Monday, May 20, 2019

Win Forever by Pete Carroll. Quotes V

-I want our guys to know that we believe in them, and I want to show them how far we will go to stand by them. When I do that, I get it back many times over in the long run.
-Having the freedom to weigh my options was more important to me than money or a sense of security. In Seattle, as at USC, I want everyone to know that we want them to realize their dreams. I want people who will fight for us because they know we'll fight from them.
-We live in a society that celebrates executives, coaches, and other leaders yet doesn't put a very high value on teaching as a profession.
-Leading and teaching go hand in hand.
-A flexible and open communication is an incredibly powerful leadership tool.
-Failure to communicate is unacceptable for a parent, a coach, or a leader.
-Learn your learner.
-The competitive environment we operate in as coaches demands that we be extraordinary teachers.
-We wanted to observe our players in as many situations and scenarios as possible.
-It's a challenge to understand the people you're dealing with so that you can approach them in the most effective possible way. A way that allows them to operate and perform at their very best.
-The best teachers, coaches, and leaders are often the best observers.
-I never want to be cut off from the flow of what's going on and what everybody is thinking.
-This effort to know more about our players is never ending, as our teaching is never ending.
-The greatest competitors of our time own a deep down desire to be the best.
-The details of each day's work are accounted for down to the minute.
-I wanted them to see practice as something to look forward to with excitement and focus. When we did that properly, our practices were as competitive and fiery as any game.
-I wanted to practice at game speed.
-Critique effort first.
-Our goal was for our players to face tougher opposition on our practice field than they would encounter in games.
-Competitive cauldron. Anson Dorrance.
-We kept score during everything.
-Finding the right balance and emphasis is critical for keeping practices fresh and players focused.
-A different theme for each day of the week:
-Always passionate speaking from the heart.
-Players need to focus no matter what is going on around.
-By making our practices competitive, by making the most of teachable moments, and by creating a stadium-like atmosphere, our players definitely felt more comfortable in real game's situations.

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