Monday, May 28, 2018

Start with why by Simon Sinek. Quotes V

-Our population is broken into five segments that fall across a bell curve: innovators, early adoptors, early majority, late majority and laggards.
-Loyalty is when people are willing to suffer some inconvenience or pay a premium to do business with you.
-The goal of business should be to find people who believe what you believe, the left side of the curve.
-Energy motivates but charisma inspires and commands loyalty.
-With a group of believers all rallying around a common purpose, cause or believe, amazing things can happen.
-As is the case with almost all leaders, there were others around who knew better how to do that.
-There is always another perspective to be considered.
-To change the world takes the support of all those who  believe.
-Words are hollow, but deeds and values are deep.
-The way dictators maintain their power is through fear, reward and every other manipulation they can think of.
-The celery test: celery, rice milk, oreo cookies and M&M's.
-He believed that if he believed in looking after people, people would look after him.
-Success comes when we wake up every day  in that never-ending pursuit of why we do what we do.
-This is the reason they never feel satisfied no natter how big their yacht is, no matter how much they achieve. The false assumption we often make is that if we simply achieve more, the feeling of success will follow. But it rarely does.
-For companies of any size, success is the greatest challenge.
-I am not going to Starbucks! I am not paying five dollars for a cup of coffee.
-As the leader of the company, being the smartest was not her job. Her job was to lead the cause. To personify the values and remind everyone why the are there.
-About Walmart founder: he chastised his executives for driving expensive cars and resisted using a corporate jet for many years. If the average American did not have those things, then neither should those who are supposed to be their champions.
-Following the same formula as other inspiring leaders, Cotsco  believes in looking after its employees first.
-I had always been curious about why people do the things they do.
-When you compete against everyone else, nobody wants to help you. But when you compete against yourself, everybody wants to help you.

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