Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Memorable quotes IV

-Miracles happen all the time.
-That golden chain coming from your dad's soul and connecting to yours is becoming weaker and will eventually break.
-All your angels are with you, all the time, even when you cannot see or hear us. You keep us all employed.
-People hear the angels talking to them but they frequently think it's a silly thought and disregard what they are being asked to do. If a person shows any signs of listening to our whispers about helping someone, even with the simplest of tasks, we will inspire confidence within them. People are always afraid they will make fools of themselves by helping someone.
-Throughout the Christian world the birthday of Jesus is the time to reach out to others, to share and build understanding, to break down boundaries, to bury our hatred and let our strong innate desire for love and peace rise up.
-The heart is the symbol of the shield of life; the giver of life and love, the protector of the earth, of what is right and wrong.
-God tests us all sometime. It's part of our spiritual growth.
-We have to understand that this is our path, the journey our souls have chosen long before we are born into this world.
-We become obsessed with material things.
-Souls always forgive; it's as if souls never give up. They are like the angels; one soul never gives up on another.
-It's only a ring, a material object. Just remember Joe's love.
-You do all you can do. Your children and I love you very much.

-Prayer of Thy Healing Angels
that is carried from God by Michael, Thy Archangel.
Pour out, Thy Healing Angels,
Thy Heavenly Host upon me,
And upon those that I love,
Let me feel the beam of Thy
Healing Angels upon me,
The light of your Healing Hands.
I will let Thy Healing begin,
Whatever way God grants it,

-Archangels are like generals among the angels; the have power over angels and souls, and all angels obey them. They send angels to all parts of the universe to do God's will and carry His messages.
-One thing we must always remember is that the angels that God sends us from the heavens can really help us if we allow them to, if we open our hearts and allow the angels to come into our lives.
-There is a reason to live. There is hope in all circumstances.

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