Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pema Chodron. An innocent misunderstanding

When the Buddha taught, he didn’t say that we were bad people or that there was some sin that we had committed—original or otherwise—that made us more ignorant than clear, more harsh than gentle, more closed than open. He taught that there is a kind of innocent misunderstanding that we all share, something that can be turned around, corrected, and seen through, as if we were in a dark room and someone showed us where the light switch was. It isn’t a sin that we are in a dark room. It’s just an innocent situation, but how fortunate that someone shows us where the light switch is. It brightens up our life considerably. We can start to read books, to see one another’s faces, to discover the colors of the walls, to enjoy the little animals that creep in and out of the room.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diccionario perroflauta - español I

Indignados. Universitarios y otros seres humanos con poca pasta y el tiempo libre necesario para asistir a las asambleas interminables de los acampados y sus algaradas callejeras, estas últimas convocadas mayormente contra los órganos políticos gobernados por el PP.

Fascista. Todo el que no está a favor de los indignados. En lavapiesano, farcista; en batasuno, faxista.

Derecho a la vivienda. Derecho a una vivienda gratis. O, en el peor de los casos, poniendo el interesado una pequeña parte de su propio sueldo, en caso de que el interesado de marras tenga por costumbre trabajar a cambio de uno.

Sistema. La sociedad, sus instituciones rectoras, el sistema de libre mercado, los empresarios y los medios de comunicación, a excepción de Público y La Sexta.

Opresión. Lo que el sistema receta al indignado. El sistema le oprime porque no le permite vivir sin pegar golpe en un estado de eterna adolescencia, que es a lo que aspira cualquier persona con un mínimo compromiso ético.

Igualdad. Situación en que el indignado tiene más dinero que los demás.

Desigualdad. Situación en que los demás tienen más dinero que el indignado.

Capitalismo. Diabólico ordenamiento económico en virtud del cual los que más trabajan o mejor emplean su talento más dinero tienen, grave injusticia que conviene desmontar cuanto antes. El progresismo indignado busca precisamente acabar con esa lacra utilizando el maravilloso mecanismo de la redistribución de la riqueza.

Redistribución. Herramienta de justicia social que permite al gobierno dar al ocioso una parte de la riqueza que produce el que no lo es. Después del fuego (para encender los canutos, si no de qué), es el invento más valioso para el indignado.

Banquero. Señor con sombrero de copa que con su mano llena de anillos de oro abofetea al pobre que no ha podido pagar el préstamo que pidió para hacerse con una vivienda cuyo valor estaba diez veces por encima de lo que se podía permitir; vivienda, por supuesto, amueblada, con el coche nuevo en el garaje y las vacaciones en la Riviera Maya para celebrarlo.

Empresario. Señor semejante al banquero, pero con menos anillos de oro en los dedos. En lugar de enriquecerse con la usura, lo hace explotando al obrero en interminables jornadas laborales –¡a veces llegan a las ocho horas!–, y no para repartir los beneficios a partes iguales, sino a cambio de un salario, que ya hay que ser cruel.

Democracia. Sistema que sólo rige cuando se hace lo que dicen los colectivos de indignados.

Asamblea. Expresión máxima de la genuina democracia. En una asamblea se escucha al que más vocifera y a continuación se vota, por supuesto a mano alzada, para que todos puedan identificar a los traidores que se oponen a los avances propuestos por los líderes del grupo.

Perro. Mamífero doméstico de la familia de los cánidos.

Flauta. Instrumento musical de viento en forma de tubo con agujeros circulares.

Perroflauta. Indignado, concienciado, rebelde con causa, la esperanza de la humanidad de que otro mundo es posible. A veces se lava.

Pacto del euro. Es, para los indignados, como los agujeros negros para los especialistas en física cuántica: intuyen que existe, pero ninguno sabe de qué va la cosa.

Mercados. Mecanismo utilizado por el gran capital y la judería internacional para hacer que cada uno gane dinero en función de sus merecimientos. Los indignados lo combaten por amor a la Igualdad.

Tipos de interés. El Che Guevara, Garzón, incluso ZP antes de llegar al poder.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pema Chodron. We just don't know

When we think that something is going to bring us pleasure, we don’t know what’s really going to happen. When we think something is going to give us misery, we don’t know. Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. We try to do what we think is going to help. But we don’t know. We never know if we’re going to fall flat or sit up tall. When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may be just the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don’t know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don’t know.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jesus To A Child - George Michael

Kindness In your eyes
I guess You heard me cry
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

I'm blessed I know
Heaven sent And Heaven stole
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

And what have I learned
From all this pain
I thought I'd never feel the same
About anyone
Or anything again

But now I know
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you on those cold, cold nights

When you've been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you when there's no hope in sight

Sadness In my eyes
No one guessed
Or no one tried
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

Loveless and cold
With your last breath
You saved my soul
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child

And what have I learned
From all these tears
I've waited for you all those years
And just when it began
He took your love away

But I still say
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you on those cold, cold nights

When you've been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you when there's no hope in sight

So the words you could not say
I'll sing them for you
And the love we would have made
I'll make it for two

For every single memory
Has become a part of me
You will always be My love

Well I've been loved
So I know just what love is
And the lover that I kissed
Is always by my side

Oh the lover I still miss
Was Jesus to a child
(return to top)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Shine Your Light On Us by Robbie Seay Band

Elvis Presley. A pocketful of Rainbows. Lyrics

I don't worry
Whenever skies are gray above
Got a pocketful of rainbows
Got a heart full of love

Mister Heartache
I've found a way to make him leave
Got a pocketful of rainbows
Got a star up in my sleeve

Kiss me extra tender
Hold me extra tight
'Cause I'm savin' your sweetness
For a lonely night, aye
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye

No more teardrops
Now that I've found a love so true
I got a pocketful of rainbows
Got an armful of you

Kiss me extra tender
Hold me extra tight
'Cause I'm savin' your sweetness
For a lonely night, aye
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye

No more heartaches
Now that I've found a love so true
Got a pocketful of rainbows
And an armful of you


The Smile's Conspiracy. From the book Apparitions. By Gabriel Puyo

Have you ever contemplated the passion of those musicians in complete ecstasy while playing?

How they live those moments to the fullest? Have you seen the wonderful bright in the eyes of

the person so deeply in love? Or the immense joy of the parents observing the baby sleeping?

What about the bliss of the sportsmen or women after winning an Olympics final?

These are just some examples where we can behold pieces of great happiness, when we feel

ourselves so complete, in perfect harmony with the entire world and the humankind.

And the question, the essential question here is: are those moments habitual or on the contrary,

are the exception, those rare events that happen once in a while? Or from another perspective:

should not we live every single moment of our lives or at least, most of them with that

contentment from our inner joy?

Because the truth of the matter is, using a lenitive, very heartbreaking. Looking around… where

is that joy? Where is the passion, the rapture, the crazy and marvelous happiness? Where in

matrimonies, in works, in relationships, in walkings, dancings, vacations… where? Where is it?

It is sad… but it is necessary to utter the word to break the curse. Maybe it is just that… and

what we need is to become aware… to rebel against what is the cause of this tremendous loss

along the way.

It is about time… it is the moment… now… to start the process to be… to help grow that

immaculate smile in your heart…

It is said that the most important thing that we learn when we win, is that we can win. You can

win. You can be happy, and find true love… and making your job not just a rough daily task but

your passion, the thing that you would do anyway and you get paid for it.

That’s the life we all are destined for. Since always…

We need to see beyond the looks. We have to get in communion with ourselves… peacefully and

honestly accepting the way we are…

Sometimes, I think this world is the real paradise. I am sure, it should be and no doubt, we could

make it that way. Because a world where people found true love, where everybody knows their

calling, where ignorance is never a bliss… that world has to be the paradise.

And we can start to build it right now… now as the real beginning of the eternity… just by

smiling… smiling in the hope of doing what we just love with our whole hearts…

A conspiracy… the smiles conspiracy… can you see my smile?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pema Chodron. Consider Yourself lucky.

The next time you encounter fear, consider yourself lucky. This is where the courage comes in. Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they are intimate with fear. When I was first married, my husband said I was one of the bravest people he knew. When I asked him why, he said because I was a complete coward but went ahead and did things anyhow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pema Chodron.

No one ever tells us to stop running away from fear. We are very rarely told to move closer, to just be there, to become familiar with fear. I once asked the Zen master Kobun Chino Roshi how he related with fear, and he said, “I agree. I agree.” But the advice we usually get is to sweeten it up, smooth it over, take a pill, or distract ourselves, but by all means make it go away.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pema Chodron. Lighten up.

Have you ever been caught in the heavy-duty scenario of feeling defeated and hurt, and then somehow, for no particular reason, you just drop it? It just goes, and you wonder why you made “much ado about nothing.” What was that all about?
I’d like to encourage us all to lighten up, to practice with a lot of gentleness. This compassion, this clarity, this openness are like something we have forgotten. Sitting here being gentle with ourselves, we’re rediscovering something. It’s like a mother reuniting with her child; having been lost to each other for a long, long time, they reunite. The way to reunite with bodhichitta (awakened heart) is to lighten up in your practice and in your life.