Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes X

-The very young soul who has been to Earth less than five times.
-As souls develop and become more complex they appear to require more specialists on their panels.
-Our chairperson, and perhaps one or two other Elders, are normally present over great spans of time between many lives.
-Members of the same soul group usually go before different councils.
-Apparently, specialists come into our panels at certain times to lend their expertise if we continue to fall into the same ruts.
-"I am afraid of confrontation and lives of adversity. He says: we never give you more than you can handle, keep extending yourself, you have much to offer"
-This subject chose to be a woman of small stature and ordinary features in her current life, rather than accepting a tempting offer of another body choice as a dazzling beauty.
-"That which you gain from each difficult life, you gain for all eternity"
-The council just doesn't inquire into our most immediate past life. Lines of questioning follow across the sum of all our lives and cover the larger picture of our progress toward self-fulfillment.
-"Emmanual, we are not here to judge you, punish you, or to override your thoughts. We want you to look at yourself through our eyes, if you can. That means to forgive yourself. This is the most challenging aspect of your time with us because it is our desire that you accept yourself for who you are with the same unconditional love we have for you. We are here to support you in your work on Earth."
-"It's so crazy! An entire lifetime of giving money to charity and they are interested in this! I gave this woman no money, we only talked..."
-"I probably could have participated more... to engage others... and fought for my convictions..."
-I have had cases where a spouse will intentionally choose a body that has a high probability of dying young from a variety of natural causes to allow the surviving spouse to again work through grief in a more healthy fashion.
-"Each life we live fits together with all our other lives in a continuum toward fulfilling our primary purpose".
-"I specifically asked for a body in this life which would be subjected to incurable pain".
-Case 43 is what I would call an accelerated soul. Unz has only been incarnating on Earth for some five thousand years, a very short time considering her advancement. This is because she never skates in any of her lives.
-Is Earth a laboratory created by higher forms of energy for the lower to advance through many states of development?
-Our transformation from total ignorance to perfected knowledge involves a continual process of enlightenment by having faith that we can be better than we are.

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