Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Messages from the masters. By Brian Weiss. Quotes I

-Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. We know so little... By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others.
-I believe we do reincarnate until we learn our lessons and graduate.
-The ultimate key is understanding.
-Masters, highly evolved souls not in physical form.
-The energy of love is potentially more powerful than any bomb and more subtle than any herb.
-One person or one experience might be disappointing, but the next might be truly extraordinary and should not be discounted because of previous events.
-We are all going to the same place.
-You can begin to understand something when you experience its essence. Your belief becomes a knowing.
-We need to love and respect one another, to see and appreciate the innate beauty and dignity of everyone, because we are all souls, all of the same substance.
-We go through so many stages when we're here. We shed a baby body, go into a child's, from child to and adult, an adult into old age. Why shouldn't we go one step beyond and shed the adult body and go onto a spiritual plane? That is what we do. We don't just stop growing; we continue to grow. When we get to the spiritual plane we keep growing there too. We go through different stages of development. When we arrive, we're burn out. We have to go through a renewal stage, a learning stage, and a stage of decision. We decide when we want to return, where and for what reasons. Some choose not to come back. They choose to go on to another stage of development. And they stay in spirit form... some for longer than others before they return. It is all growth and learning... continuous growth. Our body is just a vehicle for us while we're here. It is our soul and our spirit that last forever.

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