Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Byrne. Quotes VI

-The key to forgiveness is looking at yourself and others with compassion and understanding.
-God created us, fell in love with us, and it was because of this that he decided he would give all human beings a soul.
-God gave each and every one of us a part of himself, that speck of light of God that is our soul.
-God appoints a guardian angel for each soul. The guardian angel finds the soul that has been appointed to guide it. During this time, the soul and the guardian angel talk to each other, sharing with great love  and joy getting to know each other.
-Standing in front of God the real connection between the guardian angel and soul is made.
-Because of God's overwhelming love for us, his children, he has appointed a guardian angel as gatekeeper of our souls and has charged it with bringing us back safely home to him in heaven. God is waiting on each and every one of us to come home.
-Your guardian angel can never leave you. it doesn't want to leave you anyway; it is constantly in the presence of your soul, which is a speck of the light of God, so that your guardian angel is continuously in God's presence.
-The guardian angel holds on to the soul with its hands and brings it from heaven to earth, just as it will do at the end of a life, bringing the soul back to heaven.
-God is God! There is only one God and we all share him.
-Pure love remains there within you always for the rest of your life.
-So many people are unable to see the beauty in themselves because they compare themselves to others and that this is a major block to loving yourself.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Byrne. Quotes V

-He needed to remember the times when he had felt the energy of love of life and to bring that positivity into his life now.
-Enjoying life is a decision we all need to make, no matter how rough things may seem.
-If we get into the habit of enjoying life, and seeing the good things there, it is easier to lift ourselves out of a blue period.
-God has told me that we are meant to be happy, that we are meant to love every step, every breath we take.
-Why doesn't God make it easier for us to love life? I don't know why some people seem to have very tough lives, why they suffer ill health, or lose loves ones. I have no answer for this.
-This earth is a gift from God.
-Sustaining a marriage is hard work. Couples have to work all the time to remind themselves why they fell in love in the first place, and to look back and reconnect with this love.
-If we are prepared to really try to save a relationship , the angels of romantic love and other angels will give us tremendous support.
-We all have the free choice to stop this bitterness. We do it by making a conscious decision to stop when we feel provoked, to consciously not to react.
-We all have a unique role to play in this world, a role that no one else can play. And yet we waste so much of our lives comparing ourselves to others. This might seem harmless, but it's one the seeds of hate.
-We all need to be aware when hurtful or hateful things are being said about people. We all have a responsibility to stop cycles of hatred being built up.
-Anger is one of the ways that we feed hate.
-Righteous anger gives you the courage to stand up for yourself and, if necessary, to take the steps to protect yourself, those you love, and the things you believe are right.
-These two young men were aware that they had the freedom to decide that they didn't want to continue this cycle, that they knew they had the potential to decide to break the cycle of hate and revenge within their own families, so that it wouldn't be passed on to their children in the way it had been passed on to them.
-When we choose not to give in to hate, not to feed it with negative thoughts, we allow our lives to be much more fulfilled.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Byrne. Quotes IV

-When someone dies, all of these differences are washed away; all the human imperfections that lead to rows and anger disappear and the soul of the parent simply feels pure love for children who are left behind.
-Don't be afraid to talk to them.
-Kindness is love.
-We have been given guardian angels because we have souls; our guardian angels are the gatekeepers of our souls.
-Let me suggest three things the angels have told me that each and everyone of us can do, and need to do, as individuals:
. Spend more quality time with children.
. Be an example to children.
. Stand up for children.
-We adults have become more preoccupied and focused on our own fulfillment.
-The more conscious you become of loving life, the more you build up this energy, which helps you physically and mentally.
-When you approach work or any task with love of life, the task becomes so much easier, you gain more confidence, and start to see the positives in the work you are doing.

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Bryne. Quotes III

-Showing our true self is a risk, but it is a risk worth taking.
-Friendship helps to see fragments of the world through other people's eyes, and this opens us up to the fact that our perspective may not be the only one, and may in fact be wrong.
-The next time you are with your friends, observe who is allowing their true selves to show, warts and all, and who is keeping the barriers up, presenting themselves and their lives as perfect. It may be you.
-What binds people together in powerful and close friendship is trust, the confidence that you can trust that good friend with everything in your life.
-When we think lovingly of someone and wish them well, it's a form of prayer, and is received by God as such.
-Friendship is love, and love is what makes our lives worth living.
-Each and everyone of us has a soul, and all of our souls are one; they are all a part of God.
-We each have a soulmate, a soul we knew in Heaven and have a special connection with, but in most cases this person is not our romantic partner, and you will not necessarily even meet.
-You chose your parents before you were conceived. You chose them knowing their strengths and their weaknesses.
-You need to say the words. If your parents has already gone home to Heaven, you can still tell them now and they will hear you.
-Our parents, though, while they may be in Heaven are with us when we need them.
-Your mum is in and around you, she is there when you need her. Your mum is with you, every time you think or talk about her.

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Byrne. Quotes II

-The first and most important thing adults can do is to lead by example.
-If we choose to love more, we will have greater happiness and joy in our own lives and be better able to play our unique role in creating a much more loving and peaceful world.
-When I was excluded, the angels with me would tell me that my family knew no better, and not to take it personally.
-We are asked that we allow our love to come forward  and touch the love that is locked away in another's heart.
-The sadness and pain surrounding the death of a parent, brother or sister can bring with it an unexpected gift, and help families to become closer.
-The angels always tell me  that when parents die, they want their children to become more loving and united. Parents continue from Heaven to work to bring siblings together.
-Think of Paul and tell him you love him; he will hear you.

Love from Heaven. By Lorna Byrne. Quotes

-If we are unable to love ourselves, we are unable to love another.
-Love is the most powerful force in the world; it comes from our soul, it comes from Heaven.
-I see angels all the time. I see them physically as clearly as I see my daughter sitting across the dinner table from me.
-We are all born pure love.
-When we don't let ourselves feel emotions such as compassion and love for our fellow human beings, even strangers, we become less human and this allows emotions such as hate and anger to flourish.
-Each and every one of us human beings has a soul.
-In a newborn baby who has just come from Heaven I see the soul much more forward in the body.
-Self-love is about valuing and loving who you are.
-Your guardian angel loves you unconditionally.
-"Dear God
Please help me to release that most
precious gift you have given me of
That gift of love that comes from 
Heaven and is connected to my soul.
-We all need to be aware when tough things happen to us, that we have a choice of how to respond.

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