Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Win forever by Pete Carroll. Quotes III

-Do things better than they have ever been done before.
-Practice is one of the many places where we compete to be the best.
-How we practice defines who we are.

-From the moment I got out of the car, I could hear it: whistles, kids, and coaches, all sounding somewhat unlike the practice I'd come from. Here, there was something very different: it was the energy. Despite the fact that both teams clearly had the same gear, the same facilities, and players of comparable ability, this practice and the one I had just come from were two utterly different experiences. From the moment I got out of the car, I sensed this was going to be a better practice.
As I got closer, I could hear coaches speaking in Spanish and English, but the language didn't matter. The players could interpret the passion, energy, and excitement.
These coaches were the source of the difference, and it just blew me away.
-How crucial the energy of the coaches was to create a great practice atmosphere.
-The passion and the excitement that coaches bring to the field will transfer directly to the players and will allow you to create a competitive practice environment.
-We worked to gain confidence and erase fear by practicing for every contingency.
-Every year, as you build your team, there always seems to be a critical moment when things either come together or go south.
-Standing in the middle of our team, I told them that if we remained as tight as we were at that moment, it didn't matter who came over the walls of this great coliseum to challenge us.
-A tradition in spring practice. Every year, on the first day or our monthlong spring practice, we would begin with a team meeting.
-We wanted to maximize our potential and do everything we did better than it had ever been done before. This meant everything, not just as football coaches and players but as human beings.
-Self-talk can be powerful and ultimately can create anticipated outcomes.
-As soon as he stopped doubting himself and began to envision positive outcomes, his natural gifts propelled him to great success.
-Part of teaching players to execute on the field is teaching them to execute off the field as well. 

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