Sunday, September 8, 2019

The spiritual child. Quotes XIV

-Breathe and trust. It's not that we said the perfect thing in a grand moment that changed our child's life. We just need to open our hearts and try. Parenting and spirituality is not a scoreboard. Think of it as a tidal wave of love that we are learning to surf. What works is when day after day we show up ready to try to feel and move with an open heart.
-Treat challenges and setbacks as a spiritual opportunity.
-Transparency is an intentional willingness to show our children how we resolve daily frustration, painful events, ethical problems, and difficult decisions through our own spiritual relationship.
-We can express gratitude for being alive.
-If we are not perfect, but are works in progress who live our lives to learn, then our children tackle life as a process of learning, spiritual awakening, and discovery.
-The child knows the answer to big questions right from the source.
-Spirituality is a way of living, an experiential space. It is a lived reality so it is as a way of being with hardship.
-I will seek to know the person first.
-I strongly believe in following Jesus, not just knowing about Him.
-When you just don't know the answer, appreciate the moment.
-Help the child learn to engage life on spiritual terms, to lean into a spiritual understanding of the world.
-Whom she saw directly as a soul.
-Who we are: part of the universal oneness is having respectful and loving relationships with nature and animals.
-All living things are our teachers.
-How can we bring our love to the world?
-Children want to understand their place in the family, both physically and spiritually. Family history in general is very important to explain to children what came before.
-Family is part of something larger, something the beyond purely physical.
-Sanctification of the family also happens when we acknowledge with gratitude each person in the family and the specialness of being a whole.
-We make mistakes. When we do, forget trying to hide it from your child. Any change or disruption in the family is an opportunity to reconnect and communicate.
-Our family comes first.
-Love grows everywhere with one more!
-Spiritual values say there is a much higher bar ethically than that which is demonstrated in the everyday bare minimum standard.
-How high we can go? I call this approach the spirituality of inspired living, which is the ethic through which we connect in the universe to one another and to a higher presence.
-The inspired life honors our inner deep compass: knowing the true standard is so much higher than just what's allowed and living that truth. It's not just making do with the customary rules of the school or the workplace: it is imagining how life could really be instead.
-There is another form of right action and that is to repair the world, fix things: If I lose my temper, it means apologizing. Go back and awkward as it may feel  say I am sorry. Apologize. Fix things. The more we do it, the easier it becomes, and it starts to feel good.
-Our opportunity for the inspired life is always right here, right now.
-Every moment of daily life is a spiritual opportunity to encourage, uplift, or turn anger into a moment of humor and connection. The moments begin at home.
-To decide what kind of soul on earth they want to be, help them to reach out to someone at school who is having a hard time, to look past unfashionable clothes or a bad attitude, and look into another's eyes and ask: how are you doing? While you are at it, do the same for that crabby colleague at your office. Ask what he is thinking or curious about; ask how he is. The culture of love spreads very quickly.

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