Saturday, October 12, 2024

Life at the bottom by Theodore Dalrymple. Quotes.

 -The welfare state is creating a miasma of subsidized apathy that blights the lives of its supposed beneficiaries. 

-Self-respect is the pre-condition of self-improvement. 

-When people satisfy every appetite with the same minimal effort and commitment, no wonder they trap themselves in squalor. 

-Misery increases to meet the means available for its alleviation. 

-The poor are a gold mine. 

-The worst poverty is he poverty of the soul.

-The squalor was not economic: but spiritual, moral, and cultural. 

-God helps him who helps himself. 

-There is no better and no worse, only popular and unpopular. 

Horizons' Disintegration

 Cadavers walking with their coffins on their shoulders. Where do they go when sunsets go out? Where do they go? No turning back... when you let your own essence get rotten... No salvation for shadows making ceaseless effort looking the other way... the opposite to the Horizons...

Where do they go when sunsets go out? When sunsets go out? When sunsets go out?

The only aristocracy is decency. But these cadavers chose disintegration. Dare to look! Dare to look at them! Look at them! 

No more Horizons for the impostors of humanity... No rest for those who sold their souls for a few cents... 

The Eternal brave heroes are looking down from above... They cannot believe what the see... They cannot fathom so much depravation, so much betrayal, decomposition... 

Where do they go when sunsets go out? Where do they go when Horizons go out?

We do yo go sweet beggar? Are you ready? Are you? 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Motivacion defendiendo Mbappe en PSG

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

10 Memorable Quotes III

 1. You fail all the time, but you are not a failure until you start blaming someone else. B. Phillips.

2. Never complain, never explain. Disraeli.

3. Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't. Jerry Rice.

4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

5. It is not about the medal. It is about living a gold medal life. Natalie Cook. 

6. Knowledge gives you power; character, respect.

7. The mental is to the physical as four is to one. And one thing more supersedes everything else: enthusiasm. Bobby Knight. 

8. To win you have to eliminate the reasons why you lose. Booby Knight.

9. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

10. We can't help getting older, but we can help getting old. 

10 Memorable quotes II

 1. As we think, so we become. Ron and Suwanti Farmer.

2. Humble on the outside, confident on the inside.

3. To me, there is not such thing as luck. All luck is preparation meeting opportunity. Tim Grover.

4. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.

5. A good disposition is invincible. Marcus Aurelius. 

6. Ending means renewal; continuation decay. Krishnamurti. 

7. Refuse to be intimidated by anyone or anything.

8. I will rest when my body fails me. Jocko Willink.

9. Never confuse a single defeat as a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

10. The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination. Tommy Lasorda. 

10 memorable quotes

 1. Confuse them with your silence. Shock them with your actions. 

2. Train it and trust it. 

3. Think like the person you intend to become.

4. When you are prepared, there is no fear of failure. Tim Grover. 

5. Walk with giants. Robin Sharma.

6. I have never met a strong person with an easy past.

7. Leading is not the same as being the leader. Simon Sinek.

8. Warriors don´t slouch into battle. 

9. The fitter you are, the hardest it is to give up. Anson Dorrance. 

10. Courage over confidence.

Friday, December 22, 2023

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLIV

 -In every life, especially the hardest ones, doorways of possibility and gateways into the miraculous swing open, revealing the reality that everything that each one of us experiences is part of some intelligent and yes often illogical plan meant to draw us nearer to our greatest powers, most wonderful circumstances and highest good. 

-Education is the ultimate highway into freedom. 

-No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. 

-Suffering can either embitter us or ennoble us. 

-Leadership is for everyone. 

-We all must break free from our private jails that incarcerate our glory and keep our nobility in bondage. Please, remember that gifts and talents neglected become curses and sorrows. 

-Yes, no matter what struggles we face and what adversities we will endure. No matter what attacks, humiliation and violence are visited on us. We must persist. We must continue. We must stay strong. We must live our luminous nature. And magnify our sovereign selves. Even if it feels the whole world is against us. This is truly what makes us human beings. Even if it seems the light will never transcend the darkness, keep making your walk to freedom. Model what's highest for the rest of us. Exemplify grace, for the majority of us. Demonstrate actual love, for all of us. 

-Refrain from allowing the shadow forces of fear, rejection, doubt and disappointment to dim the light of your most luminous self.  

-To lead is to inspire others by the way that you live. To lead is to walk through the fires of your hardest times to step up into forgiveness. To lead is to remove any form of mediocrity from infiltrating the quarters of your life in a dazzling celebration of the majesty that is your birthright. To lead is to turn your terrors into triumphs and translate each of your heartbreaks into heroism. 

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLIII

 -When you summit a high peak, you'll see the next range of peaks waiting to be scaled. 

-Increase constantly your personal standards and raise the quality of your life. 

-Go through life as a world-class. 

-Your relationship with everything outside of yourself cannot help but be a demonstration of your relationship with all that is within you. 

-Every human being you meet has a lesson to teach, a story to tell and some dream in their heart that longs for your support. 

-Very little of what happened to you was an accident. Everything was for your growth. And all was for your good. 

-Connect with your mortality. Understand that your days are numbered. And with the passage of every glorious morning, you grow closer to your end. 

-Don't put off expressing your gifts and talents. 

-Life absolutely is a sublime journey. Yes, we all experience trials and heartbreak. But it's all mostly good. Every hero story needs to have a villain as well as some juicy tragedy along with the triumphs and ultimate victory for it to be a tale worth watching. 

-Keep the shortness of life at the forefront of your focus. 

-Tomorrow is a promise not a fact. Enjoy every morning and appreciate each day you have on Earth. Take bold risks yet hedge them with common sense. Balance living like there is not tomorrow with behaving like you'll live forever. So that when the end does come you'll know you lived your life as a majestic testimony to the capacity for legendary that every human being carries inside of them. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLII

 -It is in quietude that self-awareness rises. 

-Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of a consumer of material things. 

-It's impossible to enter the magic that each fresh morning brings if parts of you are holding on to old disappointments, resentments and hurts. 

-This time is all you really have. 

-Every ending marks a new beginning. 

-You can allow yourself to become paralyzed by fear of rejection or you can go out there and astonish the world. 

-Within every seeming setback lies a distinguished opportunity for even greater success. 

-Only people in pain do painful things to others. 

-Never underestimate the power of your associations. The real key is to avoid trouble creators. Stay away from all dram queens and negativity kings. 

-Relate peacefully. Pass through life gracefully. 

-Poverty is the consequence of an inner condition, not an outer situation. To believe otherwise is to hand over your capacity to produce the magic of prosperity that you want to the very things you are complaining of. 

-Give more to receive more. Give without a single thought of any return. 

-We reap what we sow. 

-Peak health is true wealth. 

-The whole game of the A-player is to always be rising. 

The 5am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XLI

 -The Maxims of Life

#1. To create magic in the world, own the magic within yourself. 

#2. Collect miraculous experiences over material things. 

#3. Failure inflates fearlessness. 

#4. Proper use of your primal power creates your personal utopia. 

#5. Avoid bad people. 

#6. Money is the fruit of generosity, not scarcity. 

#7. Optimal health maximizes your power to produce power. 

#8. Continue raising your life standards toward absolute world-class. 

#9. Deep love yields unconquerable joy. 

#10. Heaven on earth is a state, not a place. 

#11. Tomorrow is a bonus, not a right. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XL

 -Our gifts don't increase when we stay in our safety circles. 

-Challenge and stretch your capacities past the normal. 

-Dream big. Start small. Begin now. 

-Why be alive if you are not going to be totally alive?

-I took myself too seriously. 

-Self-care is essential to self-love. 

-This day is priceless. All the money in the world will not bring it back again. And so, I seize it, and I savor it and I honor it. 

-It's only misfits, oddballs, and eccentrics that change our world. 

-Being successful without feeling soulful is the biggest of defeats. 

-I own my things but they don't own me. 

-You enter the magic of life and begin to experience outright bliss daily once you reclaim the inherent power that lurks in your core. And when you don't postpone being grateful for even the tiniest of everyday graces. You will become a magnet for miracles when you begin being a magician of sorts. 

-Getting back to being more innocent brings the magic back to our lives. 

-Your heart is always wiser than your head. 

-To know ever-increasing amounts of happiness, trust what makes you feel happy. 

-Your heart knows where you need to be. 

-Follow your joy. Only be around those people who fuel your joy. Only perform those pursuits that feed your bliss. Only be in those places that make you feel most alive. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIX

 -The 2 Massage Protocol. Vague plans yield vague performance. Try to get two ninety-minute massage onto your weekly schedule.

-Traffic University. Use your traveling time to learn, expanding your professional prowess and personal knowledge: listen to audiobooks, podcasts, etc. 

-The Dream Team Technique. Delegate tasks. Restructure your entire life so you are doing only the things you are great at and love to do. 

-The Weekly Design System. Design early each Sunday morning your blueprint for a beautiful week. Write a story in your journal about the highlights from the seven day you just lived. Record your lessons learned and the optimizations for making the coming week even better. Write down all your commitments. 

-The 60 Minute Student. For at least 60 minutes a day, study. 

-With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy? Oscar Wilde. 

-Massive productivity in society without an abundant heart, an authentic sense of joyfulness and enduring inner peace was no different from the game a hamster plays on a running wheel. 

-Your growth happens when you are resting. 

-Pressure is a privilege. 

-The time you least feel like doing something is the best time to do it. 

-When you enlarge your willpower muscle in one important area, your self-discipline in every other area rises with you. 

Ludovico Einaudi - Low Mist Var.2 Day1

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXVIII

 -The five primary assets that all superproducers defend are mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent and daily time. 

-The spaces you inhabit shape the output you produce. 

-Sell your television; avoid the news for the remainder of your days; stay out of noisy shopping malls where you buy things you don't need; unfriend energy-draining people you follow on social platforms.

-The 90/90/1 Rule. For the next ninety days, schedule yourself to invest the first ninety minutes of your workday on the one activity that when completed at world class, will cause you to own your field. 

-The 60/10 method. After you have run the 90/90/1 segment of your workday, use a timer and work at your best for sixty minutes straight. After your sixty-minute productivity sprint is done, refuel for 10 minutes (quick walk; reading a book; meditate; visualize; listen to music, podcast, etc.). After these 10 minutes, go back and perform your next sixty-minute work segment again.  

-The Daily 5 Concept. During the second pocket of your Victory Hour, list the 5 tiny targets you wish to accomplish over the day ahead for you to feel it was one well-spent. 

-The Second Wind Workout. Exercise helps you stay healthy longer. Schedule a second workout at the end of your workday to give you a second wind for a great evening.  

Monday, December 18, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXVII

 -The early morning has gold in its mouth. 

-I am always a leader, never a victim. A lion, not a sheep. I love my life and am making it even better every day. And the more people I help, the more happy I am. 

-We need not wait to see what others do. 

-Day by day. Step by step, an epic existence gets handcrafted. 

-If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius. Michelangelo. 

-If you live to be one hundred, I want to live a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. A. A. Milne. 

-Life's finest treasures live in its simplest moments. 

-We each do the best we can based on the level of awareness, maturity and personal security we are at. 

-The greatest of leaders were all servant leaders. 

-And beyond adversity exists a bridge into enduring victory, if one has the eyes to see it. 

-Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do. 

-The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil. 

-Every distraction that steals our attention lowers our chance to do masterful work. 

-The spaces you inhabit shape the output you produce. 

-Specific application ideas include selling your television, avoiding the news for the remainder of your days, staying out of noisy shopping malls where you buy things you don't need, unfriending energy-draining people you follow on social platforms, turning off all notifications while you are in the TBTF and deleting apps with constant announcements. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXVI

 -Your life will feel and work a hundred times better when you're in the finest physical condition you've ever been in. 

-Tranquility is the new luxury of our society. 

-Contemplate how you're living and on who you hope to become. 

-Reflection is a main source of transformation because once you know better, you definitely can do better. 

-Removing the non-essentials to produce the gem takes years of dedication. 

-Making things look simple to the untrained eye is the mark of a maestro. 

-The quickest way out of hard emotions is to have the wisdom and courage to go straight into them. 

-Once you reclaim the power blocked by layers of toxic emotions and the wounds of the past, your Mindset, Heartset, Healthset and Soulset will all soar exponentially. 

-Difficult feelings that you don't find a healthy way to remove become repressed, which creates stress, poor productivity and even disease. 

-When we avoid feeling, we lose access to our most powerful selves and forget the truths of life: that each of us can accomplish astounding things, and produce astonishing works, and realize radiant health, and know true love, and live a magical life, and be helpful to many. 

-You need to feel a wound to heal a hurt. 

-Carrying past pain is so exhausting. 

-Calm performers are the highest achievers. 

-The impossible is mostly the untried. 

-Truth speaks in the solitude of the day's earliest light. 

-One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself. 

-Leadership on the outside begins within. 

-You don't receive success and influence only because of what you want. You attract it into your life based on who you are.


The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXV

 -Amusements and excess that cause dynasties to fall. 

-Procrastination is an act of self-hatred. 

-If you really loved yourself, you'd relinquish all your feelings of not being good enough to be great and renounce all slavery to your weakness. 

-In all of history, there's never been even one person exactly like you. And there never will be. Yes, you are that special. 

-Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don't love ourselves. 

-We always perform in a way that is aligned with the way we see ourselves. 

-Our thinking creates our results. 

-The less we value ourselves and our powers, the less power we have access to. 

-Advantages of sport:

1. Repairs brain cells.

2. Accelerates neural connections. 

3. Releases serotonin (happiness).

4. Creates new brain cells. 

5. Releases dopamine (motivation).

6. Burns fat better. 

7. Improves your attention.

8. Gets you more serene.

9. Elevates your metabolism.

10. You become more grateful. 

-As soon as the alarm goes off bolt out of bed before your weaker self sucks you into all the reasons to stay in bed. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIV

 -We need more men and women who are pure leaders. People who influence not through the strength of a large title and by the threat of a big position but via the power of their characters, the nobility of their expertise, the compassion in their hearts and by their unusual dedication to leaving everyone they meet better than they found them.

-My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Maya Angelou.

-The teacher learns the most. 

-In the moment you feel you can't go further lies an enormous opportunity to forge an entirely new level of willpower. 

-Do not betray the powers that sleep within you by staying too late in a soft bed that keeps you sedated. 

-When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. All these things shall love do unto you so that you may know the secrets of your heart. K. Gibran. 

-A wishbone without a backbone doesn't really get you very far. 

-No idea works without doing the work. 

-The way you start your day dramatically influences how it unfolds. 

-As we create each day, so we craft our life. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXIII

 -Awesome takes patience. And genius takes time. 

-God, we need to make this world a better, healthier, safer and more loving place. 

-She laughed. Not some forced laugh that so many of us hear at business meetings where good people in quiet fear wear social masks in an effort to fit in, appear powerful and look cool. 

-Life always has a way to work things out for the best. 

-She understood that there are things more important than wealth, acclaim and fame. And that many financially rich people are actually desperately poor. 

-Nothing is more valuable than happiness. 

-She'd found love. She was still in excellent health. She had so many things to be grateful for: to eyes to see the splendors of this wonderful world, two legs to explore it all, food on her table each night at a time when billions have empty bellies. And a roof over her head for ample shelter. She had wise books to read in her library, work that fed her creativity and, as the billionaire said so often, an opportunity to achieve outright mastery not only to benefit herself but also in service to society. 

-Every human being does the best they can do based on their level of consciousness they are currently at and on the grade of true power they can command. 

-Those who hurt others loathe themselves. 

-It's when we face losing everything that we come to know our grandest selves. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXII

 -External order increases your discipline.

-Sixty-six days of training to make a new habit yours. 

-Persistency sits at the threshold of mastery.

-Doing difficult things that are very important was how the highest achievers and greatest heroes of our civilization embraced their power. 

-When faced with a choice, always choose the one that pushes you the most, increases your growth and promotes the unfoldment of your gifts, talents and personal prowess. So, when you feel like quitting, persevere. You'll get to the next stage soon. 

-Negative thoughts, cranky emotions and strong desires to surrender are a normal part of the process of hardwiring any new regime. 

-The illusion of safety is much more deadly than your rise toward personal mastery. 

-The primary purpose of life is growth. 

-Boredom kills the human spirit. 

-For the A-player the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next. 

-I am not afraid of failing. I am afraid of not growing.

-One habit installation after habit installation is how the pros play. 

-These superstars practiced their habits of victory so often, they've arrived at a place where they forgot how to not do them. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXXI

 -The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. 

-You gotta love yourself before you can lift the world. 

-Self-control is more indispensable than gunpower. 

-These exceptionalists began as ordinary people. 

-Legendary performers practice being spectacular for so long that they no longer remember how to behave in non-spectacular ways. 

-You should have not any technology in your bedroom. 

-All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end. 

-The real measure of your majesty is shown not in your outer moments before an audience, but in the soft and early light of lonely practice. You become undefeatable by what you do when no one's watching. 

-The brilliant moves in the last seconds of the championship match were automatic: the result of tireless hours of repetition of those splendid moves during training. 

-Installing a habit follows a sixty-six day process. 

-We make our worst decisions and our lowest choices when we're exhausted. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXX

 -For those showing up as victims, future will be very hard because they won't know what hit them. 

-They have given away their power to make change for so long, they've come to believe their powerlessness represents the truth. 

-Most people are passive instead of active builders of the ambitions within them. And then unconsciously they've manufactured a series of excuses about why they can't show up as leaders in their work and capable creators of their lives because they're so scared to leave the safety of their stuckedness and make the very improvements that would bring them to glory. 

-Real leaders always feel great joy when they shine a light on the talents of others. 

-Daily discomfort is the price of enduring success. 

-It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.  

William Ernest Henley

-The masters and the geniuses and the heroes of civilization all lived hard lives. 

-Playing small with your promise demotes our world.

-The single best way to build your willpower is to voluntarily put yourself into conditions of discomfort. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXIX

 -I don't wish for an easy life because there is no growth of my powers there. Give me a challenging life, one that brings out the finest in me. For this makes an iron will. And an unconquerable character. 

-The misuse of technology leads to the destruction of creativity and an extreme reduction of productivity. 

-Dreams don't come true while you are sleeping. 

-Anything legendary requires generous amounts of industry, artistry, and persistency. 

-Anyone can be great for a minute. 

-The common denominator of success: they formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do, even when, they, too, don't feel like doing them. 

-We all have the magic. Most of us don't know how to use it. 

-He thought to himself that this woman's magnetism comes from a place deeper than merely an attractive face. It was a charm born of struggle, an electricity emanating from hurt, an energy emitting through a formidable intellect and a prettiness formed by her robust resolve to step into a person of true power, wisdom and love. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXVIII

 -What makes the best the best is not their genetics, but their habits. 

-Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein. 

-The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. 

-We want the discipline to become a lifetime routine. 

-The hero does not become great during periods of comfort. The illustrious and noble souls of our world became strong, brave, and moral whilst standing resolutely in the storms of adversity, difficulty and doubt. It is in the moment that you face your deepest weakness that you receive the chance to forge your greatest strengths. Real power then, comes not from a life of ease but one of intense effort, devoted discipline and demanding action in the direction of what your supreme self knows to be right. To continue at a time when you ache to stop. To advance when you long to quit. To persist in the instant when you feel like giving up is to claim your membership among the great warriors and honorable characters who led humanity to a better place through their earned invincibility.  

-To regularly do that which is hard but important when it feels most uncomfortable is how warriors are born. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXVII

 -Why she'd given up so many of the pursuits that had brought her such harmony?

-I am running my life by another series of metrics: by my connection with my natural power and by my intimacy with my authenticity and by the vitality around my physicality and by the size of my joy. 

-She promised herself she'd exploit the challenge she was facing with her investors to raise her grade of courage. 

-Her commitment to defending the natural heroism she'd learn we all have within us, at our center beneath of layers of fear, insecurity and limitation that we all collect as we advance through life. 

-Often, a bad example teaches us more about who we wish to become than a good one could ever provide. 

-One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.

-Rise and shine so you'll escape the misery of mediocrity. 

-The best is about to come. 

The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXVI

 -"Namaste". I bow to the Divine in you. 

-Feeding your spirit daily is the activity of genuine leadership royalty.

-Soar with the angels of your highest nature and dance with the gods of your most precious talents for a little time before sunrise, as a tribute to what's most wise and true within you.

-After we are born we begin the departure from our spiritual power and descend into more of what this damaged world wants us to be. 

-Be not seduced by the superficialities that suffocate the human spirit and divorce us from the best within us. 

-As you live each day, so you craft your life.

-What we are doing today is creating our future. 

-I almost wish we were butterflies and live but three summer days. Three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain. John Keats. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXV

 -It is the ceaseless practice and daily application of it that will make you a heroic human being and an inspirational leader in business and a worldwide uplifter of many. 

-Your past is a place to be learned from, not a home to be lived in. 

-Elevating your mindset is only the 25% of the personal mastery equation. 

-Your attitude determines your altitude. 

-Stop insisting on cleaning your head... Clear your heart instead. 

-Heartset is your emotional life. Even with battleproofed beliefs and the distinguished thinking of a world-class Mindset, you won´t win if you heart is full of anger, sadness, disappointment, resentment, and fear. 

-Life´s reward for the admirable way you have behaved. 

-If you want to experience exponential growth and unparalleled performance you need to dial a masterful Mindset but also, repair, rebuild and reinforce a wining Heartset. So that, all the dark and toxic emotion from your past pains are clearing out. Released and cleansed and purified. Forever. And so your heart, once hardened by life´s trials reopens in all its noble glory. 

-Everyday is just better with some exercise in it. 

-Every single one of us has an unstained spirit and spotless soulfulness that rests at our very center. 

-The majority is programmed by society. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXIV

 -Victories occur before warriors walk onto the field. 

-Triumph belongs to the one who prepares the most.

-If you want to be the best in the world you need to put in enormous amounts of practice time to advance your expertise. 

-Ten thousand hours of training into becoming better human beings. 

-It is only when we improve when our lives improve. 

-Everything you do in your outer world is an absolute consequence of what is happening inside you. 

-Your fortune always follows your fearlessness. 

-Your influence in the world mirrors the glory, nobility, vitality and luminosity you've accessed in yourself. 

-External always expresses internal. 

-Greatness is an inside game. 

-The are four interior empires to train: Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset. Together, these four private arenas for the foundation of the true primal power that rest inside every human being alive today. 

-It's your life. Do what fits you best and feels right to you. 

-Part-time commitment delivers part-time results. 

-By rising at five, I feel more focused, less stressed, more secure, and way more energetic. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXIII

 -One of the ways the great men and women of the world avoided complexity was by incorporating tranquility and serenity into the front part of their days. 

-Many of the people who fueled the progress of our civilization shared the habit of raising before daybreak. 

-The great ones all spent a lot of times alone. 

-Solitude, the kind you can access before the sun comes up is a force multiplier around your power, expertise, and connection to being human.

-Your escalation requires your isolation. 

-The great ones understand that it is far smarter to create one piece of art that endures for generations rather than thousands of projects that express no genius. 

-The solitude, silence, and stillness of daybreak also triggers the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, the inspirational fuel that serves super producers so well, and serotonin, the beautiful pleasure drug of the brain. Automatically and naturally you enter what I described earlier as the Flow state. 

-Ingenuity without integrity is not that impressive to me. 

-Sweat more in practice. Bleed less in war. 

-Battles are won in the early light of intense training, when no one is watching.  

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XXII

 -Once you are aware of the fact, as you near your highest talents and most luminous gifts, the scared side of your will, rear its ugly head and try to mess up the masterpieces you've been creating by pursuing every distraction and escape route possible to avoid finishing, you can manage that self-destructive behavior. You can step outside of it. You can disempower it, simply by watching its attempts to denounce your mastery. 

-The neuroscience of self-sabotage. 

-Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt. 

-Embracing the wisdom of knowing when enough is enough. 

-We absolutely must venture into those unexplored places where possibility lives to become more intimate with our primal genius and to become all we are meant to be. Knowing we have higher reaches of talent and courage left to visit, floods a human heart with immense excitement. 

-If you plan on being less than who you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. 

-The three options of fear are: flight, fight or freeze. 

-It is because of this fear we face we embrace as many diversions as possible to make us feel better, even if only for a minute. 

-It's takes and awesome amount of courage to feel the terror of true personal and professional growth.

-Continuing when you are frightened is how you become a legend. 

-All builders consistently break through their fear, daily, to find higher levels of prowess, impact and human freedom.

-The fantastic reward you'll receive as you fully express your strengths and gifts is not only the product of your heroic efforts. It's who you will become by advancing through the fire of your fears and the heat of your trials along the process to mastery. 

The 5 am club. Quotes XXI

 -An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.

-The new technologies and social media are not only eroding the Everest of our glorious productive potential, they are also training us to be less human. We have fewer real conversations, fewer true connections and fewer meaningful interactions. 

-Filling valuable hours with meaningless moves is the drug of choice for most people. 

-Their precious concentration has been hijacked by a foolish use of technology and their priceless focus has been kidnapped, costing them their chance to create their best work and calibrate their finest lives. 

-Simplify. Become a purist. Less is more. 

-An intense concentration only on what matters most is how the pros realize victory. 

-The closer you get to your genius, the more you'll face the sabotage of your fears. 

-You'll become scared of leaving the majority and having to deal with the by products of mastery, like being different from most people, jealousy from competitors and the pressure to make your next project even better. 

-We all have a subconscious saboteur that lurks within our weakest selves.

-I can make the better choices that will give me better daily results. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

John Wick. Chapter 4. Memorable quotes

 -Friendship means little when it is convenient. 

-You want to die? That's your choice. A good death only comes after a good life. 


-Never thought I'd see the day. 

-Where do you think he is? Heaven or hell?

-Who knows?

-Farewell, my son. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XX

 -We minimize our abilities and begin a lifelong process of playing small with our powers and constructing prisons around our strengths. We stop behaving as leaders, creative producers and possibilitarians. And we start acting as victims. 

-The potential unexpressed turns to pain.

-The more we decrease the volume of our unhealthy narrative which, neurobiologically speaking, is a creation of our limbic system, the more we will hear this sublime call on ourselves to rise up to the blatant expression of our greatest genius. 

-As we betray our true power, a part of us starts to die. 

-We become our associations. 

-You'll never have a positive influence in your field and make a beautiful life if you hang with negative people. 

-There is a staggering difference between being busy and being productive 

-As we leave our youth, there's a pull toward complacency. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XIX

 -Real leader never negotiate their standards.

-I am not afraid of an army of lions lead by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. 

-The true power inside a human heart versus the transitory power delivered by a big office, a fast car and a large bank balance. 

-The power to live with honor, nobility, audacity, and integrity. 

-Doesn't matter if you are a CEO or a janitor. 

-Most people take the limits of their vision to be the limits of the world. A few do not. Join them. 

-We are exactly where we need to be to receive the growth lessons we are meant to learn. 

-Human beings have a tragic habit of remembering the things that would be smart to forget and forgetting the wonderful things it would be wise to remember. 

-We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

-Abundance is nature's way. There is not scarcity of flowers, lemon trees, and stars in the sky.  

Friday, July 7, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XVIII

 -Many of the finest athletes in the world had less innate skill than their competition.

-The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

-Dedication and discipline beats brilliance and giftedness everyday of the week. 

-A players don't get lucky. They make lucky. 

-Each time you resist a temptation and pursue and optimization you invigorate your heroism. 

-Victims have big tv's, leaders have big libraries.

-Your daily behavior is always a function of your deepest believes. 

-I am grateful. I am forgiving. I am giving. My life is beautiful, creative, productive, prosperous, and magical. 

-We subconsciously adopt a thinking pattern by learning it from the people who most influence us at an early age: our parents, our teachers, and our friends. 

-What we do creates the results we see. 

-The world is a mirror. And we get from life not what we want, but that which we are. 

-Every human being has an instinct for greatness.  

Sunday, July 2, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XVII

 -The life given us, by nature is short, but the memory of a wells pent life is eternal. Cicero. I

-I'll sleep when I am dead.

-Who will cry when you die?

-What will those who know you whisper about how you lived once you are not longer here?

-That day which you bestow on some person or thing is perhaps your last?

-Most of us alive today with we had more time. Yet, we waste the time we have. Thinking about dying brings what matters most into much sharper focus. You'll stop allowing digital distraction, cyber diversions and online nuisances to seal the irreplaceable hours of the blessing called your life. You never get your days back. 

-Live in a way that feels true to you and pay attention to the small miracles everyday brings. 

-Be grateful for every moment. 

-Stop wasting time on insanely trivial things. 

-Have vast reservoirs of ability that absolutely must be accessed and then applied in order for us to lead energetic, joyful, peaceful, and meaningful lives. To neglect this hidden force inside of us is to create a breeding ground for the pain of potential unused, the frustration of fearlessness unembraced and the lethargy of master unexplored. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XVI

 -Because of the way the remarkable ones saw the world, they were called kooks, misfits, weirdos.

-The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. 

-Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul. Alice Walker. 

-The majority of people on the planet today really are trapped in superficiality. 

-Producing with precision rather than being unprofessional and careless. 

-The average artist focuses more on the cash than on the craft. 

-Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn't reach into majesty. Rumi. 

-The dark side of genius: the very quality that makes you special in one area is the same one that makes you a misfit in another. 

-Philip of Macedonia in a message to Sparta: "You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into you land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people and raze your city. 

Sparta's reply: "If"

-With better daily awareness you can make better daily choices, and with better daily choices you'll start seeing better daily results. 

-It's your decisions that make your results. 

-There's ton of competition at ordinary, but there's almost none at extraordinary. 

-How often do you meet someone at a store or in a restaurant who is fully present, astoundingly polite, unusually knowledgeable, full of enthusiasm, incredibly hardworking, intensely imaginative, noticeably inventive, and gasp worthily great at what they do? 

-Consistency is the DNA of mastery. 

-Today is a glorious day and I'll live it at excellence, with boundless enthusiasm, and limitless integrity, true to my visions and with a heart full of love.  

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XV

 -Punctuality is the trait of royalty. 

-You can take the country out of the boy, but you can't take the country out of the boy. 

-If you do not rise early you can make progress in nothing. 

-My antidote to average. 

-Cyber zombies. I see them everyday. It's like they are not real human beings anymore. More like robots, glued to their screens. Not present. And half alive to life. 

-Honesty has been one of my core convictions. 

-The more powerful a person truly is, the less they need to promote it.

-Spent money I didn't have, buying things I didn't need to impress people I didn't like. 

-The men who are great live with that which is substantial. They do not stay with that which is superficial. 

-The 95% of performers don't invest painstaking attention into the tiniest of details and fail to refine the smallest of finishes like the great masters do. 

-The best, in any endeavor, appreciate the fact that your good name is branded onto every piece of work that you release. 

-Commit to being a highly unusual human being instead of one of those timid souls who behave like everyone else, living a sloppy life instead of a magnificent one, a derivative life instead of an original one. 

-Less is more. 

-When you deconstruct how the superstars, virtuosos and geniuses achieved what they did, you'll realize that it was their heightened awareness of the opportunities for daily greatness that inspired them to make the better daily choices that yielded better daily results. 

-Power of self-education.   

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XIV

 -Real power never comes from anything external. 

-A lot of people with a lot of money aren't very wealthy. 

-Genuine power doesn't arise from who you are outside and what you possess externally. 

-The world is lost right now. 

-Real riches come from being able to lead your days on your own terms versus blindly following the sheep.

-Sheeple is what too many people now are. 

-All the great teachers of history owned very few things. 

-The futility of spending their days chasing objects that count for nothing at the end. 

-To lead is to serve.

-The more one learn, the more one can achieve. 

-Health is the crown on the well person's head that only the ill person can see. 

-Rest and recovery is a necessity. 

-Inspiration gets fed by isolation. 

-Anyone can be a critic. Takes guts to be an encourager. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XIII

 -One hour for yourself before dawn.

-Excuses breed no genius.

-All change with consistent practice. 

-When you feel like surrendering, continue. 

-He's been true to his word in a world where too many people say thing they never do and make promises they fail to keep. 

-Most people stay the say their entire lives. Too frightened to leave the way they operated yesterday. 

-Nature notices your effortful actions and then goes ahead and replies to you faithful commitment with a series of unanticipated wins. 

-The flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation. 

-A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul. 

-The humblest is the greatest. 

-There is a big difference between real power and fake power. 

-Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that's fine, it truly is, so long as you don't get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things. Enjoy them, just don't get attached to them. Have them, just don't base your identity around them. Appreciate them, just don't need them. These are only forms of fake power our civilization programs us to believe we must pursue to be successful. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XII

 -Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. Bukowski.

-Your mindset is an enormously potent for private greatness, prodigious productivity and creative victory, along with your Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset. 

-Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. 

-Raise the joy of others and you´ll get even more joy.

-All that matters on your last day on earth is the potential you´ve leveraged, the heroism you´ve demonstrated and the human lives you've graced. 

-Neither a bull nor a noble-spirited man comes to be what he is all at once; he must undertake hard winter training.

-Voluntary discomfort keeps me strong, disciplined and focused on the central few priorities my life's built around. 

-Appearances can be misleading and clothing doesn't convey one's character. Looks really do not reveal the quality of a person. 

-Wise from fully lived days.

-Over scheduled, machine dominated and sometimes soulless lives so many among us are experiencing.  

Friday, June 2, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes XI

 -Those who feel more than most people, sometimes believe they have been cursed. In fact, the have been granted a gift: one that allows them to sense what others miss, experience the delights that most neglect and notice the majesty in ordinary moments. Yes, such people get hurt more easily, yet they are also the ones who create great symphonies, architect dazzling buildings and find cures for the sick. 

-Only people who are capable of loving strongly can suffer great sorrow. Tolstoy.

-You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. 

-It is only when you get away from the noise and nuisance and be in quiet and tranquility that you remember who you are truly meant to be. 

-Just say yes to life.

-A magic will show up for you the more you start exploiting the terrific opportunities that appear along your path, seemingly by accident. 

-You can't win a game you don't play. 

-Life has got your back, even when it doesn't look like it does. But you need to do your part and go all in when windows of opportunity appear. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes X

 -In a world that seeks to keep you down, build yourself up. In an epoch that wishes you would stay in the dark, step into your light. At a time that mesmerizes you to forget your gifts, reclaim your genius. 

-Display respect and compassion. 

-I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is not brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible handing it on to future generations. 

-Commitment, discipline, patience, and work. Values few believe in these days, where so many have an entitlement mentality, expecting a rich, productive and fulfilling life to just show up one day like a sparrow at the beginning of spring. 

-A society of adults behaving like spoiled little children is how I sometimes see our world right now. 

-Nothing works for those who don't do the work. 

-You will learn to rise early, regularly, so you'll get more done by noon than most people get done in a week and so you'll optimize your health, happiness and peacefulness. 

-There is a reason so many of the great achievers of the world get up before the sun: it's the most special part of the day. 

-Empires arrive in many forms, economic is just one of them. You can also create empires of artistry, productivity, humanity, philanthropy, personal freedom, and even spirituality. 

-Sensitivity born of latent pain. 

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes IX

 -All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. 

-Each one of you carries a quiet genius and a triumphant hero within your hearts. 

-You will be faced with the chance of showing leadership, wherever you are and in all that you do. 

-Leadership is an arena everyone gets to play in. Because leadership is a lot less about having a formal title, a large office and money in the bank. And a lot more about committing to mastery over all you do and in who you are. It's about resisting the tyranny of the ordinary, refusing to allow negativity to hijack your sense of awe and preventing any form of slavery to mediocrity from infesting your life. 

-Never work only for the income. 

-They way you begin your day really does determine the extent of focus, energy, excitement and excellence you bring to it. 

-You have such power within you and it reveals itself most with the first rays of daybreak. 


MUSIC. Schiller. Midsommar

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes VIII

 -Too many dumb people around these days. Taking stupid fashion pictures of themselves with pouty lips in clothes they. can't afford. Hanging with people they don't even like. 

-I'd rather live a thoughtful life. A risky life. A real life. An artist's life. Drives me crazy how superficial people have become. 

-Everything will be ok in the end. And if it is not ok, it's not the end. 

-The soreness of growth is so much less expensive than the devastating costs of regret. 

-We crave social approval. We want our peers to respect us. We hope our neighbors will like us. We buy all sort of things we really don't need and obsess about making money we really don't enjoy.

-We falsely believe that material from outside will fill what's empty within ourselves. Yet, it never will. 

-We realize we are going to die. What's truly important comes into much sharper focus. We become more contemplative. We start to wonder if we have been true to our talents, loyal to our values, and successful on the terms that feel right to us. And we think about those we most love will say about us when we are gone.  

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes VII

 -Addicted to my technology. It's draining my concentration. 

-All the noise in my life is taking my energy. 

-Pressure is a privilege. 

-With every challenge comes the gorgeous opportunity to rise into your next level as a leader, performer, and human being. 

-To find your best self you must lose your weak self. 

-The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live. 

-Most people can't stand themselves. So, they can never be alone. And silent. They need to constantly be with other people to escape their feelings of self-hatred over all their wasted potential, missing the wonders and wisdom that solitude and quiet bring. 


Communicative approach in teaching an L2. Criticisms

 Many schools are adopting a communicative approach at the time to teach an L2. Here, we are going to detail several criticisms (Swan, 1985; Bax, 2003) regarding this extended doctrine:

1. Assumes no L1 transfer. L2 learners already possess communicative skills that might be useful. These L1 communicative skills are ignored and they could be used to enhance the L2 learning process. 

2. No consideration of new knowledge or usefulness. This approach does not take into consideration the learners' background knowledge nor the usefulness of the practice implemented. 

3. Contextual factors affecting learners are avoided. Social, environmental, personal, academic, and motivational factors affecting L2 learners are considered. 

4. Academic explanation avoided. Since essential aspects of any language are reduced to a minimum or are not taught (grammar, phonetics, spelling, etc.), L2 learners cannot comprehend the functioning of the L2 language, which fosters the creation of multiple learning gaps. 

5. Egocentrism, the method is all you need. The means or method justifies the end. However, there is not any universal truth in education, no magical formula that can guarantee that with its implementation learners can become fluent in the L2.   

6. Reactive learnersLearners are dependent on the teacher and external factors. They cannot build their own knowledge since the grammatical, semantic, and phonetic rules are reduced to a minimum, which prevents them from understanding the processes and functioning of the L2 language. Therefore, L2 learners under this approach cannot become independent learners. Their knowledge is always outside-in, instead of inside-out. 

Therefore, an L2 teaching based upon this approach, creates confusion and inefficiency. The use of this approach alone, also fosters the development of learning gaps since learners are not provided with all the necessary tools to learn. Also, this approach builds dependent learners, not able to build their own L2 knowledge since they don't know the grammatical, phonetic, and semantic rules.  

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes VI

 -As you grew up, you forgot how to be human. You forgot how to be bold and enthusiastic, and loving, and wildly alive. Being ordinary became acceptable. 

-The lamp of your creativity, your positivity and your intimacy with your greatness grew dim as you began to worry about fitting in, having more than others, and being popular. 

-Pain is the doorway into deep. 

-Tragedy is nature's great purifier. It burns away the fakeness, fear and arrogance that is of the ego. 

-Suffering yields many rewards, including empathy, originality, and authenticity. 

-One who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war. 

-High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one's watching and while everyone else is sleeping.

-We only hear what we are ready to hear. 

-Culture of cyber-zombies. 

-Self-education is, I believe, the only kind of education there is. Isaac Asimov. 

-To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. Thomas Campbell. 

-Few of us are willing to do the very things that would cause our hidden genius to present itself. 

-The majority of us have been hypnotized out of the luminosity that is our essence. 

-The job of the leader is to help disbelievers embrace your vision, the powerless to overcome the weaknesses, and the hopeless to develop faith. 

Shambhala. The Sacred Path of the Warrior. Chapter 8. Renunciation and Daring. Quotes.

-The situations of fear that exist in our lives provide us with stepping stones to step over our fear.

-On the other side of cowardice is bravery.

-Tenderness contains an element of sadness.

-In order to be a good warrior one has to feel this sad and tender heart. If a person doesn’t feel alone and sad, he cannot be a warrior at all.

-The warrior is sensitive to every aspect of phenomena.

-We are so accustomed to accept what is bad for us and rejecting what is good for us.

-The warrior who has accomplished true renunciation is completely naked and raw, without even skin or tissue. He has renounced putting on a new suit of armor or growing a thick skin, so his bone and morrow are exposed to the world. He has no room and no desire to manipulate situations. He is able to be, quite fearlessly, what he is. At this point, having completely renounced his own comfort and privacy, paradoxically, the warrior finds himself more alone. He is like an island, sitting alone in the middle of a lake. Occasional ferry boats and commuters go back and forth between the shore and the island, but all that activity only expresses the further loneliness, or the aloneness of the island. Although the warrior’s life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others. The fullness of his experience is his own, and he must live with his own truth. Yes, he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and loneliness is what enables the warrior to constantly reach out to help others. By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart. That is not something to feel bad about, it is a cause for rejoicing. It is entering the warrior’s world.

El corazón del guerrero. Chogyam Trungpa

“El guerrero que ha logrado la verdadera renuncia está completamente desnudo y en carne viva, sin piel ni tejido. Ha renunciado a ponerse una nueva armadura o dejarse crecer una piel gruesa, por lo que su hueso y entrañas están expuestos al mundo. No tiene espacio ni deseo de manipular situaciones. Es capaz de ser, sin temor alguno, lo que es. En este punto, habiendo renunciado por completo a su propia comodidad e intimidad, paradójicamente, el guerrero se encuentra más solo. Es como una isla, sentado solo en medio de un lago. Ocasionalmente, los transbordadores y los viajeros van y vienen entre la costa y la isla, pero toda esa actividad solo expresa la mayor soledad o la soledad de la isla. Aunque la vida del guerrero está dedicada a ayudar a los demás, se da cuenta de que nunca podrá compartir completamente su experiencia con los demás. La plenitud de su experiencia es suya, y debe vivir con su propia verdad. Sí, está cada vez más enamorado del mundo. Esa combinación de historia de amor y soledad es lo que le permite al guerrero acercarse constantemente para ayudar a los demás. Al renunciar a su mundo privado, el guerrero descubre un universo mayor y un corazón roto cada vez más pleno. Eso no es algo por lo que sentirse mal, es motivo de regocijo. Es entrar en el mundo del guerrero.”

Monday, May 29, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes V

 -I've learned the importance of being around only the highest quality, wherever I go. 

-My enterprises only offer services that ethically enrich our clients. 

-I spend my time in the most light-filled and inspiring of spaces and visit the most enchanting of places. 

-I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man. 

-Done is better than perfect. 

-Turn your I can'ts into I cans.

-Uplifting humankind is the master sport of business that the top 5% play. 

-You two each have a hero inside of you. You knew this as a child, before adults told you to limit your powers, shackle your genius, and betray the truths of your heart. 

-Adults are deteriorated children. When you were much younger, you understood how to live. Staring at stars filled you with delight. Running in a park made you feel alive. And chasing butterflies flooded you with joy. 

-For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The 5 am club y Robin Sharma. Quotes IV

 -Wealth of wrinkles.

-Her eyes looked sad from old hurts that had never been healed. And from the current chaos that was infecting her beloved company. 

-This era of devices destroying our focus and our ability to think deeply. 

-Exceptional performers make phenomenal things happen to them. 

-Tine is one of the most precious commodities. 

-The rich invest in time. The poor invest in money. 

-I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me. 

-The world is going a little berserk. Too much greed and enough good sense. 

-Need to by myself and not some sheep with no balls, blindly following the flock down a path that leads to nowhere. 

-You can fit in. Or you can change the world.

-When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. 

-The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you find it in you to press ahead.  

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The 5 am club y Robin Sharma. Quotes III

 -The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions. 

-World-class begins where your comfort zone ends. 

-We have encouraged a culture of soft, weak and delicate people who can't keep promises, who bail on commitments and who quit on their aspirations the moment the smallest obstacle shows up. 

-Hard is good.

-Only those devoted enough to go to the fiery edges of their highest limits will expand them. 

-A major key to happiness is knowing you have done whatever it took to earn your rewards and passionately invested the effortful audacity to become your best. 

-The place where your greater discomfort lies is also the spot where your largest opportunity lives. 

-Walking into the very things that scare you is how you reclaim your forgotten power. And how you get back the innocence and awe you lost after childhood. 

The 5 Am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes II

 -You too have have been disappointed by the barren winters of a life weakly lived. 

-Don't let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future. 

-You are exactly where you need to be to receive the growth necessary for you to lead the unusually productive, extremely prodigious and exceptionally influential life that you have earned through your harshest trials. 

-Nothing is wrong at this moment, even if it feels like everything is falling apart. 

-If you sense your life is a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are a little stronger than your faith. 

-Every challenging event you have experienced, each toxic person that you have encountered and all the trials you have endured have been perfect preparation to make you into the person you now are. 

-You needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents and powers that are now awakening within you.

-You wonderful human being.  

The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. Quotes

 -Life is too short to play small with your talents.

-You were born into the opportunity as well as the responsibility to become legendary.

-The great women and men of the world where givers not takers.

-Create a private life strong in ethics, rich with marvelous beauty and unyielding when it comes to the protection of your inner peace. This, my friends, is how you soar with the angels. And walk alongside with the gods. 

-Limitation is nothing more than a mentality.

-Your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves. 

-I know you have had some difficult times in your life. We all have. I get that you might be feeling things haven't turned out the way you thought they would when you were a little kid, full of fire, desire and wonder. You didn't plan on each day looking the same, did you? In a job that might be smothering your soul. Dealing with stressful worries and endless responsibilities that stifle your originality and steal your energy. Lusting after unimportant pursuits and hungry for the instant fulfillment of trivial desires, often driven by a technology that enslaves us instead of liberating us. Living the same week a few thousand times a calling it a life. 

-Too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty.  

Sunday, April 30, 2023

🎵 I Walk With Ghosts by Scott Buckley | Music for Relaxation and Stress ...

Back Home by Fritz Kalkbrenner

So the sea has gone to take me

Maybe now I'd fell it fall
I tell myself I won't get astray
I believe it's going be hard
So I look across the lake
To a point far out of sight
Over me comes the rain
And I be gone
But then one night
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways to go
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways back home
I ain't afraid of leaving
And all those things I left behind
Most of them ain't ment to last
None of them ain't even mine
Too tired of marking time
Giving too much away
Not a single dime is left
So I'm calling better days
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways to go
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways back home
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways to go
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways back home
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways to go
I'm looking for ways over water
I'm looking for ways back home

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The heart of the warrior. Shambala.

 -"At this point, having completely renounced his own comfort and privacy, paradoxically the warrior finds himself more alone. He is like an island sitting alone in the middle of a lake. Occasional ferry boats and commuters go back and forth between the shore and the island, but all that activity only expresses further loneliness, or the aloneness of the island. Although the warrior's life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others. The fullness of this experience is his own and he must live with his own truth. Yes he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and loneliness is what enables the warrior to constantly reach out to help others. By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart. This is not something to feel bad about: it is a cause for rejoicing. It is entering the warrior's world"

Shambala. The Sacred Path of the Warrior. Chogyam Trungpa. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Mayor of Kingston. Memorable phrases. S2E10

 -We weren't blessed with easy. You know that. We just do our best to stand tall. And come in tomorrow, even with the tiniest bit of hope it'll be better than today. You have a child coming. You have a life. So, you can't go waving this around like a badge 'cause it will define you. And you are not just this moment. You're a good man. You're my brother. And you made a mistake. You won't own it, you won't eat it, for your child. For you wife. 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School

 -The parents entrusting their children to this school can only hope and expect that those children will be educated to become competent in life.

-What real present day life demands of people must be reflected in the organization of this school. 

-Nowadays people of insight are demanding an education that aims not at one-sided knowledge but at the ability to do things, not a merely cultivating intellectual gifts but at training the will. 

-It is not possible to educate the will and the healthy soul that underlies it unless we develop insights that awaken energetic impulses in the soul and will. 

-Anyone who believes that it is possible to educate the will without cultivating the insight that enlivens it is succumbing to illusion. 

-Waldorf School will be a primary school that teaches its students through basting its educational goals and curriculum on insight into the nature of the total human being, an insight that must be alive in each teacher. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Assembly bike

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Freedom from the known by Krishnamurti. Quotes

 - In a state of mind in which all violence has come to an end there is a joy.

- I don't want to have a breath of hate, jealousy, anxiety or fear in me. I want to live completely at peace. Which doesn't mean that I want to die. I want to live on this marvellous earth, so full, so rich, so beautiful. I want to look at the trees, flowers, rivers, meadows, women, boys and girls, and at the same time live completely at peace with myself and with the world. What can I do?

-Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear.

-When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence.

-So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.

Krishnamurity to himself. Quotes

 -Where there is division, there must be conflict.

-A High School is a place for learning the art of living. This art is the greatest. 

-Children should also be taught the great dignity of death. 

-What you are now is what you will be in the coming days.

-What he is now, will be his future. 

-Austerity is far deeper than owning a few things. 

-The understanding of the nature of what you are, without any distortions, without any bias, without any reactions to what you discover you are, is the beginning of austerity. 

-Meditation must happen without your volition.

-Only fools advice.

-Death is not some horrific thing, something to be avoided, something to be postponed, but rather something to be day in and day out. And out of that, comes and extraordinary sense of immensity. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Voyage, voyage (Lyrics in English)

 VOYAGE, VOYAGE by Desireless.

Above the ancient volcanoes
Slide your wings under the carpet of the wind2
Travel, travel, eternally
Of clouds in swamps
Of wind in Spain in the rain from Ecuador
Travel, travel, fly to the highest heights
Above the capitals, fatal ideas
Look at the ocean
Travel, travel, further than the night and the day
Travel, in spaces unheard of by love
Travel, travel, on the sacred waters of an Indian river
Travel, and never come back
On the Ganges or the Amazon
With people of all races
Travel, travel, throughout the land
On the dunes of the Sahara
From Fiji to Fujiyama
Travel, travel, don't you stop
Above Barbal, with hearts bombarded
Look at the ocean
Travel, travel, further than the night and the day
Travel, in spaces unheard of by love
Travel, travel, on the sacred waters of an Indian river
Travel, and never come back
Above the capitals, the fatal ideas
Look at the ocean
Travel, travel, further than the night and the day
Travel, in spaces unheard of by love
Travel, travel, on the sacred waters of an Indian river
Travel, travel

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Juramento Hipocrático


Conocida como "Declaración de Ginebra" fue adoptada por la Asociación Médica Mundial (AMM) en 1948 y ha sido revisada y enmendada en diferentes ocasiones (1968, 1983, 1994, 2005, 2006 y 2017). Este es el texto aprobado en octubre de 2017, en Chicago.


DEDICAR mi vida al servicio de la humanidad;

VELAR ante todo por la salud y el bienestar de mis pacientes;

RESPETAR la autonomía y la dignidad de mis pacientes;

VELAR con el máximo respeto por la vida humana;

NO PERMITIR que consideraciones de edad, enfermedad o incapacidad, credo, origen étnico, sexo, nacionalidad, afiliación política, raza, orientación sexual, clase social o cualquier otro factor se interpongan entre mis deberes y mis pacientes;

GUARDAR Y RESPETAR los secretos que se me hayan confiado, incluso después del fallecimiento de mis pacientes;

EJERCER mi profesión con conciencia y dignidad, conforme a la buena práctica médica;

PROMOVER el honor y las nobles tradiciones de la profesión médica;

OTORGAR a mis maestros, colegas y estudiantes el respeto y la gratitud que merecen;

COMPARTIR mis conocimientos médicos en beneficio del paciente y del avance de la salud;

CUIDAR de mi propia salud, bienestar y capacidades para prestar una atención médica del más alto nivel;

NO EMPLEAR mis conocimientos médicos para violar los derechos humanos y las libertades ciudadanas, ni siquiera bajo amenaza;

HAGO ESTA PROMESA solemne y libremente, empeñando mi palabra de honor.


Saturday, April 9, 2022

Shambhala. The Sacred Path of the Warrior. By Chögyam Trungpa. Quotes VII

 -Tenderness and sadness, as well as gentleness, actually produce a sense of interest.

-You are so vulnerable that you cannot help being touched by your world. That is a sort of saving grace, or safety precaution, so that the warrior never goes astray and never grows a thick skin. 

-Every minute of every hour is a new chapter, a new page. 

-If you look back and trace back through your life, who your are, what you are, and why you are in this world, if you look through that step by step, you won't find any fundamental problems. 

-Not knowing the nature of fear, of course you cannot go beyond it. 

-The situations of fear that exist in our lives provide us with stepping stones to step over our fear. 

-On the other side of cowardice is bravery. 

-Tenderness contains an element of sadness. 

-In order to be a good warrior, one has to feel this sad and tender heart. 

-If a person does not feel alone and sad, he cannot be a warrior at all. 

-The warrior is sensitive to every aspect of phenomena -sight, smell, sound, feelings. He appreciates everything that goes on in this world as an artist does. His experience is full and extremely vivid.