Monday, September 23, 2019

Think positive thoughts every day by Unknown. Quotes IV

-Whether it's a family member, somebody at work, or your best friend who's hurt you badly, put yourself in their shoes and treat them the way you would want to be treated, even if they don't deserve it.
-Prove to yourself that you can practice what you believe. Try to be as understanding of others ad you would want them to be of you.
-What other people do is their responsibility. They are not responsible for your actions, no matter what they do . You are.
-If someone has said something untrue about you or done something intentionally to hurt you, wish good things for that person, even if you don't feel like it.
-If you have made a mistake or disappointed yourself or others, apologize quickly and earnestly; that's all you can do. Let your remorse teach you how to have compassion for others when they make mistakes.
-If you fell like yelling, go outside and throw rocks on the cement instead. Take a walk or, better yet, sing... it will put a melody back in your life.
-If you think someone is making fun of you or someone you love, disarm them, not with your fist, but with your best smile.
-Get in touch with the person you want to be and become that. Listen to your heart... you can find the answer there to every question you have.
-Forgiveness is letting go of the pain and accepting what has happened, because it will not change.
-When times become difficult, remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness.
-When life throws you one more obstacle that you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you will find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.
-When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.
-When you are faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole, and remember the positive things.
-Patience with the loved ones in your life. Courage to go on when you are afraid.
-Never let anyone or anything make you feel less than you are, because who you are is someone special. Never feel that the next step is a step too far. If you are stumbling as you walk, hod your head high and know that no other person's words or actions can ever hurt you, because who you are is someone special.
-Never lose faith in yourself. Just look around you, at the friends who surround you, because they love and care for you, support you, and believe in you. Because you are someone special.
-Imagine yourself to be the type of person you want to be, and then be it.
-It is only in trying and persisting that dreams come true.
-Your thoughts and actions, the way you spend your time, your choices and decisions determine who you are and whom you will become.
-You are capable and worthy of being and doing anything. Never give up. Life is an ever-changing process, and nothing is final. Therefore, each moment and every new day is a chance to begin anew.
-We control our own destiny because we can decide how people and events affect us. So much of our happiness lies within the choices that we make.
-We can live in the past or dream about the future, or we can life for today.
-Always hold honor as a high virtue.
-Despite how the world may be, rise above.
-Believe in hard work, and always believe in yourself.
-Always see the goodness in this world, do your part in helping those less fortunate, walk hand in hand with those of less talent.
-Set yourself apart from those who are the same.
-Have the self-confidence to say no when it's necessary and the strength to stand alone.
-Walk with pride down the road of life, be humble in your successes, and share in the praises and joy of others.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Think positive thoughts every day. By Unknown. Quotes II

-Try to keep a positive attitude by looking for the little blessings that happen every day.
Human can rescue from being overwhelmed. Barbara Cage.
-Promise yourself to dream more and hesitate less. To believe in yourself more and judge yourself less by the accomplishments of others.
Promise yourself to accept life as it comes and truly make each day special.
Deanna Beisser.
-By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to follow through on your goals.
Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations.
Work through your problems rather than avoid them.
Mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries.
You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.
Kelly D. Caron
-Find that dreams do come true.
Remember that you have a guardian angel watching over you.
Linda Ann McConnell.
-Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. H. Keller.
-Keep believing that you have what it takes to make your dream into a reality.
Know that you have the ability to do anything.
Regina Hill.
-Look for the beauty around you. Barbara Cage.
-Now is when you flourish and grow. Michele Rossi

Think positive thoughts every day. By Unknown. Quotes

-Most of the shadows of this life are cause by standing in one's own sunshine. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-Hope gives all of us our reason for trying. Regina Hill.
-May you find peace in simple things, because those are the ones that will always be there. Regina Hill.
-May you remember the good times and forget the sorrow and pain, for the good times will remind you of how special your life has been. Regina Hill.
-May you always feel secure and loved, and know you are the best. Regina Hill.
-May you find warmth in others, expressions of love and kindness, smiles that encourage you, and friends who are loyal and honest. Regina Hill.
-With understanding and love, you will find the good in every heart. Regina Hill.
-May you have faith in others and the ability to be vulnerable. Open your heart and really share the miracle of love and intimacy. Regina Hill.
-Refuse to be unhappy, to let your troubles multiply; organize your time; refuse to dwell on the mistakes and disappointments; be optimistic, be energetic and positive; always hope for the best, believe in yourself at all times and in all aspects of your life. Ben Daniels.
-Trust that whatever happens, there is someone who will understand.
Honesty, the feeling that you never need to hold back.
Peace, in being accepted for who you really are.
Beauty in outlook more than appearance.
Freedom... to be yourself, to change, and to grow..
Joy, in every day, in every memory, and in your hopes for the future.
Love to last a lifetime, and perhaps beyond. D.L. Riepl
-Realize that life isn't always fair.
Think before you act.
Look for the beauty in life, in people, in nature, and in yourself.
Appreciate what you have.
Make the effort to have fun.
Accept others without judgment.
  Barbara Cage.
-Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. Douglas Pagels.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

The spiritual child. Quotes XIV

-Breathe and trust. It's not that we said the perfect thing in a grand moment that changed our child's life. We just need to open our hearts and try. Parenting and spirituality is not a scoreboard. Think of it as a tidal wave of love that we are learning to surf. What works is when day after day we show up ready to try to feel and move with an open heart.
-Treat challenges and setbacks as a spiritual opportunity.
-Transparency is an intentional willingness to show our children how we resolve daily frustration, painful events, ethical problems, and difficult decisions through our own spiritual relationship.
-We can express gratitude for being alive.
-If we are not perfect, but are works in progress who live our lives to learn, then our children tackle life as a process of learning, spiritual awakening, and discovery.
-The child knows the answer to big questions right from the source.
-Spirituality is a way of living, an experiential space. It is a lived reality so it is as a way of being with hardship.
-I will seek to know the person first.
-I strongly believe in following Jesus, not just knowing about Him.
-When you just don't know the answer, appreciate the moment.
-Help the child learn to engage life on spiritual terms, to lean into a spiritual understanding of the world.
-Whom she saw directly as a soul.
-Who we are: part of the universal oneness is having respectful and loving relationships with nature and animals.
-All living things are our teachers.
-How can we bring our love to the world?
-Children want to understand their place in the family, both physically and spiritually. Family history in general is very important to explain to children what came before.
-Family is part of something larger, something the beyond purely physical.
-Sanctification of the family also happens when we acknowledge with gratitude each person in the family and the specialness of being a whole.
-We make mistakes. When we do, forget trying to hide it from your child. Any change or disruption in the family is an opportunity to reconnect and communicate.
-Our family comes first.
-Love grows everywhere with one more!
-Spiritual values say there is a much higher bar ethically than that which is demonstrated in the everyday bare minimum standard.
-How high we can go? I call this approach the spirituality of inspired living, which is the ethic through which we connect in the universe to one another and to a higher presence.
-The inspired life honors our inner deep compass: knowing the true standard is so much higher than just what's allowed and living that truth. It's not just making do with the customary rules of the school or the workplace: it is imagining how life could really be instead.
-There is another form of right action and that is to repair the world, fix things: If I lose my temper, it means apologizing. Go back and awkward as it may feel  say I am sorry. Apologize. Fix things. The more we do it, the easier it becomes, and it starts to feel good.
-Our opportunity for the inspired life is always right here, right now.
-Every moment of daily life is a spiritual opportunity to encourage, uplift, or turn anger into a moment of humor and connection. The moments begin at home.
-To decide what kind of soul on earth they want to be, help them to reach out to someone at school who is having a hard time, to look past unfashionable clothes or a bad attitude, and look into another's eyes and ask: how are you doing? While you are at it, do the same for that crabby colleague at your office. Ask what he is thinking or curious about; ask how he is. The culture of love spreads very quickly.

The spiritual child by Lisa Miller. Quotes XIII

-Sometimes it's ok not to have a plan.
-Parenthood is the very definition of ego death, a surrender of control and vanity that actually makes us more.
-The field of love expands exponentially with children.
-Children with their open hearts and frank questions can tear down walls and let the adults in.
-How can I help them be who they are, to be the most complete?
-Of the hundreds of things that I might have brought up in a week, not everything got this kind of interest. Start talking about what's the point of life, and he was riveted.
-For me, I need work that gives me meaning, makes me tick, and relationships that are built on love and trust.
-I had a dream this week and Gradma Ellie was in it.
-I felt as if in sharing this dream, he'd given me the most important thing in his life. That experience became a template for me, now with my own kids and in my own work: next to listening, our journey as the parent is the greatest thing we have to share. My father's telling of his dream was a lovely shared moment, both of us at the cusp of grief and trying to figure it out together. He didn't have an answer and I didn't have an answer but we knew it was important and we were leaning in. He let me into the relationship, embrace and sustenance of inner spiritual life, into the reality of spiritual life. It was a sacred moment. It was as intimate and real and just as important as life gets. 

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes XII

-The spirit can heal once the adolescent is made whole.
-Grief and destruction as necessary for my rebirth.
-Help came from an unanticipated place.
-Rediscovering heart knowing through contemplation, yoga, and meditation.
-Her depression was, at the heart of it, a spiritual quest.
-When parents are unavailable for whatever reason to provide the loving connection to the field of love, some children are able to access it as Marin eventually did: through a direct, felt, transcendent relationship with their higher power, or through their spiritual guidance in nature, or with others who offer a heartfelt, supportive presence that honors what is good in life.
-All parts of us are valuable and good: our minds, our bodies, our sexuality, our urges and desires.
-In wholeness, lies healing.
-When you arrive into parenthood, you know you have arrived into something much bigger. Planned or unplanned, joyful or heavy with uncertainty, it is a threshold passage in the deepest sense.
-Once we become parents, we are forever changed, your love for a child opens the field of love.
-Parenthood is a spiritual pilgrimage: the hard work and austerity, the steep climb with its trials and setbacks, uncertainty in place of control, the disorientation as the self or ego dissolves into a spirit that is no longer self-centered but now exists for something larger and more precious than the self, your child.
-The exhaustion, trials and wear of parenting do not make us less, they make us more. Parenting is an erosion of vanity and of the illusion of control. Through struggles and trials and soul searching, we become clear about what matters and what really doesn't.
-Becoming a parent is when a gift of live has been offered and received, when love quietly moves into our lives and takes over.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes XI

-The value of a human life. Not just anyone's: your human life. The purpose of your whole being. Your value. And the point of the entire world around you. This is the core work of spiritual individuation, the quest.
-Depression opens a path for spiritual growth that, if taken, can lead to a deeply cultivated, lasting personal spirituality.
-Through spiritual engagement they actively shaped their sensitive brains in a way that was neuro-protective against recurrence of major depression.
-Neurologically, psychologically, and spiritually, spirituality and depression appear as two sides of the same coin.
-The more the teen has set up the personal transcendent relationship, the more resilient, emotionally and physically, they are likely to be when they confront illness, loss, and bereavement, all the things that eventually come our way in life.
-A preoccupation with personal control in the face of unwanted life events that are not controllable leads to recurrence of depression, anxiety, stress disorders, and addictive consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco.
-Strong personal spirituality builds greater grit and optimism in the face of adversity.
-How can you be depressed when you got everything you wanted? If spiritual individuation and the normal quest for meaning, purpose, and transcendent connection is unmet, the core is not built.
-The spiritual connection through his family, the field of love, is what lifted his depression.
-Religious practice and nonreligious mindfulness practice both contributed equally in different ways to teens' spiritual development.
-Religious practice plus mindfulness add up to more spiritual awareness and engagement. Mindful teens and religiously observant teens both were equally spiritual, equally connected with the transcendent relationship, felt a sense of spiritual discovery, and felt daily spiritual experience.
-"My dad died years ago, but I still talk to him sometimes when I'm feeling down or I don't know what to do".
-The teen must connect head and heart knowing in order for their spiritual and analytical faculties to inform  one another.

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes X

-Individuation can progress without spiritual individuation, but it is a weakened version based too often solely on performance, accomplishment, and material success.
-The most helpful way to support an adolescent is to frame the quest as spiritual, and as an essential, core part of their emergence to adulthood.
-The adolescent brain is built for the tasks of individuation and spiritual individuation in the second decade, even more so than in adulthood, when neural networks and patterns of thought have become more deeply entrenched.
-Spiritual development is the most important work we do in the second decade.
-A spiritual core changes all else into an inspired life.
-What we see as a surly, unsettled teen is more accurately a teen on a quest to bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment, to integrate those parts of the self into a coherent whole.
-By doing good actions, they are de facto making themselves into a person who operates with spiritual values and can discover the feelings of the heart, and transcendent relationships, that come through service.
-How can there not be something else?
-The essential self-knowledge is gained through the developmental challenges and tasks of the second decade.

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes IX

-For an adolescent, when transcendence is not guided to connect with the rest of lived experience, the teen loses hold of the innate capacity for spiritual awareness.
-The world is different without the knowing of the heart, without the sense of being part of something greater and good, without the added glow of family or the field of love, or without the intuitive awareness of the wisdom in nature and all living beings.
-What can we do? We can parent our adolescents for spiritual individuation, with a strength and presence that ultimately outweighs the surrounding culture.
-The mark of outward success: very little concern with goodness or morality in family goals and time together, inner life or reflection, morality or spiritual values.
-The cost of severed spirits: physical appearance was the most powerful factor for predicting a girl's popularity, with a girl's hostility or mean girl factor being the second greatest predictor of popularity. For teen boys, substance use was the greatest predictor of popularity, followed by their exploitive attitude or behavior toward women.
-Feeding a child on raw outward ambition, without unconditional love, does not make for success in any way.
-Spiritual individuation will set up the teen for a much healthier, more meaningful, purposeful, and thriving adult life. Lacking spiritual resources, teens search for the transcendent experience wherever they can find it: risky behaviors, including reckless driving or casual or unprotected sex, and substance use.
-The stronger the teen's transcendent relationship, the less likely she was to use drugs.
-Adolescence brings with it and erupting hunger for transcendence.
-Positive psychology grow out of transcendent values, a spiritual worldview and sense that our direction and relationships have ultimate value.
-Choice by choice, big and little, the new map takes shape and with it comes an emerging concept of identity based upon a deeper spiritual worldview. Who am I? What do I want my life to be? What is my purpose?