everything teaches you: a dead leaf, a bird in flight, a smell, a tear, the rich and the poor, those who are crying, the smile of a woman, the haughtiness of a man. You learn from everything, therefore  there is no guide, no philosopher, no guru. Life itself is your teacher, and you are  in state of constant learning.

-The teacher tells you to pay attention. What does it mean? The teacher compels you to pay attention, which is not attention at all. Attention comes when you are deeply interested in something, for then you love to find out all about it. Then, your whole mind, your whole being is there.

Should not education help you find out what you really love to do so that from the beginning to the end of your life you are working at something which you feel is worth while and which for you has deep significance? Not knowing what you really want to do, your mind falls into a routine in which there is only boredom, decay and death. That is why it is very important to find out what it is you really love to do. And this is the only way to create a new society.

-The man who is trying to become something is ugly, insensitive.

-Happiness does not come when you are striving for it. It comes when you are not seeking it. When you are not making and effort to be happy , then unexpectedly, mysteriously, happiness is there, born of purity, of a loveliness of being.

-If you are really not afraid of anything, then you will find -when you woke up of a morning, or when you are walking alone-, that suddenly a strange thing happens: uninvited, unsolicited, unlooked for, that which may be called love, truth, happiness, is suddenly there.

-As long as you are learning, there is no teacher. It is only when you have stopped exploring, discovering, understanding the whole process of life, that the teacher comes into being, and such a teacher has no value. Then you are dead, and therefore your teacher is also dead.

-To find out what you love to do demands a great deal of intelligence. If you are not frightened, if you refuse to be pushed into the groove of tradition by your parents, by your teachers, by the superficial demands of society, then there is a possibility of discovering what it is you really love to do. So, to discover, there must be no fear of not surviving.

-To be a student is to learn all the time. And as long as you are learning, there is no teacher, is there? The moment you are a student there is no one in particular to teach you, because you are learning from everything.

-You can learn from books, but that does not take you very far. A book can give you only what the author has to tell. But the learning that comes through self-knowledge has no limit, because to learn through your own self-knowledge  is to know how to listen, how to observe, and therefore you learn from everything: from music, from what people say and the way say it, from anger, greed, ambition.

Staying Is Settling: Why You Need To Move At Least 5 Times In Your Life

Time to leave now, get out of this room, go somewhere, anywhere, sharpen this feeling of happiness and freedom, stretch your limbs, fill your eyes, be awake, wider awake, vividly awake in every sense and every pore.  – Stefan Zweig
Turn around, look at your life and decide right now if this moment, this place makes your pulse race and your heart bend. If there’s not a fluttering feeling in the deepest part of your soul, questioning and absorbing everything around you, get out right now.
If you feel comfortable, content and unchallenged… stand up and walk away. Make plans or don’t make plans, but whatever you do, leave this place and find somewhere new.
There’s a reason the word “leaving” sounds so nice. Like saying “see you later” instead of “goodbye,” it puts you at ease. It signifies a fresh start, a departure from the old and overrun. Because leaving is just the precursor to arriving, and there’s nothing better than a fresh start.
Whether it’s a new apartment or a new city, starting over isn’t about changing your scene, but the way you’re living in it. It’s about opening your eyes again, walking to the ledge and looking up, down and across, once again comprehending the vastness of life that sits openly waiting for you.
Life has a tendency to get stale. Like your favorite food, it loses its edge after a while, that special quality that made you love it so much in the first place. We, like the places we confine ourselves to, become as dull and boring as our surroundings.
New experiences are the reason we live. They are the reason we get up every day, the reason we carry on. While we enjoy comfort, we crave experience. The point of living is not to resign yourself to one part of life, but to continually redefine yourself. It’s to baptize yourself, over and over again, in new waters and new experiences.
You have your entire life to be comfortable, to sit in your house and bask in the familiarity of it. But right now, while you’re young and uncomfortable, keep going, keep challenging yourself. Keep making yourself uncomfortable. Because it’s only when we’re uncomfortable that we are growing and learning.
To truly understand yourself, your purpose and those around you, you must keep moving. You must move at least five times; five times to open your heart and dip your toes into something new, fresh and life changing.

1. To get away from what you know

Your first move is like taking flight for the first time. Like learning to fly, you realize the only thing stopping you from the world is yourself. You don’t have wings, you have legs, airplanes and trains. You have buses, cars and ocean liners. You have the world in front of you, with nothing but open sky and limitless possibilities.
But first you must leave the nest. You must say goodbye to everything you grew up with, the small world you once considered enough. You must unlatch yourself from the comforts of the familiar and place yourself in the middle of chaos.
This first move is the hardest. It’s the moment you willingly decide to be uncomfortable, scared and alone. It’s making the decision to become a foreigner, an outsider, a refugee. It’s abandoning everything you once cherished for the idea that there’s something better out there.

2. To find new experiences

The second move you make should be one of restlessness. You should be tired of the same flavors of your now comfortable surroundings. This move is about feeling again. It’s about accepting that you can’t possibly know everything, but you are going to try.
You are going to have experiences, adventures and an unforeseen future. You don’t know who you’ll meet, what you’ll find or how you’ll get there, but you will do it. You will jump into it blindly and openly.
You will make new friends, find new flavors and reignite that passion for life that came with your first move. You will not rest until your hungry soul is placated. You will leave your old friends for new ones, your first language for another and that idea that you’re home for that invigorating feeling of homesick.

3. To chase love

To chase love is to chase happinesses. It’s to decide that you will throw yourself into the swirling, maddening and restless chase we’re all trying to enter. Because love is the ultimate destination, is it not? It’s the reason we move, every day.
It’s the reason we get up and fight through the bad. It’s the reason we keep going, trudging on, meeting person after person. It’s the last goal, the final frontier and the only thing worth moving for.
If you think you’ve found it… in a person, a city, a job, you must move for it. If your dream job awaits in Spain, you must move there. If your heart yearns for the pink beaches of Bermuda, you must go there.
If you fall in love on the dunes of the Cape with a man you barely know, you must follow him. Chasing love is not irresponsible, it’s honest. It’s admitting that there is no greater chase, nothing more important. Because if you’re not chasing love, what are you running after?

4. To escape that love

Love isn’t infinite. It can be found in a moment, a single dose or a fleeting romance. It can be a year of perfect love with someone who isn’t supposed to stay in your life. It can be in beaches that bring you peace until your heart years for something new. It can be in the first bite of pasta and over with its last.
Love isn’t defined by its length but its capacity to touch you and change you. Just because it doesn’t last doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. You must leave for love but you also must realize when that love no longer remains.
You must be strong enough to walk away from finished love to find new love. You must flee the suffocation that comes from stifled love and keep your heart open for more.
You must never settle, never give in to the idea that you can’t have another one. Because the world is full of things to throw your heart into, things to make you weep and realize (yet again) why you’re alive.

 5. To begin all over again

You must resist the confines of comfort. You must defy the idea of settled. You must never resign yourself to the ordinary or the easy. You must challenge tranquility for the promise of something greater.
To live is to be born and to continually live is to be reborn, again and again. As a new person, new lover, new friend, you must willingly evolve and transform into new versions of yourself.
You must never allow the new place you’ve created to become the final place. You must consistently defy the idea of comfort for the idea that you’ll never be fully satisfied unless you’re exploring, changing and moving.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ane Brun "Halo" feat. Linnea Olsson

Remember those walls I built
Baby they’re tumbling down
They didn’t even put up a fight
They didn’t even make up a sound

I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It’s like I’ve been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It’s the risk that I’m taking
I ain’t ever gonna shut you out

Everywhere I’m looking now
I’m surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you’re my saving grace
Copy paste is a sin, always on the run is better
You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You’re the only one that I want
Think I’m addicted to your light

I swore I’d never fall again
But this don’t even feel like falling
Gravity can’t forget
To pull me back to the ground again

It’s like I’ve been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It’s the risk that I’m taking
I ain’t ever gonna shut you out

Everywhere I’m looking now
I’m surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you’re my saving grace

You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away

I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo

I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo

I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bon Iver - Holocene (Official Music Video)

"Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me."
You're laying waste to Halloween
You fucked it friend,
It's on it's head,
It struck the street
You're in Milwaukee, off your feet

... and at once I knew I was not magnificent
Strayed above the highway aisle
(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
I could see for miles, miles, miles

3rd and Lake it burnt away, the hallway
Was where we learned to celebrate
Automatic bought the years you'd talk for me
That night you played me 'Lip Parade'
Not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decree
Saying nothing, that's enough for me

... and at once I knew I was not magnificent
Hulled far from the highway aisle
(Jagged, vacance, thick with ice)
I could see for miles, miles, miles

Christmas night,
It clutched the light,
The hallow bright
Above my brother,
I and tangled spines
We smoked the screen to make
It what it was to be
Now to know it in my memory:

... and at once I knew I was not magnificent
High above the highway aisle
(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
I could see for miles, miles, miles

Wish I was here Memorable quotes

-"You have raised two incredible boys, Gabe.
They may not have quick answers or awards on their mantles. In fact neither one of them has a mantle. But they are incredible, with big, sensitive hearts. And right now, they need to know how much their father loves them.
Barbara used to help you with the hard part of parenting, right?
-She made everyone around her happy. She just brought out the best in me.
-I think if she were here right now she'd tell you that your boys will remember this time for the rest of their lives. It will shape who they are as men.
-You're going to make a great matriarch one day.
-I already am a great matriarch, Gabe. At least I am working on it.

-"Nothing in life will call upon us to be more courageous than facing the fact that it ends. But on the other side of heartbreak is wisdom"

-The things left unsaid stay with us forever.

-If there's a next time, I'll do better. So fast... try to remember how fast it goes.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Frases memorables. El idiota. Dostoievski.

-"Jamás se debe ocultar nada a un niño, so pretexto de que es demasiado pequeño para saber.(...) Los adultos son los que no comprenden que un niño puede aconsejar con mucho tino, incluso en asuntos difíciles. (...)Son ellos, los niños, quienes nos curan el alma"
-"No se puede juzgar por la belleza. La belleza es un enigma".
-"Lo que importa es el corazón"
-"Lo más odioso y vil  que tiene el dinero, es que hasta otorga talento".
-"He obtenido el permiso de decir siempre la verdad, pues, como todo el mundo sabe, la verdad sólo la dicen los tontos"
-"La conciencia y el impulso del corazón te sugieren lo que debes decir"
-"Es a tu voz a quien creo".
-"Dice que no puede casarse contigo porque eres demasiado bueno y le estropearías la vida"
-"A él le parecía que no podía sentirse pasión por ese rostro, pues expresaba un extraordinario sufrimiento; pero por medio de ese dolor cautivaba el alma"
-"La compasión es la ley principal, quizá la única de toda existencia humana".
-"A los inventores y a los hombres geniales se los ha considerado, por regla general, como tontos, especialmente al principio y muchas veces al final de sus carreras".
-"Sólamente el original, el inconformista, es el  que jamás llegará a ser general en Rusia"
-"Cobarde es el hombre que sintiendo miedo huye. Pero un hombre que tiene miedo y no huye, no es cobarde"
-"A ciertas mujeres les gusta que se las ame dolorosamente. ¿Sabes acaso que una mujer es capaz de infligir las torturas más crueles al hombre que ama, sin sentir el menor remordimiento por ello? ¿Por qué? Pues porque mientras te ven sufrir, están pensando: por cada dolor, por cada agonía, yo te daré un mundo de amor"
-"Es la vida lo que importa. El continuo y constante proceso de descubrirla y no el descubrimiento en sí"
-"A primera vista comprendí que tanto el hombre como la mujer eran gente decente, reducida por la miseria a tan degradante estado de dejadez y suciedad; cuando se llega a él, cualquier intento por combatirlo es vano, y entonces, los que han caído hasta ahí, parece que hallan en ello una especie de amarga y vengativa satisfacción"
-"Un hombre es capaz de suicidarse sólo por causar admiración o despecho por no conseguir provocarla"
-"Hay dos clases de inteligencias. Una que es esencial  y otra que no lo es y  que pudiéramos calificar de secundaria"
-"La delicadeza y la dignidad son cualidades que emanan del corazón"
-"El amor a la humanidad es una abstracción por medio de la cual a quien en realidad amamos es a nosotros mismos"
-"Hay personas que hacen dificicilísima la tarea de describirlas con sus rasgos más característicos y típicos. Y son ellas las que solemos llamar gentes vulgares, comunes, las que constituyen, en efecto, la inmensa mayoria de la sociedad"
-"Las causas que mueven las acciones humanas son mucho más complejas y variadas de lo que parece y que no suelen revelársenos claramente ni con facilidad"
-"Para comprender se necesita el corazón"
-"Más vale ser desgraciado y saber, que feliz y burlado"
-"Quien ha podido sufrir más que los demás , es por eso mismo, digno de sufrir más"

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gestion de los tiempos muertos

**Interesante y magnífico artículo sobre "La gestión de los tiempos muertos" recibido deCarlos Fadrique Salaberri entrenador navarro en el Valle de Egües. Le agradecemos su desinteresada colaboración con nuestro blog, le felicitamos por su artículo y le deseamos toda clase de éxitos personales y profesionales**
Según las Reglas Oficiales de Baloncesto de 2010 los entrenadores o los ayudantes de entrenador pueden interrumpir el partido solicitando un tiempo muerto que durara sesenta segundos (Artículo 18 de la Regla 4 del Reglamento del Juego). Se pueden conceder dos (2) tiempos muertos a cada equipo en cualquier momento de la primera mitad; tres (3) en cualquier momento de la segunda mitad y uno (1) durante cada período extra.
Llevar a cabo un conjunto de acciones y situaciones para aprovechar al máximo un tiempo muerto es lo que voy a intentar explicar en este articulo. El tiempo muerto es una situación muy importante en el baloncesto, algo que a base de errores he podido aprender en mi experiencia como entrenador.
Antes del tiempo muerto
Antes de pedir un tiempo muerto tenemos que tener claro que debemos aprovecharlo de alguna manera: táctica, psicológica o física y lo mejor que sea de las tres.
Un tiempo muerto debe aportar soluciones teniendo las cosas claras y sabiéndolas plantear antes de que lleguen los jugadores al banquillo. Debe usarse para ayudar a encontrar soluciones en los momentos de dificultades del equipo.
El equipo debe salir a jugar al terreno de juego pensando que el tiempo muerto ayudo y amino a ganar el encuentro.
Cuando un tiempo muerto
Disponiendo de dos (2) tiempos muertos en cualquier momento de la primera mitad; tres (3) en cualquier momento de la segunda mitad y uno (1) durante cada período extra hay que tener en cuenta algunas situaciones previas a pedir un tiempo muerto.
Hay dos reglas que nunca deben romperse a ser posible:
• Nunca pedir un tiempo muerto cuando el contrario tiene la posesión de balón.
• Intentar guardarse dos tiempos muertos para el cuarto periodo donde uno de ellos nos ayudara en una situación complicada y el otro para tener la opción del saque de banda en campo contrario en los últimos segundos.
Mi experiencia a base de errores como he indicado antes me ha hecho crearme unas pequeñas reglas dependiendo del periodo del encuentro en el que estemos.
Primera parte. (2) Dos tiempos muertos disponibles
Primer periodo: Solicitar tiempo muerto ante un parcial 0-10.
Segundo periodo: En los primeros cinco minutos de juego solicitar un ante un parcial 0-10 y en los segundos cinco minutos solicitarlo ante un parcial 0-8 o para un descanso físico o situación táctica.
Segunda parte. (3) Tres tiempos muertos disponibles
Tercer periodo: En los cinco primeros minutos solicitar el tiempo muerto ante un parcial 0-8 y en los segundos cinco minutos solicitarlo ante un parcial 0-6 o para un descanso físico o situación táctica.
Cuarto periodo: Solicitarlo ante un parcial 0-6 o una situación táctica para los últimos segundos.
Periodos extra. (1) Un tiempo muerto disponible
Periodo extra: Igual manera de proceder que en el cuarto periodo.
Sesenta segundos para aprovecharlos
Disponemos de sesenta segundos para plantear una solución que nos ayude y nos anime a ganar el encuentro. Por eso lo importante de tener las cosas claras antes de que lleguen los jugadores al banquillo para escucharnos.
Para una buena gestión de esos sesenta segundos y aprovecharlos de manera física, táctica y psicológica lo mejor será usar nuestro tiempo de esta manera:
0-20 segundos: Recepción de los jugadores, descanso, hidratarse, Usar una frase de ánimo para el equipo en conjunto.
20-50 segundos: Plantear las situaciones tácticas. Yo en mi caso hablo primero del ataque y luego de la defensa ya que soy de aquellos que creo que la defensa es la que gana los encuentros.
50-60 segundos: Frase de motivación para el equipo y que ayude junto al descanso físico y a la aportación de soluciones tácticas a salir a los jugadores convencidos de que el tiempo muerto ayudo y amino a ganar el encuentro.