Thursday, January 31, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XVI

-Our soul energy was created by a higher authority than we can know in our present state of development.
-Essentially, we are alone with our soul, yet people who feel lonely haven't quite found themselves.
-Based on my practice, I am convinced that everyone on this planet has a personal spiritual guide.
-There are not accidents in life.
-Spiritual insight comes to us in quiet, introspective, subtle moments which are manifested by the power of a single thought.

-'Coming to Earth is about traveling away from our home to a foreign land. Some things seem familiar but most are strange  until we get used to them, especially conditions which are unforgiving. Our real home is a place of absolute peace, total acceptance and complete love. As souls separated from our home we can no longer assume these beautiful features will be present around us. On Earth we must learn to cope with intolerance, anger and sadness while searching for joy and love. We must not lose our integrity along the way, sacrificing goodness for survival and acquiring attitudes either superior or inferior to those around us. We know that living in an imperfect world will help us to appreciate the true meaning of perfection. We ask for courage and humility before our journey into another life. As we grow in awareness so will the quality of our existence. This is how we are tested. Passing this test is our destiny.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

No Expectations

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XV

-The Ring displays futuristic scenes of events and people the soul will encounter in the life to come.
-The whole spiritual structure of the screening room is designed to give the viewer an ability either to observe or participate in the action, just in libraries.
-'It is made clear to me that the body choice is mine alone because I am going to have to live with it'
-Karma does not only pertain to our deeds, it is internal as well, reflecting our thoughts, feelings and impulses, all relating to cause and effect. Karma is more than taking proper actions toward others, it is also having the intention to do so.
-Fate does not decree that a certain situation has to come out a particular way. We are not puppets on a string. In our universe, when the past is over, these events and the people involved with them become eternal and are forever preserved in spiritual libraries.
-I do not believe future alternatives are unlimited in number.
-'There have been many people in my life who have treated me with disgust and even loathing. I needed to experience this discrimination, to feel unsafe and vulnerable.
-Destiny represents the sum of our deeds over thousands of years in a multitude of incarnations. In all these lives we had freedom of choice. Our current life represents all past experiences both pleasant and unpleasant, and so we are the product of all our former choices.
-We occupy a particular body for many reasons.
-Earth is considered by souls to be a very difficult school. The great lesson of Earth is to overcome both planetary and private destructive forces in life, grow strong from the effort, and move on.
-Fear arises when we separate ourselves from our spiritual power.
-We knew many of the challenges in advance of our life and chose them for good reasons. Accidents involving our bodies are not considered to be accidental by the soul. The sheer will of our true Self has the power to rise in opposition to our weakness in character, especially during adversity.
-More important than the events that test us in life is our reaction to these events and how we handle the consequences.
-Uncertainty in life is frequently an outgrowth of former life patterns and obsessions.
-Change is a hallmark of karma through the use of free will in making course corrections into unfamiliar waters. Searching for who you really are is getting in touch with your inner Self and bringing passion and meaning into what you do in life.
-I have never had a single case where a soul joined the fetus in the first trimester. The reason why is quite simple because there is not enough brain tissue for them to work with at this stage.
-Various scenarios of significant events in our life are known in advance when we choose certain bodies in the Ring. All have karmic implications and purpose for us.
-Although the physical organism of the body will die, the soul who occupy that body never forgets the host which allowed them to experience Earth in a particular time and place.
-Physiologists do not know why intense emotion may cause irrational behavior in one person and logical coping actions in another. For me, the answer lies in the soul.

-In general, how do you feel about coming back to Earth in life after life?
-As a gift. This is such a multifaceted planet. Sure, this place brings heartache, but it is delightful toot and incredibly beautiful. The human body is a marvel of form and structure. I never cease to be awed by each new body, the many different ways I can express myself in them, especially in the most important way, love. 

-Righteousness, honesty, humor and love are the primary foundations of our life after life.
-The sacred truths of our etheric history can be recovered today because we are able to circumvent the conscious mind and reach the unconscious, which was not immersed in the River of Forgetfulness.
-What we face in the twenty-fist century is the eroding of individualism and human dignity in an overcrowded society dominated by materialism.
-Amnesiac blocks were set in place with human beings to prevent preconditioned responses to certain karmic events. However, the benefits of amnesia may not longer outweigh the drawbacks of lives existing within a vacuum of chemically-induced apathy. There are too many people trying to escape from reality because they do not see their identity as having purpose or meaning. Drugs and alcohol aside, in overcrowded, high tech societies around the world, people have an emptiness of spirit because they are ruled by their body ego senses. They have little or no connection to their real Self.
-When we totally align ourselves to belief systems based upon the experience of other people, I feel we lose something of our individuality in the process. The road to self-discovery and shaping a personal philosophy not designed by the doctrines of organizations takes efforts but the rewards are great.
-In the search for our own path of spirituality it is wise to ask: What sort of behavioral code do I believe in?
-You were not given your body by a chance of nature. It was selected for you by spiritual advisors and after previewing their offerings of other host bodies, you agreed to accept the body you now have. Thus, you are not a victim of circumstance. You are entrusted with your body to be an active participant in life, not a bystander. We must not lose sight of the idea that we accepted this sacred contract of life and this means the roles we play on Earth are actually greater than ourselves.

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XIV

-'Teachers can learn from students'
-'This is my passion, working with the moral codes of intelligent beings'
-Most of us start off making a lot of dumb mistakes and by the end of our life we become smarter. The idea of coming back in repeated incarnations is that eventually we will get it right early on and lead productive lives from the beginning.
-We are given many host bodies and all of them are imperfect. Rather than being obsessive about a body which will only last one lifetime, concentrate on the evolution of your soul Self and rely on your spiritual power.

-Why don't the powers that exist in the spirit world just prevent these natural disasters from happening in the first place and save people a lot of grief?
-Then, they would not be natural catastrophes, which are intended to be part of the conditions of life on Earth.

-'The mind of the psychopath is closed to reason. I am in training to maintain positive energy around calmer heads who can make a difference in world events.
-Those spiritual masters who designed the laboratory of chaos we call Earth did not set things in motion and then walk away. There are superior beings who care enough about our survival to watch over us.
-Within a geophysical environment, there are purely structural specialists, and those who create living things within these settings.
-These designer souls are the biologists and botanists of the spirit world and they say that extraterrestrial life exists on billions of planets. I have an extensive file on souls who have incarnated on other worlds and souls who have traveled to a variety of strange worlds for both study and recreation between their lives on Earth.
-I picture a full-fledged Explorer Soul as a highly specialized, non-incarnating being who seeks out suitable training sites for the less-experienced souls and then eventually leads them to these regions.
-I don't see nearly as many clients with memories of going to mental worlds. This is natural. We are beings used to bright light and physical dimensions.
-If we have dreams of being tall giants, very short elfin-appearing beings, or having the bodies of water and air creatures, this could mean these dreams reflect unconscious memories of a prior incarnation on another world.
-Everything on Earth and in the Universe is apparently connected by thought waves to and from the spirit world.
-Hybrid soul clients. These people are negatively influenced by too-little experience with the human body and too many alien imprints carried over from their former existences.

Destiny of souls by M. Newton. Quotes XIII

-As a rule, members of the same soul group do not return in their next incarnations as members of the same genetic human family.
-In unusual cases, our guides may be indulgent with souls who have strong feelings about unfinished karmic business withing a particular family and wish to return to the same family. '
-I often find that a favorite grandparent in this life was a sibling or best friend in a former life.
-The first person to come forward and greet us after a life is always  soul of significance.
-Role assignments in life all have purpose. If you grew up with a particularly difficult parent, ask yourself this question: what did I learn at hands of this person that has given me wisdom I would not posses if he or she had been in my life?
-'It helps my game of life to be around better players'
-Soul types in the spirit world:
1. Souls who are either unable or unwilling to function individually.
2. Souls who do not wish to incarnate in physical form.
3. Souls who incarnate only on physical worlds.
4. Souls who have both the ability and desire to function in all types of physical and mental environments.
-The desire for time alone in the spirit world comes from an intense need to dwell within the sacred confines of pure thought to try and touch the Source from which they sprang.
-'It took me centuries to learn to trust and be open with people'
-Primary cluster groups began their existence together and remain closely associated through hundreds of incarnations.
-The three principal elements I am most aware of for soul specialty selection are talent, past performance and personal desire.
-Once a new soul is created they are not immediately thrown into a physical incarnation. Earth is such a difficult school for training it is best that many new souls are allowed time in adjusting to planetary life as discarnates.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XII

-We mistakenly assume people who choose to live alone are lonely when actually they have rich lives that are calm, reflective and productive. Connecting with someone for whom you have no feelings just for the sake of not being alone is more lonely than being by yourself.
-If you soulmate is supposed to appear they will come into your life, often when you least expect it.
-One of the greatest motivations for souls to incarnate is the opportunity for expression in physical form.
-"Now I see he was an acquaintance in the spirit world from another group. It was no accident we bumped into each other that day. He was sent to me."
-It is my custom to take subjects into the spirit world after death from their last life so they will not miss the natural wonders of normal spirit world entry.
-Souls are met by their guides and and friends from the spirit world at the appropriate time and place. Each soul requires their own rate of ascension, which includes orientation stops and energy rejuvenation, even if they are returning to the same soul group.
-You would think that the time we spend in the spirit world should eliminate all residual effects of our past life experiences. In most cases it does but, as I have said, some people do carry physical and emotional body imprints from one life to the next. This is especially true if that imprint bears upon a particular karmic lesson in the life to come.
-Many soulmates have a preparation class just before their next incarnation.
-One aspect of this prep class might also include two soulmates going off alone and sending visual image to each other of what they will look like in their new human bodies and under what circumstances they are going to meet.
-"I was permitted to see my wife in the screening room for the next life. She was an attractive aerobics instructor who I would meet in a gym. I studied her body and facial features carefully because I didn't want to mess up our meeting, as I had done in my prior life. The scent of her body bathed in sweat was embedded in my mind... her gestures... her smile... and most of all her eyes. The moment I saw her in this life it was like tow magnets pulling together."

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XI

-People ask me if souls feel remorse both during and after the council meeting if they were involved in acts of cruel wrongdoing. Of course they do, but often I must remind those who ask this question that accountability for wrongdoing frequently comes with the selection of the next body for the payment of karmic debts.
-Although karma is associated with justice, its essence is not punitive but one of bringing balance to the sum of our deeds in all past lives.
-Many of our attitudes and ego hang-ups come from other lifetimes and seeing this in a different context gives the client a new perspective in current time.
-People need to see that the twists and turns in their lives all have meaning and purpose.
-As ethereal beings, our growth actually began in the mental realm of the spirit world with other souls before any of us incarnated.
-During reincarnation, the closeness souls feel for each other in a mental setting is severely tested by karmic challenges in our host bodies.
-"He was so ungainly and rough-looking I was embarrassed to be seen with him because of what others might think. Out of pride, spite and feelings that I was being taken for granted, I married a handsome man who catered to my whims. I lost the happiness that could have been mine."
-Being with the 'wrong' person for a period in your life does not mean that time was wasted. The relationship was probably intended in advance. In fact, you might see this soul again in the spirit world in a different light.
-I will ask about prior and current relationships  that have had significance in their life.
-Without trust, intimacy suffers and love cannot grow. Love is the acceptance of all the imperfections of our partners. True love makes you better than  you would be without that person in your life.
-People often equate love with happiness. Yet happiness is a state of mind that must develop within you and not be dependent upon someone else. The most healthy kind of love is one where you already feel good about yourself and so extending your love to someone else is totally unselfish. Love takes hard work and continual maintenance. I have had numerous divorced subjects who learn that their first loves were primary soulmates. Things might have worked out if they both had tried harder.
-Soulmates will from time to time separate for a life or two and not appear at all.
-Every era on Earth is different as to the sort of attachment and experience we will have with a soulmate. However, each life with them builds upon former lives.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes X

-The very young soul who has been to Earth less than five times.
-As souls develop and become more complex they appear to require more specialists on their panels.
-Our chairperson, and perhaps one or two other Elders, are normally present over great spans of time between many lives.
-Members of the same soul group usually go before different councils.
-Apparently, specialists come into our panels at certain times to lend their expertise if we continue to fall into the same ruts.
-"I am afraid of confrontation and lives of adversity. He says: we never give you more than you can handle, keep extending yourself, you have much to offer"
-This subject chose to be a woman of small stature and ordinary features in her current life, rather than accepting a tempting offer of another body choice as a dazzling beauty.
-"That which you gain from each difficult life, you gain for all eternity"
-The council just doesn't inquire into our most immediate past life. Lines of questioning follow across the sum of all our lives and cover the larger picture of our progress toward self-fulfillment.
-"Emmanual, we are not here to judge you, punish you, or to override your thoughts. We want you to look at yourself through our eyes, if you can. That means to forgive yourself. This is the most challenging aspect of your time with us because it is our desire that you accept yourself for who you are with the same unconditional love we have for you. We are here to support you in your work on Earth."
-"It's so crazy! An entire lifetime of giving money to charity and they are interested in this! I gave this woman no money, we only talked..."
-"I probably could have participated more... to engage others... and fought for my convictions..."
-I have had cases where a spouse will intentionally choose a body that has a high probability of dying young from a variety of natural causes to allow the surviving spouse to again work through grief in a more healthy fashion.
-"Each life we live fits together with all our other lives in a continuum toward fulfilling our primary purpose".
-"I specifically asked for a body in this life which would be subjected to incurable pain".
-Case 43 is what I would call an accelerated soul. Unz has only been incarnating on Earth for some five thousand years, a very short time considering her advancement. This is because she never skates in any of her lives.
-Is Earth a laboratory created by higher forms of energy for the lower to advance through many states of development?
-Our transformation from total ignorance to perfected knowledge involves a continual process of enlightenment by having faith that we can be better than we are.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Destinty of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes IX

-"By studying my book I am able to recognize mistakes and experience alternatives. Being in this quiet study are, watching all the other souls at the tables doing the same thing, well, it gives me a feeling of camaraderie with them and all we are going through together."
-A divine intelligence placed us in this environment to learn and grow for a greater good. None of us are here by accident and neither are those events which affect us in our own reality at this moment in time.
-I hear about a visitation by an interdimensional traveler whose experience far exceeds that of the group.
-Certainly, there are correlations between the soul mind and our bodies, buy physical and mental health are the prime determinants in human auras.
-Just as we may bring imprints from a former life into our current life, we can also take body imprints   into the spirit world as silhouetted energy reminders of our physical incarnations.
-Meditation as a daily discipline is hard work which pays big dividends.
-When the mind is in a pure, centered state we can find who we really are, the essence we may have lost somewhere along the road of life.
-During my prehypnosis intake interview with a new client, I inquire about the cast of characters in their current life.
-Color, form, movement and sound are individual markers of souls in their groups.
-My clients tell me about the overwhelming kindness, benevolence and infinite patience of everyone in ethereal study areas. Even the analysis of each soul´s performance by fellow students is conducted with total love, respect and a mutual commitment to make things better in the next incarnation.
-We are assigned to certain soul groups for our differences as well as similarities.
-At the top of the discarded list of negative emotions are anger and fear. Souls volunteer both to teach and learn certain lessons and karmic plans may not always work out in the way they were intended, given the variables of earthly environments.
-Unlike human beings, all spiritual beings are bonded together. At the same time, souls strictly observe the sanctity of other groups.
-An axiom of the spirit world is that souls are always hardest on themselves in terms of performance.
-When we incarnate into a new body, the soul´s character is united with the temperament of its host to form one persona. The boy is the outward manifestation of the soul but it is not the total embodiment of our soul Self. Souls who come to Earth think of themselves as becoming masked actors on a world stage.
-Our guides become stage directors who go over past life scenes with us, frame by frame, of both good and bad times. Errors in judgment are presented in small bites. All possible outcomes are studied and compared by designing new scripts for these scenes with different sets of choices that could have been made in each circumstance.
-Recreations of past life alternatives offer the soul an objective means of comprehension and foster a desire to improve. The system is ingenious. Souls never seem to get bored in these educational exercises which invite creativity, originality and a desire to triumph over adversity by acquiring wisdom from human relationships.
-Not long after souls return to their spirit groups they are called before a gathering of wise beings.
-I have found the souls of humans on other worlds in prior incarnations to be in host bodies slightly more or less intelligent than our own species. I have never had a client assigned to another world where they were not the most dominant intelligence on that particular planet. This is by design.
-The spirit world is a place of order and the Council of Elders exemplifies justice. They are not the ultimate source of divine authority, but they appear to represent that last station of beings responsible for souls still incarnating.
-They won´t be lives of easy karmic choices, otherwise we would learn nothing by coming to Earth. However, the risks of life and sanity on this planet are not designed to cause us any further pain after death.
-My subjects state they appear before their council right after an incarnation and many report they will visit them a second time just before rebirth.
-"It takes a while for us to get rid of the density of the physical body... the constrictions of it... before we are completely free. This is one reason why I don't need my guide so much at the second meeting."
-The purpose of the Elders is to question the soul in order to help them achieve their goals in the next lifetime.
-Elders want to make sure that we totally understand the consequences of our actions, particularly toward others.
-Souls have the right of refusal to return to Earth.
-The Council is already considering our next potential body and future environment.
-Our intent in life is of utmost importance at council meetings. The Elders know all about us before we appear, but during the deliberations how our soul mind interfaced with a human brain is carefully analyzed.
-The council is looking to see if the inner immortal character of our soul maintained its integrity in terms of values, ideals and action during incarnation. They want to know if we were submerged by our host body, or did we shine through? Did our soul effectively merge as a partner to the human brain as one harmonious outward human personality? Council members question souls about the use of power. . Was our influence positive, or corrupted by the need to dominate others? Were we led by the convictions of others, demonstrating no personal power, or did we make original contributions? The council is not so concerned about how many times we fell down in our progress through life, but whether we had the courage to pick ourselves up and finish strong.

Destinty of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes VIII

-"Through us, not from us, comes a life force of all knowing love and knowledge."
-"There are many physical worlds similar to Earth. We call them pleasure worlds and suffering worlds."
-Original scenes from all our lives never leave our memory as souls.
-For the spiritual hypnotherapist there are two forces operating in regression. On the one hand, we have the soul mind at work with its great storehouse of past life and spiritual life memories. On the other side, we also have the conscious memories of a current body engaged in descriptive imagery while the subject is in hypnosis.
-Attitudes and beliefs from the soul mind do affect the biological mind.
-There are countless other elements involving thought sequencing which we bring into our host body from hundreds of former lives.
-The average subject has led past lives as Caucasians, Orientals and Africans with no heredity connections.
-"I see my parents. They stop what they are doing and drift over the short space between our two clusters to embrace me and whisper encouragement. Finally, I reach my own group and everyone es welcoming me back."
-"The whole time I have been gone seems like a brief trip down to the corner grocery store to buy a carton of milk."
-"Teachers have infinite patience because time is meaningless."
-It is a standard learning imperative that we begin to study our past lives in depth right away.
-People who tell me they don't belong on Earth need to be taken seriously.
-"The thick line is like the trunk of a tree and the smaller ones are the branches. I know the thick one was my main path. The old man is pointing at that line and scolding me a bit about taking a dead end branch."
-"He shows me the first page with a universe of millions of galaxies."
-In our session together my subject learned her soul has a tendency to prejudge serious events in her life in a negative manner. In many past lives there was always a nagging thought that whatever decision she made in a crisis would be the wrong one.
-The function of the smaller library screens is for monitoring past and current time on Earth on a continuing basis.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes VII

-Guides use the sense memory we had in our physical bodies to assist in our recovery.
-I have my own theory of madness. When this soul can no longer control the aberrant behavior of its body, the two personas begin to separate into dissociated personality.
-The resurrection of the soul in the spirit world is merciful.
-There are souls whose acts in host bodies were so heinous they are not permitted to return to Earth.
-The fine art of energy reconstruction is handled by nonreincarnating masters.
-I believe the source of many earthly myths come from our soul memories of former existences on other worlds.
-When we see people who are victims of great adversity in life, this does not necessarily mean they were perpetrators of evil or wrongdoing of any kind in a former life. A soul with no such past associations might choose to suffer through a particular aspect of emotional pain to learn greater compassion and empathy for others by volunteering in advance for a life of travail.
-Energy adjustments are necessary for incarnates as well as discarnates.
-The Earth itself has its own vibrational rate and there are people capable of tuning into this ecological energy.
-Sedona, Arizona; Machu Pichu, Peru; Ayers Rock, Australia; places with these magnetic gridlines converge are said to enhance unconscious thought and make it easier to open our mental passages into spirituals realms.
-All souls who come to Earth leave a part of their energy behind in the spirit world.
-If someone you loved died thirty years ahead of you and has since reincarnated, you can still see them again upon your own return to the spirit world.
-Amnesia forces us to go into the testing area of the laboratory of Earth without the answers for the tasks we were sent here to accomplish. Amnesia also relieves us of the baggage for past failures so we may use new approaches with more confidence.
-Typically, a highly advanced soul will bring no more than 25 percent of its total capacity to Earth where the average, less confident soul has 50-70 percent.
-When we review our future life from the spirit world we are given advice about the energy requirements of the body we will occupy. The decision of how much energy we should take is ours. Many souls want to leave as much behind as possible because they love their home and the activities going on there.
-The souls who choose to split into two or more bodies within the same general time frame on Earth, want to accelerate their learning.
-"Physical worlds like Earth, with the type of body we have, it's a stage of mental development."

Calendar Book 2019 #1 January: Do as I say not as I do by Peter Schweizer

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes VI

-The integrity of souls involves an all-consuming desire that those they love have the free choice to finish their lives in any way they want.
-"Death is like a waking up after a long sleep where you had just a muddled awareness. The release you receive is one that comes after crying , only here you are not crying."
-Death only exchanges one reality for another in the continuum of existence.
-Upon death we go directly from one astral plane around Earth through the gateway into the Spirit world.
-Within the astral plane surrounding Earth, alternate or coexisting realities are part of our physical world.
-Higher beings are instantly aware of our death. Yet the wishes of the deceased are respected.
-"Placing a disturbed soul into a new body would be totally unfair to a baby just staring life."
-Souls have the ownership of their energy and most ask their guides to be taken to the centers of healing and rejuvenation in the spirit world.
-Our physical world may have unhappy or mischievous spirits floating around, but the do not lock in and inhabit the minds of people.
-Souls come to Earth to work on their own shortcomings.
-Soul's life contract.
-Like a fingerprint, each soul has a unique identity in its formation, composition and vibrational distribution.
-To begin to understand the soul, one must listen to the heart.
-Souls often leave their bodies seconds before a violent death.
-All but the most advanced souls crossing back the spirit world are met by benevolent spirits who make contact with their positive energy and escort needy souls to quiet recovery areas.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Destiny of souls by M. Newton. Quotes V

-When a soul once again returns to a pure energy state in the spirit world, it no longer feels hate, anger, envy, jealousy and the like. It has come to Earth to experience these sorts of emotions and learn from them. But after departing from Earth, do souls feel any sadness for what they have left behind? Certainly, souls carry nostalgia for the good times in all their past physical lives. This is tempered by a state of blissful omniscience and such a heightened sense of well being that souls feel more alive than when they were on Earth.
-Two sorts of negative emotions of souls:
1. Karmic guilt for making very poor choices.
2. A longing to reunite with the Source of their existence.
-It's a soul's destiny to search for truth in their experiences in order to gain wisdom.
-Since the immortal character of the soul is no longer encumbered by individual temperament and the chemistry of its last body, it is at peace. 

Disintegration--The Cure (with lyrics)

Poetry... sublime art... eternity...