Thursday, April 17, 2008


Far beyond tomorrows or yesterdays… when the breeze of now comes and caresses the silence of your hesitations, something amazing… something extraordinary happens… It’s like that feeling, so familiar… when everything seems to be lost and you would not bet on you in any case because the only thing you are capable of seeing is the precipice…
Someone said once: “the darkest hour comes just before dawn”. It is that type of illumination that lights the fire of your dreams… making you believe… believe in the idea that everything is possible, that there is beauty from pain… there is something magical in that sentiment by which you are sure the next miracle comes from that smile that you can not forget… and out of the blue, your eyes are directed to the place that gives you the sign, directed who knows by whom… probably by angels, probably by coincidence… probably by fate…
And that sign, makes you realize about the whole thing… that sign feeds your entire own… and for the first time in your life, you do feel there is something really special around… something made of sighs, dews, faith and trust… all at the same time…
And deep inside that is what helps you to go on, carrying out the daily tasks, having energy to look at the newly born sunset and thank God for that unique opportunity that is Life.
You were touched and you saw it… you belong to it… despite the deceptions, despite the errors and non wanted flaws, you were able to appreciate greatness, goodness, a beautiful gleam from the purest streams of noble wishes come true…
It is there, just around the corner… and if you open your heart and your mind… the world made of magic conspires to let you touch the stars… It was always there… by your side… awaiting to be recognized…
There will not be darkness anymore… nor gloomy moments… you got it… it will always exist that element, that chimera… that utopia called Hope by which everything can be possible, and the more you believe the more alive you feel… the more you dance with the silence, the happier you are… the more you embraces sadness, the more ready you become to appreciate how amazing every single moment is…
Yes, it is called Hope, and it is inside… no matter what… a new era started… your existence makes sense over the certainty that with Hope in your spirit… in your heart, you are more than ready for the next season…
There you are my friend, never alone… so magnificent, so prominent, Hopeful and never alone… never alone…

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