-One hour for yourself before dawn.
-Excuses breed no genius.
-All change with consistent practice.
-When you feel like surrendering, continue.
-He's been true to his word in a world where too many people say thing they never do and make promises they fail to keep.
-Most people stay the say their entire lives. Too frightened to leave the way they operated yesterday.
-Nature notices your effortful actions and then goes ahead and replies to you faithful commitment with a series of unanticipated wins.
-The flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation.
-A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul.
-The humblest is the greatest.
-There is a big difference between real power and fake power.
-Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that's fine, it truly is, so long as you don't get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things. Enjoy them, just don't get attached to them. Have them, just don't base your identity around them. Appreciate them, just don't need them. These are only forms of fake power our civilization programs us to believe we must pursue to be successful.
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