Monday, March 18, 2019

Compass, a handbook on parents leadership by James Stenson. Quotes X

-Family loyalty saves many teens and young adults from disaster. How does this loyalty come about? Through the power of WE.
-Active family rules cement the kids' rock-hard foundation in place and form the framework for their growth in character.
-Why does a healthy family have rules? For one simple reason: because it has a job to do, a service mission to carry out.
-Every serious enterprise has three basic elements:
1. A mission.
2. A responsible chain of command.
3. A set of performance standards.
-All the rules directly or implicitly, began with the word WE.
-The parents lived by the rules themselves, the same ones they imposed on their children. They practiced what they preached and led the way by their personal example.
-As the day goes, so goes one's life.
-All the rules seemed to fall into five distinct categories:
1. WE respect the rights and sensibilities of others.

  • We say: thank you, please, excuse me, I am sorry, I give my word of honor.
  • We don't gossip.
  • We keep our family's affairs within the family.

2. WE all contribute to making our home a clean, orderly, civilized place to live.

  • We do not make promises unless we commit ourselves to carry them out. 
  • We show special respect to older people.
  • We celebrate each other's accomplishments.

3. WE give people information they need to carry out their responsibilities.

  • If we are going to be late, we call. 

4. WE use electronic media only to promote family welfare, never to work against it.

  • We permit nothing in our home that offends our moral principles. 

5. We love and honor our Creator above all things; we thank Him for His blessings and ask His help for our needs and those of others.

  • We serve the Lord by serving others. 
-A great family never attains perfection, but it will never stop trying. To keep trying, no matter what, is the essence of greatness. 
-Reaching an ideal is nearly impossible, but to try is always possible.

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