Saturday, March 18, 2017

The champion's mind by Jim Afremow. Memorable quotes V

-Body language: make a golden impression. Your own body language reveals your thoughts and feelings to others. Thus, high power postures can generate powerful responses. Looking like a winner will help you play like a winner.
-Warriors never slouch into battle.
-Adopt the pose of a supremely confident athlete for the duration of your practices and games.
-Your BEST:
Body language (strong)
Eye contact (focused)
Speech (assertive, encouraging)
Tone of voice (self-assured)
-Dress for success in competition and in life. If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good.
-Attitude is the key source for peak performance.
- I start strong and finish stronger.
-Always play to win the shot, game, starting position, scholarship, or your personal best times or scores. If you play not to lose, you are placing yourself in a no-win situation.
-Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall.
-Flow, don't force.

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