Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Memorable quotes IV

-Miracles happen all the time.
-That golden chain coming from your dad's soul and connecting to yours is becoming weaker and will eventually break.
-All your angels are with you, all the time, even when you cannot see or hear us. You keep us all employed.
-People hear the angels talking to them but they frequently think it's a silly thought and disregard what they are being asked to do. If a person shows any signs of listening to our whispers about helping someone, even with the simplest of tasks, we will inspire confidence within them. People are always afraid they will make fools of themselves by helping someone.
-Throughout the Christian world the birthday of Jesus is the time to reach out to others, to share and build understanding, to break down boundaries, to bury our hatred and let our strong innate desire for love and peace rise up.
-The heart is the symbol of the shield of life; the giver of life and love, the protector of the earth, of what is right and wrong.
-God tests us all sometime. It's part of our spiritual growth.
-We have to understand that this is our path, the journey our souls have chosen long before we are born into this world.
-We become obsessed with material things.
-Souls always forgive; it's as if souls never give up. They are like the angels; one soul never gives up on another.
-It's only a ring, a material object. Just remember Joe's love.
-You do all you can do. Your children and I love you very much.

-Prayer of Thy Healing Angels
that is carried from God by Michael, Thy Archangel.
Pour out, Thy Healing Angels,
Thy Heavenly Host upon me,
And upon those that I love,
Let me feel the beam of Thy
Healing Angels upon me,
The light of your Healing Hands.
I will let Thy Healing begin,
Whatever way God grants it,

-Archangels are like generals among the angels; the have power over angels and souls, and all angels obey them. They send angels to all parts of the universe to do God's will and carry His messages.
-One thing we must always remember is that the angels that God sends us from the heavens can really help us if we allow them to, if we open our hearts and allow the angels to come into our lives.
-There is a reason to live. There is hope in all circumstances.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Memorable quotes III

-Many of us have fear of death, but there is no need for it. At the moment of death there is no pain, no discomfort; some people may have pain right up to that last moment, but then there is none. You have no fear and anxiety. You go freely. Death is like birth. You are being born into a new life. You actually don't die. It's only this physical shell that you leave, like an empty eggshell.
-When you die you are not on your own. You are accompanied all the time by angels and those spirits who have gone before you. You won't want to come back. Why, when you have no more pain, no more tears, no more sadness, would you want to get back into a human body? That is why when people die they do not want to return, and the only thing that brings a soul back to a human body is God sending it back, because it is not yet time.
-I assure you: there is more, much more.
-Despite the shortage of money, those years were great; they were wonderful times when it was lovely to be alive, to see my children smiling and to see Joe being able to enjoy life for a while.
-Angels are walking beside us. They are there all the time. We just need to reach out and let them help.

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Memorables quotes II

-When he died the angels were there with him and especially the Angel of Death, as were some members of his family who had gone before him, and they all gently took Mark straight to Heaven.
-I am watching angels kneeling beside people, holding them in their arms, being with them, whispering in their ears that they will be all right.
-I walked back to work that day knowing that every man, woman, and child has that good, that love,  that joy inside of them. I believe one day all that goodness will overcome all the bad and the human race will evolve triumphantly, body and soul united.
-Prayer is extremely powerful: when we pray we don't pray alone; our guardian angel  always prays with us and so do any other angels who may be with us at the time. Even loved ones who are already in Heaven join with us when we pray.
-Sometimes we pray without even realizing we are doing so, especially when we are thinking of a loved one who is sick or a friend with difficulties. When a prayer comes from the depths of our being it is incredibly powerful, and a person's religion or creed doesn't come into it: God hears the prayers of all his children equally.
-All of God's angels are with you all the time.
-The baby's soul already knows if its mother will miscarry. Regardless of what happens, the baby's soul still loves its parents and will always be by their side. It will be there to help them through life. If you have ever lost a baby, never forget that that little baby's soul chose you to be its mother or father. It actually chose you before it was even conceived; that little soul loves you and was full of joy that you were able to conceive it.
-The little souls told me to let their mother know that they have always been around her and would always be with her.
-When the time comes for you to pass over, those five little souls will have their hands stretched out to you to bring you to Heaven as well.
-I was traveling through a tunnel of silver and gold, an enormous tunnel made of shiny white angels. I couldn't see the end of the tunnel as its path curved. I knew without being told that I was on my way to Heaven, and I felt no fear, just tremendous joy.
-I turned back to the angel and said: "No matter how much I love Joe and the children, I still don't want to go back to the human world. Why would I go? Here I am in the presence of God. Here I am perfect in every way. I feel unbelievably alive; I feel no pain and no sadness of any kind. Why do I have to go back?

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Quotes

-When babies die, their spirits stay with their mothers for as long a they are needed.
-All babies see angels and spirits.
-Your guardian angel is the gatekeeper of your body and your soul. He was assigned to you before you were even conceived; as you grew in your mother's womb he was there with you at every moment protecting you.
-Angels need to be asked for help.
-Your religion makes no difference.
-It is your tears that souls need to set them free.
-Animals see angels so easily.
-It is never too late for us to change our minds and make the right choice. Angels can help us to make the right choice if we choose to listen.
-Sometimes tough things have to happen in order for people to change, and for things to change in their lives. Miracles happen all the time. People just fail to notice them.
-Death for mos humans is a continuous flow from one life to another.
-Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
-Even at difficult times when we think nobody cares, that nobody loves us, the angels are there. Always remember: angels' love is unconditional.

Calendar Book 2017 January #2 Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne

Monday, January 2, 2017

Your erroneous zones by Wayne Dyer. 22 characteristics of people freed of erroneous zones.

1.    They like virtually everything about life.
2.    They are free from guilt.
3.    They are nonworriers.
4.    These people are independent.
5.    There is an absence of approval seeking.
6.    They represent a lack of enculturation.
7.    They know how to laugh, and how to create laughter.
8.    They accept themselves without complaint.
9.    They appreciate the natural world.

10.  They have insight into the behavior of others.
11.  They never engage in useless fighting.
12.  They are not sickly people.
13. They are honest.
14.  They don't blame.
15. They have little concern with order, organization, or systems in their lives.
16. They posses high energy levels.
17. They are aggressively curious. 
18. They are not afraid to fail. 
19. They display an admirable lack of defensiveness.
20. Their values are not local.
21. They have no heroes or idols.
22. They love themselves.

Your erroneous zones by Wayne Dyer. Quotes III

-Eliminate external references of comparison.
-Eliminate invitations based on obligation and fairness.
-You can do anything that you set your mind to accomplish.
-Things themselves will not improve alone. If your life is better is because you have done something constructive to make it better.
-You are not necessarily what you say. What you do in your present moments is the only indicator of what you are as a person.
-The real doers of the world have no time for criticizing others. They're too busy doing.
-Boredom is a choice. Doing nothing leads to boredom.
-One act of courage can eliminate all that fear.
-Decide not to be tired until the moment before you get into bed.
-Obligation breeds guilt and dependency, while choice fosters love and independence.
-The moment you need, you become vulnerable, a slave.
-Only by treating yourself as the most important person and not always sacrificing yourself for your children will you teach them to have their own self-confidence and believe in themselves.
-Effective parents foster independence rather than dependence, and create not scenes about normal desires to be autonomous.
-The parents feel that their own happiness is paramount  because without it there can be no family harmony.
-These parents perceive the desire of their children to struggle for themselves, with the assistance but not overbearance  of a caring parent, as healthy and not to be denied.
-A relationship based on love is one in which each partner allows the other to be what he chooses with no expectations and no demands.
-If both partners work at becoming free of erroneous zones, and loving each other in the sense of allowing the other partner to choose his own fulfillment, then the marriage can flower and grow.
-Habit is no reason to do anything.
-By thinking highly of yourself and refusing to let others control you, you won't hurt yourself with present moment anger.
-Laughter is the sunshine of the soul.
-Get rid of the expectations you have for others.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Drazen Petrovic: Offensive Machine (REAL MADRID highlights)

Your erroneous zones. Quotes II

-Using yourself as a guide and not needing the approval of an outside force is the most religious experience you can have.
-Knowing that you'll always get some disapproval for everything you feel, think, say, or do is the way out of the tunnel of despair.
-The people who seem to get the most approval in life are those who never seek it out, who have no desire for it, and who are not preoccupied with achieving it.
-Once you label me, you negate me. Soren Kierkegaard.
-Instead of feeling guilty about something you have already done, why not simply resolve not to behave in an antisocial manner again?
-Determine whether the results of your actions are pleasing and productive for you.
-The best antidote of worry is action.
-Once you lose interest in life, you are potentially shatterable.
 -Decide that any and all unhappiness that you choose will never be the result of someone else, but rather that it will be the result of you  and your own behavior.
-Justice doesn't exist.
-If you are upset because of not being able to do something that someone else has done, then you are giving them control over you.
-You need to eliminate the other references and throw away the binoculars that focus on what others are doing.
-If you focus on yourself rather than compare yourself to others, then you will have no opportunity to upset yourself with the lack of equality you observe.

Calendar Book 2017 January #1 Your erroneous zones by Wayne Dyer