Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes VI

 -As you grew up, you forgot how to be human. You forgot how to be bold and enthusiastic, and loving, and wildly alive. Being ordinary became acceptable. 

-The lamp of your creativity, your positivity and your intimacy with your greatness grew dim as you began to worry about fitting in, having more than others, and being popular. 

-Pain is the doorway into deep. 

-Tragedy is nature's great purifier. It burns away the fakeness, fear and arrogance that is of the ego. 

-Suffering yields many rewards, including empathy, originality, and authenticity. 

-One who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war. 

-High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one's watching and while everyone else is sleeping.

-We only hear what we are ready to hear. 

-Culture of cyber-zombies. 

-Self-education is, I believe, the only kind of education there is. Isaac Asimov. 

-To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. Thomas Campbell. 

-Few of us are willing to do the very things that would cause our hidden genius to present itself. 

-The majority of us have been hypnotized out of the luminosity that is our essence. 

-The job of the leader is to help disbelievers embrace your vision, the powerless to overcome the weaknesses, and the hopeless to develop faith. 

Shambhala. The Sacred Path of the Warrior. Chapter 8. Renunciation and Daring. Quotes.

-The situations of fear that exist in our lives provide us with stepping stones to step over our fear.

-On the other side of cowardice is bravery.

-Tenderness contains an element of sadness.

-In order to be a good warrior one has to feel this sad and tender heart. If a person doesn’t feel alone and sad, he cannot be a warrior at all.

-The warrior is sensitive to every aspect of phenomena.

-We are so accustomed to accept what is bad for us and rejecting what is good for us.

-The warrior who has accomplished true renunciation is completely naked and raw, without even skin or tissue. He has renounced putting on a new suit of armor or growing a thick skin, so his bone and morrow are exposed to the world. He has no room and no desire to manipulate situations. He is able to be, quite fearlessly, what he is. At this point, having completely renounced his own comfort and privacy, paradoxically, the warrior finds himself more alone. He is like an island, sitting alone in the middle of a lake. Occasional ferry boats and commuters go back and forth between the shore and the island, but all that activity only expresses the further loneliness, or the aloneness of the island. Although the warrior’s life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others. The fullness of his experience is his own, and he must live with his own truth. Yes, he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and loneliness is what enables the warrior to constantly reach out to help others. By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart. That is not something to feel bad about, it is a cause for rejoicing. It is entering the warrior’s world.

El corazón del guerrero. Chogyam Trungpa

“El guerrero que ha logrado la verdadera renuncia está completamente desnudo y en carne viva, sin piel ni tejido. Ha renunciado a ponerse una nueva armadura o dejarse crecer una piel gruesa, por lo que su hueso y entrañas están expuestos al mundo. No tiene espacio ni deseo de manipular situaciones. Es capaz de ser, sin temor alguno, lo que es. En este punto, habiendo renunciado por completo a su propia comodidad e intimidad, paradójicamente, el guerrero se encuentra más solo. Es como una isla, sentado solo en medio de un lago. Ocasionalmente, los transbordadores y los viajeros van y vienen entre la costa y la isla, pero toda esa actividad solo expresa la mayor soledad o la soledad de la isla. Aunque la vida del guerrero está dedicada a ayudar a los demás, se da cuenta de que nunca podrá compartir completamente su experiencia con los demás. La plenitud de su experiencia es suya, y debe vivir con su propia verdad. Sí, está cada vez más enamorado del mundo. Esa combinación de historia de amor y soledad es lo que le permite al guerrero acercarse constantemente para ayudar a los demás. Al renunciar a su mundo privado, el guerrero descubre un universo mayor y un corazón roto cada vez más pleno. Eso no es algo por lo que sentirse mal, es motivo de regocijo. Es entrar en el mundo del guerrero.”

Monday, May 29, 2023

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes V

 -I've learned the importance of being around only the highest quality, wherever I go. 

-My enterprises only offer services that ethically enrich our clients. 

-I spend my time in the most light-filled and inspiring of spaces and visit the most enchanting of places. 

-I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man. 

-Done is better than perfect. 

-Turn your I can'ts into I cans.

-Uplifting humankind is the master sport of business that the top 5% play. 

-You two each have a hero inside of you. You knew this as a child, before adults told you to limit your powers, shackle your genius, and betray the truths of your heart. 

-Adults are deteriorated children. When you were much younger, you understood how to live. Staring at stars filled you with delight. Running in a park made you feel alive. And chasing butterflies flooded you with joy. 

-For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The 5 am club y Robin Sharma. Quotes IV

 -Wealth of wrinkles.

-Her eyes looked sad from old hurts that had never been healed. And from the current chaos that was infecting her beloved company. 

-This era of devices destroying our focus and our ability to think deeply. 

-Exceptional performers make phenomenal things happen to them. 

-Tine is one of the most precious commodities. 

-The rich invest in time. The poor invest in money. 

-I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me. 

-The world is going a little berserk. Too much greed and enough good sense. 

-Need to by myself and not some sheep with no balls, blindly following the flock down a path that leads to nowhere. 

-You can fit in. Or you can change the world.

-When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. 

-The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you find it in you to press ahead.  

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The 5 am club y Robin Sharma. Quotes III

 -The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions. 

-World-class begins where your comfort zone ends. 

-We have encouraged a culture of soft, weak and delicate people who can't keep promises, who bail on commitments and who quit on their aspirations the moment the smallest obstacle shows up. 

-Hard is good.

-Only those devoted enough to go to the fiery edges of their highest limits will expand them. 

-A major key to happiness is knowing you have done whatever it took to earn your rewards and passionately invested the effortful audacity to become your best. 

-The place where your greater discomfort lies is also the spot where your largest opportunity lives. 

-Walking into the very things that scare you is how you reclaim your forgotten power. And how you get back the innocence and awe you lost after childhood. 

The 5 Am club by Robin Sharma. Quotes II

 -You too have have been disappointed by the barren winters of a life weakly lived. 

-Don't let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future. 

-You are exactly where you need to be to receive the growth necessary for you to lead the unusually productive, extremely prodigious and exceptionally influential life that you have earned through your harshest trials. 

-Nothing is wrong at this moment, even if it feels like everything is falling apart. 

-If you sense your life is a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are a little stronger than your faith. 

-Every challenging event you have experienced, each toxic person that you have encountered and all the trials you have endured have been perfect preparation to make you into the person you now are. 

-You needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents and powers that are now awakening within you.

-You wonderful human being.  

The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. Quotes

 -Life is too short to play small with your talents.

-You were born into the opportunity as well as the responsibility to become legendary.

-The great women and men of the world where givers not takers.

-Create a private life strong in ethics, rich with marvelous beauty and unyielding when it comes to the protection of your inner peace. This, my friends, is how you soar with the angels. And walk alongside with the gods. 

-Limitation is nothing more than a mentality.

-Your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves. 

-I know you have had some difficult times in your life. We all have. I get that you might be feeling things haven't turned out the way you thought they would when you were a little kid, full of fire, desire and wonder. You didn't plan on each day looking the same, did you? In a job that might be smothering your soul. Dealing with stressful worries and endless responsibilities that stifle your originality and steal your energy. Lusting after unimportant pursuits and hungry for the instant fulfillment of trivial desires, often driven by a technology that enslaves us instead of liberating us. Living the same week a few thousand times a calling it a life. 

-Too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty.