Sunday, February 26, 2017

Faltas indirectas en futbol

Según indica la Regla 12 de las Reglas del Juego oficiales de la FIFA para la temporada 2008/2009, el árbitro debe conceder un tiro libre indirecto al equipo contrario si el portero, dentro de su propia área de penalti, comete cualquiera de las siguientes infracciones:
1. Controlar el balón con las manos durante más de seis segundos antes de soltarlo.
2. Rocar el balón de nuevo con sus manos después de que lo ha soltado y antes de que haya sido tocado por otro jugador.
3. Tocar el balón con las manos después de que un compañero de equipo se lo haya enviado con el pie deliberadamente.
4. Tocar el balón con sus manos después de haberlo recibido directamente de un lanzamiento de un compañero de equipo.
 También se concede un tiro libre indirecto al equipo contrario si, a juicio del árbitro, un jugador:
5. Juega de una manera peligrosa.
6. Obstaculiza el avance de un oponente.
7. Impide que el portero suelte el balón de sus manos, comete cualquier otra infracción que no se haya mencionado anteriormente en la Regla 12, por la cual se pare el juego por precaución o se envíe fuera del campo a un jugador.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


The champion's mind by Jim Afremow. Memorable quotes III

-Change is the name of the winning game.
-You go for the gold, battle against the best and your best.
-When you get knocked down by disruptive change, get up right away. The answer for a champion is to play it where it lies.
-These are the 12 mental skills:
1. Goal setting.
2. Mental imagery.
3. Self-talk
4. Confidence.
5. Focus.
6. Breath control
7. Mental toughness.
8. Anxiety management.
9. Enjoyment.
10. Body language.
11. Intensity.
12. Personal affirmation works.
-Thoughts determine feelings, then feelings influence performance.
-In quick reaction sports like basketball and soccer, simply shout to yourself: Next play!
-Self-talk can produce significant improvements in sports performance.
-Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. BABE RUTH.
-Tell yourself: I've done this before and I can do it now.
-Confidence without complacency keeps you on target when you are playing well and winning.
-Focus, or selective attention, is your dedication to the task at hand to the exclusion of all else.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The champion's mind by Jim Afremow. Memorable quotes II.

-Champions are not made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside: a desire, a dream, a vision. MUHAMMAD ALI
-What will your life look like when you have become your own champion?
-You need to see it to achieve it.
-The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching. ANSON DORRANCE.
-We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. A dream is not impossible, so go get yours. D. K. HOLMES.
-Be great in act, as you have been in thought. W. SHAKESPEARE.
-Act as if you are a total champion for set amounts of time each day by exceeding normal expectations.
-Do it. Then say it.
-Stand tall and walk strong. Keep your head in the game.
-If you are not getting better, you are getting worse.
-Stay focused.
-Life is a series of choices, and time is treasure.
-The teamwork is the most important thing, because when you have a group of guys who are playing for each other, playing hard and playing together, that trumps talent any day. CHRIS PAUL.
-A team has a shared destiny and as such, all behaviors must be for the benefit of the team and the greater good.
-3 self-reflection questions regarding your role as a teammate:
1. What am I doing that is hurting my team?
2. What am I not doing that is hurting my team?
3. What are the specific action steps I will take to be a better teammate moving forward?
-The strength of the team is the strength of the leaders.
-A wining attitude is most needed during tough times. Rather than pointing fingers or complaining, a championship-caliber team faces a loss or a lackluster performance with the attitude that 'we are all going to get better and find a way to make this work'
-Before you can lead others, you must be able to lead yourself. Define success for those under your leadership as total commitment and effort to the team's welfare. The show it yourself with your own effort and performance. Most of those you lead, will do the same. Those who don't, should be encouraged to look for a new team.
-10 suggestions for becoming a champion leader:
1. Develop a vision.
2. Share credit and accept blame.
3. Have a strong sense of confidence and optimism about what you are doing. Stay calm and in control during a moment of crisis. Athletes need to know there is hope, and they will look to coaches and team leaders for cues.
4. Care, really care about others.
5. Respect and appreciate your role, and the role of others.
6. Lead by example, on and off the field.
7. Hold everyone accountable, including yourself.
8. Learn to adapt to any situation.
9. Share in all of the sacrifices and hardships of the team.
10. Do the right thing.

The champion's mind. Memorable quotes

-Don't envy the champion. Be the champion.
-If you can spot greatness, you've got greatness.
-The same positive mental qualities you admire in others are also within you and waiting to be fully expressed.
-We could be or even surpass the heroes we admire and respect the most.
-Sports are 90% mental and the other half is physical. YOGI BERRA
-If you want to play like the best athletes, then you have to think like them.
-The attitude with which we approach the situation can determine our success or failure. PEYTON MANNING.
-What separates the top few from the many in a sport? Mentality.
-Among the top 100 players, physically there is not much difference... It's a mental ability to handle the pressure, to play well at the right moments. DJOKOVIC
-Your mental game matters the most.
-Mind is everything. Muscle, just pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind. PAAVO NURMI.
-The mental abilities of confidence, concentration, and composure are crucial for being a champion in everything you undertake, be it work, or sports, or both.
-Just as you can build physical strength though training, you can also build mental strength through training.
-A champion makes greatness happen, despite what may seem like impossible odds.
-No coach or team thinks in terms of happy or comfort. Those are not words that exist. You keep competing, executing, and trying to improve. It doesn't matter if you have the best record or the worst record. GREGG POPOVICH.
-Attitude is a decision, and it is also a learned behavior, requiring discipline and energy to sustain.