Sunday, September 8, 2019

The spiritual child by Lisa Miller. Quotes XIII

-Sometimes it's ok not to have a plan.
-Parenthood is the very definition of ego death, a surrender of control and vanity that actually makes us more.
-The field of love expands exponentially with children.
-Children with their open hearts and frank questions can tear down walls and let the adults in.
-How can I help them be who they are, to be the most complete?
-Of the hundreds of things that I might have brought up in a week, not everything got this kind of interest. Start talking about what's the point of life, and he was riveted.
-For me, I need work that gives me meaning, makes me tick, and relationships that are built on love and trust.
-I had a dream this week and Gradma Ellie was in it.
-I felt as if in sharing this dream, he'd given me the most important thing in his life. That experience became a template for me, now with my own kids and in my own work: next to listening, our journey as the parent is the greatest thing we have to share. My father's telling of his dream was a lovely shared moment, both of us at the cusp of grief and trying to figure it out together. He didn't have an answer and I didn't have an answer but we knew it was important and we were leaning in. He let me into the relationship, embrace and sustenance of inner spiritual life, into the reality of spiritual life. It was a sacred moment. It was as intimate and real and just as important as life gets. 

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