Saturday, June 30, 2012

Highly effective teachers

Three main domains:

         1.1. Utilize assessment Data to Plan.
         1.2. Set ambitious and Measurable Achievement goals.
         1.3. Develop standards - Best unit plans and Assessments.
         1.4. Create objective - Driven lessons and Assessments.
         1.5. Track student data and analyse progress.

         2.1. Develop student understanding and mastery of lesson objectives.
         2.2. Demonstrate and clearly communicate content knowledge to students.
         2.3. Engage students in academic content.
         2.4. Check for understanding.
         2.5. Modify instruction as needed.
         2.6. Develop higher level of understanding through rigorous instruction and work.
         2.7. Maximize instructional time. 
         2.8. Create classroom culture of respect and collaboration.
         2.9. Set high expectations for academic success.

        3.1. Contribute to school culture.
        3.2. Collaborate with peers.
        3.3. Seek professional skills and knowledge.
        3.4. Advocate for student success.
        3.5. Engage families in student learning. 

         . Attendance.
         . On time arrival.
         . Policies and procedures.
         . Respect.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Threatening skies. From Cracks of illusion by Gabriel Puyo.

The sky threatens with a thousand storms. A grey arch covers everything. Looking up to get sorrow in small doses… When the bells will peal, souls will be dead already. In the kingdom of trifles, principles are simple beggars.
With the upcoming sunset, cockroaches go out from their holes and become tyrants with their black eyes.
At the same time, the young redeemer swears to be better every passing second and the oracle confesses with a blue smile that all will always be the same… the rules can’t be changed… it is not possible to dream. In the meantime, it starts to rain. They are worn out drops from the regrets of pusillanimity… drops that undo the spirits…
The legend says that it will come a day when the herd will comprehend that it is not enough with bread and circus. But when that day comes, it will be too late because the skies will fall apart and the end will commence.  Then, the true tragedy will happen: the poor souls will persevere in their blindness. What an atrocity! They will choose a corrosive and desolating union instead of the curing death. Angels tried to show them the other way, but they got just outraged. Now, the only thing left to do is to behold the dark color of their hearts. They were given infinite chimeras. They were never deserving to be born: selfishness and iniquity.
It will always be night. Stars and universe are sobbing because they know that we will always be old and never dare to fight for our dreams.  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Arrows of your own destiny

         Get out and smile!
                          No time to be lost…
                                 Find you reason!
                                           Right here, right now!
                                                                      Life is to short…
                                           Not to laugh, to chase stars…
                                 Never it’s too late!
                        Nothing to hold on to…

                                                                             Too late…
                                                         I am so tired...
                                     It is always the same….
                       It doesn’t matter…
       Nothing will ever change…
I am so unlucky….
       Don’t go. It is dangerous…
                    Don’t chase your dreams…
                                  Stop believing!
                                                                        Too late…

Friday, June 8, 2012

The invisible. From Cracks of illusion by Gabriel Puyo

“Precisely the invisible is, however, the best that anyone can say about humankind”. Sören Kierkegaard. Gabriel Puyó. From Cracks of illusion.

Are our prayers heard?
Solitary men and women walking the perpetual distance looking for the same… since the beginning of time… since the little bird in our hearts spread its beautiful wings…
In the river towards our final destination, everything counts… the dry leaf and the defiant deceitfulness, the thorn reaching out for the unfaithful petal, the blind light longing for peace in the shade of a humble sunset, the ancestral searching for being found… the obsession for snowflakes instead the empty- handed smile at the tender and anonymous morning…
What is what we all are looking for?
What is what is worth living for?
Is there any hope for any of us?
Just running away… from harm… from pain… from solitude… from silence… from beauty…
…where are the dreams of our wisdom?
The meditation of our sorrows separates us from glory… that glory hidden but patient, silent but loyal, apart but faithful.
Sameness of eternity…
Is there something in this decaying existence that lasts forever?
Soon it will be too late for later… the harmonious plot from the guardian angels is set… the Damocles’ sword about to expand its tentacles to decapitate our repented bravery.
An enormous smile contaminates all the grief around. Destinations don’t matter anymore because there is not ending nor beginning.
It’s just this flux that taints the stars to make sure that there can’t be any escape… this cruel flux that some call hypocrisy and others ignorance…