Friday, December 30, 2016

Your erroneous zones. Quotes

-A judicious mixture of hard work, clear thinking, humor and self-confidence are ingredients of effective living.
-An insight must be repeated, and repeated, and repeated again.
-You are the sum total of your choices.
-Feelings are reactions you choose to have.
-A feeling is a physical reaction to a thought.
-You make yourself unhappy because of the thoughts that you have about the people or things in your life.
-You are too worthy to be upset by someone else, especially someone who is so unimportant in your life.
-It is up to you to take control of your own mind.
-If you are growing you are alive. If you are not growing then you might as well be dead.
-Love: the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.
-Once you recognize how good you are, you won't have to have others reinforce your value or values by making their behavior conform to your dictates.
-Learn from the error and resolve not to repeated but don't associate it with your self-worth.
-Never confuse your self-worth with your behavior or the behavior of others toward you.
-You may not life your behavior in a given instance, but that has nothing to do with your self-worth. You can choose to be worthy to yourself forever, and then get on with the task of working on your self-images.
-The happier you make yourself, the more intelligent your are.
-You are as smart as you choose to be.
-By comparing yourself you make others more important than you.
-Your children are not your children. They came through you but not from you. Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

26 lessons from 2016. Robin Sharma

#1. A superb mindset without an elevated heartset [a word I've been introducing in my work along with "healthset" and "soulset"] is a fake win. You need all four of these interior arenas operating at world-class to bring your brightest fire into the world. 

#2. Being productive at your craft is important. Being productive in your devotion to grow as a human is essential. [Inner empires precede outer ones]. 

#3. Be a warrior when it comes to delivering on your ambitions. And a saint when it comes to treating people with respect, modeling generosity and showing up with outright love. 

#4. The most important things in life have nothing to do with things. 

#5. Creative masters get that time in solitude is the A-Player's peak protocol. [There's a difference between being busy and being productive. And there's a reason why the legends spend a lot of time alone]. 

#6. Being out on the jagged edges of your abilities is a scary place to be. So few have the guts to play here. Your weaker self thinks you're being foolish. People think you're strange. Peers will copy you when you get good. But this is ‎where the great ones live. 

#7. Your income reflects your self-identity. Your impact reveals your personal story. 

#8. What society calls impossible, the visionary sees as the untried. 

#9. Everyone alive today is doing the bes‎t they can do based on the way they see the world. Their level of perception is driving the quality of their behavior. Don't judge them. Understand them. 

#10. People who cause others pain are people in a lot of pain. 

#11. Your elite performance routines will not work if you don't do the work to make them work. 

#12. Own your morning and you'll win your day [yes--I'm still writing The 5 AM Club. It's been two years. I just want to get every word right for you. Thank you for your patience. And the tremendous encouragement]. 

#13. Your past was perfect preparation for your gorgeous future. Honor it versus regret it. 

#14. Long meals with loved ones, sunsets and full moons, walks in the woods on crisp Autumn days and deep talks with new friends [in the South of Italy] are massive forms of wealth. Money doesn't buy true riches like these. 

#15. Humility shows your greatness. [When I hung out with Woz--the co-founder of Apple--at The Titan Summit in Zurich a few weeks ago, I met one of the most modest + kindest people I've ever met‎. Powerful experience for me]. True Titans don't brag.‎ 

#16. To lead is to serve. [This past July, standing in Nelson Mandela's prison cell on Robben Island, I got that insight deeper into my core than ever before]. 

#17. Most people have really good hearts. They're just really scared to take down the armor that has allowed them to survive. Your job is to inspire them to do so. 

#18. My life works a lot better when I'm reading every day. And a house full of books [analog] is a magical home. 

#19. Make the time to mentor, coach and develop your team. You'll grow your business swiftly by helping your people unleash their gifts beautifully. And it's the right thing to do. [Leaders grow more leaders]. 

#20. Less ego. More authenticity. Less me, more we. Less talk, more do. 

#21. The toxic people you've allowed into your life are costing you your dreams. 

#22. The more I invest in personal growth + professional game, the more my ability to influence positively rises exponentially. 

#23. Talk to yourself like you love yourself. You wouldn't speak to your loved ones the way you sometimes speak to you. 

#24. The more powerful you become the less you'll need to advertise how powerful you are. 

#25. You really can Lead Without a Title. I met the JoBurg janitor again this past year. The Michelangelo of The Washroom. Still sees himself as an Ambassador for South Africa [someone please give this man a medal]. Still works like it's the most important job on the planet. Still smiles like a little kid. Still teaches me what being a good person is all about. 

#26. Stop waiting for the‎ world to provide more heroes. And--today--start becoming one of them. 

62 Ways to make 2017 your best year yet. Robin Sharma

1. Remember that leadership isn’t about your position. It’s about your influence.
2. Get fit like a pro athlete.
3. Lift people up versus tearing people down.
4. Protect your good name. An impeccable reputation takes a lifetime to build. And 60 seconds to lose.
5. Surround yourself with positive, ethical people who are committed to excellence.
6. Remember that even a 1% daily innovation rate amounts to at least a 100% rate of innovation in 100 days.
7. Believe in your dreams (even when others laugh at them).
8. Measure your success, not by your net worth but by your self worth (and how happy you feel).
9. Take an intelligent risk every 24 hours. No try-No Win.
11. Watch “Man on Wire“.
12. Regardless of your title at work, be a team builder.
13. Remember that business is all about relationships and human connections.
14. Say “please” more.
15. Say “thank you” more.
16. Know your Big 5: the five things that need to happen by the end of this year for you to feel its been your best year yet.
17. Read your Big 5 every morning while the rest of the world is asleep.
18. Read “As You Think“. At least twice this year.
19. Be willing to fail. It’s the price of greatness.
20. Focus less on making money and more on creating value.
21. Spend less, save more.
22. Leave everything you touch better than you found it.
23. Be the most positive person in every room you’re in.
24. Run your own race.
24. Stay true to your deepest values and best ideals.
25. Write a handwritten thank you note to a customer/friend/loved one every day.
26. When you travel, send love letters to your kids on hotel stationery. In time, they’ll have a rich collection to remember your travels by.
27. Read “Atlas Shrugged“.
28. Be a problem solver versus a trouble maker.
29. Rather than doing many things at mediocrity do just a few things-but at mastery.
30. Honor your parents.
31. Commit to doing great work-whether anyone notices it or not. It’s one of life’s best sources of happiness.
32. Give more than you receive (another of the truths of happiness).
33. Have your 1/3/5/10/25 years goals recorded on paper and review them weekly.
34. Be patient. Slow and steady wins the race. The only reason businesses that went from zero to a billion in a year or two get featured in magazines is because 99% of businesses require a lot more time to win.
34. Underpromise and then overdeliver.
35. See part of your job as “a developer of people” (whether you work in the boardroom or the mailroom).
36. Wear your heart on your sleeve. When people see you’re real, they’ll fall in love with you.
37. Be authentic versus plastic.
38. Read “The Alchemist“.
39. Remember that life wants you to win. So get out of your own way.
40. Consider that behind every fear lives your next level of growth (and power).
41. Eat less food.
42. Drink more water.
43. Rest when you need to.
44. Read “SUCCESS” magazine.
45. Write your eulogy and them live your life backwards.
46. Demand the best from yourself.
47. Remember that the more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
48. See everything that happens to you as an opportunity to grow (and therefore, as a precious gift).
49. Be obsessed with learning and self-development.
50. Become comfortable alone (you are the only person you get to be with your whole life).
51. Smile. It’s a stunningly effective way to win in business and life.
52. Reflect on the shortness of life.
53. Be bold when it comes to your dreams but gentle with those you love.
54. Remember that success is dangerous because it can kill drive/innovation/passion and going the extra mile. Be successful yet stay hungry.
56. Be of deep value to this world.
57. Own beautiful things but don’t let them own you.
58. Use excellent words.
59. Laugh more.
60. Don’t complain, gossip or be negative.
61. Plan as if you’ll live forever but live as if you’ll die tomorrow.
62. Feel free to pass these lessons on to those you want to help.

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Sport Journal

Principles of leadership

1. The leader is always responsible. Leaders must always "own" the mistakes and shortcomings of their teams.
2. Everyone on the team must believe in the mission.
3. Work with other teams to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
4. Keep plans simple, clear, and concise.
5. Check your ego.
6.  Figure out your priorities, and then act on them one at a time.
7. Clarify your mission (i.e., your plan).
8. Engage with your higher-ups; keep them in the loop--especially when they frustrate you.
9. Act decisively, even when things are chaotic.
10. Contradictory qualities of a leader.

8 frases de Michael Jordan

1. "He fallado más de 9000 tiros en mi carrera. He perdido casi 300 juegos. 26 veces han confiado en mí para tomar el tiro que ganaba el juego y lo he fallado. He fracasado una y otra vez en mi vida y eso es por lo que tengo éxito".
2. "Algunas personas quieren que algo ocurra, otras sueñan con que pasará, otras hacen que suceda".
3. “Debes esperar cosas de ti mismo antes de que las puedas hacer”.
4. "Para tener éxito debes ser egoísta o nunca lo lograrás. Y cuando llegues a tu nivel más alto, entonces debes ser desinteresado. Mantente accesible. Mantente en contacto. No te aísles".
5. "Quien dice que juega al límite, es porque lo tiene".
6. “Nunca pienso en las consecuencias de fallar un gran tiro. Cuando piensas en las consecuencias, estás pensando en un resultado negativo”.
7. “Siempre he creído que si trabajas, los resultados vendrán solos. No hago las cosas a medias, porque sé que si lo hago entonces solo puedo esperar tener resultados a medias”.
8. "Solo juega. Diviértete. Disfruta el juego".

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mindful walking practice

After a long day sitting in an office, seated meditation might seem unappealing. On days when you want to get out into nature, try walking meditation instead.
Walking meditation, also known as mindful walking, is an active practice that requires you to be consciously aware and moving in the environment rather than sitting down with your eyes closed. The practice brings you closer to nature and your body. It also helps strengthen your concentration, makes you more aware, and connects you to the present moment.
Try to wear comfortable clothing and shoes, if possible. Begin by standing still and becoming aware of your body and how it feels. Notice your posture, feel the weight of your body pressing down toward the ground, and your heels pushing into your shoes; become aware of all the subtle movements that are keeping you balanced and upright.
Allow your knees to bend very slightly and feel your hips as your center of gravity. Take a few deep belly breaths and bring your awareness into the present moment.
Now begin to walk slightly slower than normal pace, maintaining an almost imperceptible bend in the knees. With each step, be aware of the gentle heel-to-toe rhythm as each foot makes contact with the ground. 
Breathe naturally and fully, deeply filling your lungs with each inhalation, but being careful not to strain or struggle in any way. Allow your eyes to focus softly ahead of you, taking in as much of the periphery as comfortable. Try to maintain a soft body and breathing awareness as you walk naturally and easily.
When your attention drifts away from the sensations of walking and breathing, take notice of those thoughts, moods, or emotions without judgment and gently guide your awareness back to the present moment, back to the walking. 
Continue this mindful walking for anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes or longer if comfortable.
When it’s time to end the meditation, allow yourself to come to a gentle halt. Pause—once again experiencing yourself standing still—as you feel the earth beneath your feet. Take a few deep breaths as this session comes to close. Slowly return to your regular activity.
Hopefully the benefits will whet your appetite for mindful walking. Explore the steps listed above and experience some of the benefits firsthand. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


motion offense is a category of offensive scheme used in basketball. Motion offenses use player movement, often as a strategy to exploit quickness of the offensive team or to neutralize a size advantage of the defense.
Motion offenses are different from continuity offenses in that they follow no fixed repeating pattern. Instead a motion offense is free-flowing and unrestricted, following a set of rules. Some examples of basic rules that are commonly used are:
  • Pass and screen away: Players pass to one side of the court and seek to screen for players on the opposite side of the court. The hope is to create spacing and driving lanes to basket.
  • Back screen: Players in the key seek to screen players on the wing and open them up for basket cuts.
  • Flare screen: Player without the ball on the perimeter seeks to set a screen (usually near the elbow area of the lane) for another player without the ball at the top of the key area.


    The origin of the motion offense has been disputed. Though credit is often given to Hank Iba, the former head coach of the Oklahoma State Cowboys men's basketball team, there are many who believe that the motion offense was developed earlier by coaches of the New York Renaissance, an all-African American team who played during the 1920s and 30s. In fact, the Rens were the first team—black or white—to win the World Championship Professional Basketball Tournament, held in 1939, by using the motion offense.

    Hank Iba's version

    Hank Iba's teams were methodical, ball-controlling units who featured weaving patterns and low-scoring games. A major contributor to the motion offense run at OSU was through the methodical mind of Bloomer Sullivan, Hank Iba's assistant early on who implemented his own version of the motion offense at Southeastern Oklahoma State College for 31 years.

    Bob Knight's version

    Another prominent head coach who was influential in the development of the motion offense is Bob Knight. Knight enjoyed great success for over 40 years as the head coach of the United States Military Academy, Indiana University, and Texas Tech University, recording 902 total victories. Knight's motion offense didn't truly come to fruition until his time at Indiana. Prior to that, as head coach of Army, he ran a "reverse action" offense. This offense involved reversing the ball from one side of the floor to the other, and screening along with it. According to Knight, it was a "West Coast offense" that Pete Newell used during his coaching career. After watching the Princeton offense for years while still at West Point, Knight went to the Olympic trials in 1972 to learn about the passing game. With Newell's help, he was able to further develop his offense.
    Bob Knight's motion offense emphasized post players setting screens and perimeter players passing the ball until a teammate becomes open for an uncontested lay-up or jump shot. Players are also required to be unselfish and disciplined, and must be effective in setting and using screens to get open. Plus, instead of relying on set plays, Knight's offense is designed to react according to the defense. As he continued developing his offense, he instituted different cuts and would put his players in different scenarios. During his time at Indiana University, the Hoosiers won 3 NCAA Championships; in 1976, 1981, and 1987. He was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1991.

    CSKA Moscow

    CSKA Moscow under Ettore Messina, had implemented a sophisticated version of the motion offense in Euroleague, combining it with half court sets for great success.

    Modern usage

    The motion offense is not used by a vast majority of high school, college, and professional basketball teams. It is hard to teach, so many coaches shy away from it. However, many basketball teams have continued to use the offense to great success on all levels of the game.

Bob Knight: 'I'd have gotten rid of' Kaepernick

Anybody who knows Bobby Knight isn't going to be surprised by his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick.
"Were I a teammate, were I the coach, were I the owner, in a situation like that, I'd have gotten rid of the guy," Knight said. "That's a distraction, we don't need a distraction like that. We've got to have our team play and now we've got a terrible distraction, a tremendous distraction. And it really has nothing to do with the competition there. It's hard for me to imagine anybody that can fault the opportunities one has in this country. No country in the world provides better opportunities for people that are willing to work, willing to sacrifice and I would've had a very difficult time playing with a guy like that, coaching a guy like that, or having him as a teammate."

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes V.

-Your ability to have an impact and make a contribution comes more from who you are as a person t than from the authority you receive by your placement on some org chart.
-It is about feeling safe in your own skin and learning to trust yourself so that your work under your values, express your original voice, and be the best you can be. It's about knowing who you are, what you stand for, and then having the courage to be yourself, in every situation rather than only when it's convenient. It's about being real, consistent, and congruent so who you are on the inside is reflected by the way you perform on the outside.
-There will never be a better you than you.
-Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde
-When you give yourself permission to be open, real, and brilliant around others, you give others permission to be open, real, and brilliant around you.
-When people say you'll fail or suggest you're not good enough, stand strong in your own skin and don't let them tear you down.
-Criticism is the defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against change.
-Jealousy is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius.
-You will never go wrong in doing what is right.
-Nothing is more precious in work than staying consistent with your values and protecting your good name. In so many ways, your reputation is all you have.
-Be ferociously humble.
-Difficult days never last, but strong people always do.
-I may not be rich, but I have a rich life.
-I had the natural power within me to determine what meaning I attached to any circumstance I'd been presented with.
-Gotta find ways to have a good time in all you do.
-You need to actually move closer to the place you most fear instead of pulling back from it.
-The fear you move through when you go to the edge of your limits actually causes your limits to expand.
-Difficult times are the ones that reveal what you're made of, and what kind of a leader you actually are.
-The more you do the things you're scared to do, the more you'll be showing real leadership.
-The brave don't run. The brave eat their fear before their fear eats them.
-The more time you spend outside of your comfort zone, the wider it grows.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Howl, Part I. By Allen Ginsberg

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,
     starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking 
     for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly
     connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking 
     in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating 
     across the tops of cities contemplating jazz,
who bared their brains to Heaven under the El and saw
     Mohammedan angels staggering on tenement roofs 
who passed through universities with radiant cool eyes
     hallucinating Arkansas and Blake-light tragedy among the 
     scholars of war,
who were expelled from the academies for crazy & publishing 
     obscene odes on the windows of the skull,
who cowered in unshaven rooms in underwear, burning their 
     money in wastebaskets and listening to the Terror through
     the wall,
who got busted in their pubic beards returning through Laredo 
     with a belt of marijuana for New York,
who ate fire in paint hotels or drank turpentine in Paradise 
     Alley, death, or purgatoried their torsos night after night
with dreams, with drugs, with waking nightmares, alcohol and
     cock and endless balls,
incomparable blind streets of shuddering cloud and lightning in 
     the mind leaping toward poles of Canada & Paterson, 
     illuminating all the motionless world of Time between,
Peyote solidities of halls, backyard green tree cemetery dawns,
     wine drunkenness over the rooftops, storefront boroughs of 
     teahead joyride neon blinking traffic light, sun and moon 
     and tree vibrations in the roaring winter dusks of Brooklyn, 
     ashcan rantings and kind king light of mind,
who chained themselves to subways for the endless ride from 
     Battery to holy Bronx on benzedrine until the noise of 
     wheels and children brought them down shuddering 
     mouth-wracked and battered bleak of brain all drained of 
     brilliance in the drear light of Zoo,
who sank all night in submarine light of Bickford’s floated out 
     and sat through the stale beer afternoon in desolate 
     Fugazzi’s, listening to the crack of doom on the hydrogen 
who talked continuously seventy hours from park to pad to bar to 
     Bellevue to museum to the Brooklyn Bridge,
a lost battalion of platonic conversationalists jumping down the 
     stoops off fire escapes off windowsills of Empire State out 
     of the moon,
yacketayakking screaming vomiting whispering facts and 
     memories and anecdotes and eyeball kicks and shocks of 
     hospitals and jails and wars,
whole intellects disgorged in total recall for seven days and 
     nights with brilliant eyes, meat for the Synagogue cast on 
     the pavement,
who vanished into nowhere Zen New Jersey leaving a trail of 
     ambiguous picture postcards of Atlantic City Hall,
suffering Eastern sweats and Tangerian bone-grindings and 
     migraines of China under junk-withdrawal in Newark’s bleak 
     furnished room,
who wandered around and around at midnight in the railroad
     yard wondering where to go, and went, leaving no broken
who lit cigarettes in boxcars boxcars boxcars racketing
     through snow toward lonesome farms in grandfather night,
who studied Plotinus Poe St. John of the Cross telepathy and 
     bop kabbalah because the cosmos instinctively vibrated at
     their feet in Kansas, who loned it through the streets of
     Idaho seeking visionary indian angels who were visionary
     indian angels,
who thought they were only mad when Baltimore gleamed in
     supernatural ecstasy,
who jumped in limousines with the Chinaman of Oklahoma on
     the impulse of winter midnight streetlight smalltown rain,
who lounged hungry and lonesome through Houston seeking jazz
     or sex or soup, and followed the brilliant Spaniard to
     converse about America and Eternity, a hopeless task, and
     so took ship to Africa,
who disappeared into the volcanoes of Mexico leaving behind
     nothing but the shadow of dungarees and the lava and ash of
     poetry scattered in fireplace Chicago,
who reappeared on the West Coast investigating the FBI in
     beards and shorts with big pacifist eyes sexy in their dark
     skin passing out incomprehensible leaflets,
who burned cigarette holes in their arms protesting the
     narcotic tobacco haze of Capitalism,
who distributed Supercommunist pamphlets in Union Square
     weeping and undressing while the sirens of Los Alamos
     wailed them down, and wailed down Wall, and the Staten
     Island ferry also wailed,
who broke down crying in white gymnasiums naked and
     trembling before the machinery of other skeletons,
who bit detectives in the neck and shrieked with delight in
     policecars for committing no crime but their own wild
     cooking pederasty and intoxication,
who howled on their knees in the subway and were dragged off
     the roof waving genitals and manuscripts,
who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists,
     and screamed with joy,
who blew and were blown by those human seraphim, the sailors,
     caresses of Atlantic and Caribbean love,
who balled in the morning in the evenings in rosegardens and
     the grass of public parks and cemeteries scattering their
     semen freely to whomever come who may,
who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob
     behind a partition in a Turkish Bath when the blond & naked
     angel came to pierce them with a sword,
who lost their loveboys to the three old shrews of fate the one  
     eyed shrew of the heterosexual dollar the one eyed shrew
     that winks out of the womb and the one eyed shrew that does
     nothing but sit on her ass and snip the intellectual golden
     threads of the craftsman’s loom.
who copulated ecstatic and insatiate with a bottle of beer a
     sweetheart a package of cigarettes a candle and fell off the
     bed, and continued along the floor and down the hall and
     ended fainting on the wall with a vision of ultimate cunt
     and come eluding the last gyzym of consciousness,
who sweetened the snatches of a million girls trembling in the
     sunset, and were red eyed in the morning but prepared to
     sweeten the snatch of the sunrise, flashing buttocks under
     barns and naked in the lake,
who went out whoring through Colorado in myriad stolen
     night-cars, N.C., secret hero of these poems, cocksman and
     Adonis of Denver--joy to the memory of his innumerable lays
     of girls in empty lots & diner backyards, moviehouses’
     rickety rows, on mountaintops in caves or with gaunt
     waitresses in familiar roadside lonely petticoat upliftings
     & especially secret gas-station solipsisms of johns, &
     hometown alleys too,
who faded out in vast sordid movies, were shifted in dreams,
     woke on a sudden Manhattan, and picked themselves up out
     of basements hungover with heartless Tokay and horrors of
     Third Avenue iron dreams & stumbled to unemployment
who walked all night with their shoes full of blood on the
     snowbank docks waiting for a door in the East River to open
     to a room full of steamheat and opium,
who created great suicidal dramas on the apartment cliff-banks of
     the Hudson under the wartime blue floodlight of the moon &
     their heads shall be crowned with laurel in oblivion,
who ate the lamb stew of the imagination or digested the crab at
     the muddy bottom of the rivers of Bowery,
who wept at the romance of the streets with their pushcarts full
     of onions and bad music,
who sat in boxes breathing in the darkness under the bridge, and
     rose up to build harpsichords in their lofts,

who coughed on the sixth floor of Harlem crowned with flame
     under the tubercular sky surrounded by orange crates of
who scribbled all night rocking and rolling over lofty incantations
     which in the yellow morning were stanzas of gibberish,
who cooked rotten animals lung heart feet tail borsht & tortillas
     dreaming of the pure vegetable kingdom,
who plunged themselves under meat trucks looking for an egg,
who threw their watches off the roof to cast their ballot for
     Eternity outside of Time, & alarm clocks fell on their heads
     every day for the next decade,
who cut their wrists three times successively unsuccessfully, gave
     up and were forced to open antique stores where they thought
     they were growing old and cried,
who were burned alive in their innocent flannel suits on Madison
     Avenue amid blasts of leaden verse & the tanked-up clatter of
     the iron regiments of fashion & the nitroglycerine shrieks of
     the fairies of advertising & the mustard gas of sinister
     intelligent editors, or were run down by the drunken taxicabs
     of Absolute Reality,
who jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge this actually happened and
     walked away unknown and forgotten into the ghostly daze of
     Chinatown soup alleyways & firetrucks, not even one free
who sang out of their windows in despair, fell out of the subway
     window, jumped in the filthy Passaic, leaped on negroes, cried
     all over the street, danced on broken wineglasses barefoot
     smashed phonograph records of nostalgic European 1930s
     German jazz finished the whiskey and threw up groaning into
     the bloody toilet, moans in their ears and the blast of
     colossal steamwhistles,
who barreled down the highways of the past journeying to the
     each other’s hotrod-Golgotha jail-solitude watch or
     Birmingham jazz incarnation, who drove crosscountry
     seventytwo hours to find out if I had a vision or you had
     a vision or he had a vision to find out Eternity,
who journeyed to Denver, who died in Denver, who came back to
     Denver & waited in vain, who watched over Denver &
     brooded & loned in Denver and finally went away to find
     out the Time, & now Denver is lonesome for her heroes,
who fell on their knees in hopeless cathedrals praying for each
     other’s salvation and light and breasts, until the soul
     illuminated its hair for a second, 
who crashed through their minds in jail waiting for impossible
     criminals with golden heads and the charm of reality in their
     hearts who sang sweet blues to Alcatraz,
who retired to Mexico to cultivate a habit, or Rocky Mount to
     tender Buddha or Tangiers to boys or Southern Pacific to the
     black locomotive or Harvard to Narcissus to Woodlawn to the
     daisychain or grave,
who demanded sanity trials accusing the radio of hypnotism &
     were left with their insanity & their hands & a hung jury,
who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism and
     subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of
     the madhouse with shaven heads and harlequin speech of
     suicide, demanding instantaneous lobotomy,
and who were given instead the concrete void of insulin Metrazol
     electricity hydrotherapy psychotherapy occupational therapy
     pingpong & amnesia,
who in humorless protest overturned only one symbolic pingpong
     table, resting briefly in catatonia,
returning years later truly bald except for a wig of blood, and
     tears and fingers, to the visible madman doom of the wards of
     the madtowns of the East,
Pilgrim State’s Rockland’s and Greystone’s foetid halls, bickering
     with the echoes of the soul, rocking and rolling in the
     midnight solitude-bench dolmen-realms of love, dream of life
     a nightmare, bodies turned to stone as heavy as the moon,
with mother finally ******, and the last fantastic book flung out
     of the tenement window, and the last door closed at 4 a.m.
     and the last telephone slammed at the wall in reply and the
     last furnished room emptied down to the last piece of mental
     furniture, a yellow paper rose twisted on a wire hanger in the
     closet, and even that imaginary, nothing but a hopeful little
     bit of hallucination--
ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now you’re
     really in the total animal soup of time--
and who therefore ran through the icy streets obsessed with a
     sudden flash of the alchemy of the use of the ellipse the
     catalog the meter & the vibrating plane,
who dreamt and made incarnate gaps in Time & Space through
     images juxtaposed, and trapped the archangel of the soul
     between 2 visual images and joined the elemental verbs and
     set the noun and dash of consciousness together jumping
     with sensation of Pater Omnipotens Aeterna Deus
to recreate the syntax and measure of poor human prose and
     stand before you speechless and intelligent and shaking
     with shame, rejected yet confessing out the soul to conform
     to the rhythm of thought in his naked and endless head,
the madman bum and angel beat in Time, unknown, yet putting
     down here what might be left to say in time come after
and rose reincarnate in the ghostly clothes of jazz in the goldhorn
     shadow of the band and blew the suffering of America’s naked
     mind for love into an eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani
     saxophone cry that shivered the cities down to the last radio
with the absolute heart of the poem of life butchered out of their
     own bodies good to eat a thousand years.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Guardiola's Barcelona counter pressing

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes V.

-Ideas are ultimately worthless unless you activate them with focused and consistent action.
-Masters become masters because they had the courage and conviction to act on ideas.
-Starting truly is the hardest part. Beginning is half the battle. That first step truly is always the hardest. Because you are fighting the forces of gravity of your old thinking and habits.
-Daily ripples of excellence over time become a tsunami of success.
-No human beings likes change. We do love predictability. So anything new scares us and sets our internal systems into varying degrees of confusion and chaos.
-Your ability to have and impact and make a contribution comes more from who you are as a person than from the authority you receive by your placement on some org chart.
-It's about feeling really safe in your own skin and learning to trust yourself so that you work under your values, express your original voice, and be the best you can be. It's about knowing who you are, what you stand for, and then having the courage to be yourself.
-Don't lose yourself on the way to the top.
-There will never be a better you than you.
-Authenticity is about being true to who you are, even when everyone around you wants you to be someone else.
-When people say you'll fail or suggest you are not good enough, stand strong in your own skin and don't let them tear you down. Because leadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one else believes in you.
-Anyone who thinks and behaves differently will be called abnormal.
-Jealousy is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius.
-You will never go wrong in doing what's right.
-If there is one thing I've learned about leadership  success, it's that it lies at the intersection where excellence meets honor.
-Nothing is more precious in work than staying consistent with your values and protecting your good name. In so many ways, your reputation is all you have.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The making of an expert by K. Anders EricssonMichael J. PrietulaEdward T. Cokely. Quotes.

-Real expertise must pass three tests. First, it must lead to performance that is consistently superior to that of the expert's peers. Second, real expertise produces concrete results. Finally, true expertise can be replicated and measured in the lab.
-Not all practice makes perfect. You need a particular kind of practice -deliberate practice- to develop expertise.
-When most people practice, they focus on the things they already know how to do. Deliberate practice is different. It entails considerable, specific, and sustained efforts to do something you can't do well or even at all. Research across domains shows that it is only by working at what you can't do that you turn into the expert you want to become.
-A key element of leadership and management is charisma. A surprising number of executives believe that charisma is innate and cannot be learned. However, charisma can be learned through deliberate practice. Bear in mind that even Winston Churchill, one of the most charismatic figures of the twentieth century, practiced his oratory style in front of a mirror.
-Genuine experts not only practice deliberately but also think deliberately.
-Deliberate practice involves two kinds of learning: improving the skills you already have and extending the reach and range of your skills.
-Moving outside your traditional comfort zone of achievement requires substantial motivation and sacrifice, but it's a necessary discipline.
-Practice puts brains in your muscles.
-Having expert coaches makes a difference in a variety of ways.
-The development of expertise requires coaches who are capable of giving constructive, even painful, feedback.
-Elite performers know what they do right and concentrate on what they do wrong.
-Ideally, as your expertise increased, your coach will have helped you become more and more independent, so that you are able to set your own development plans.
-Good coaches help their students learn how to rely on an inner coach.

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes IV.

-Everyone of us has the potential to be geniuses at what we do.
-Every belief inevitably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
-Whether you think something is possible or impossible, you'll most certainly be right. Because your belief determines your behavior.
-People don't work and live at average because they are average. They behave that way because they've forgotten who they truly are.
-You will never behave in a way that's inconsistent with your self-image.
-Successful people have successful thinking patterns.
-It takes about ten thousand hours to become a master at something.
-The ten thousand hour idea add to about ten years of focused effort and consistent practice.
-Each one of us alone is responsible for how we respond to the environment we find ourselves in.
-Procrastination is just another form of fear.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes III.

-Potential unrealized turns to pain.
-Anyone can reach success if they consistently do the right things.
-Failure is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no return.
-Let go of your excuses.
-Visiting your mortality reminds you that your months are numbered.
-The more you own your power to make choices, the more powerful your choices become.
-You've fought hard so we could all be free.
-I could come up with a million reasons to be discouraged... But one of the greatest freedoms each of us has as people is the freedom to choose how we view our roles in the world and the power we all have to make positive decisions in whatever conditions we happen to find ourselves.
-I created my luck.
-Life's simplest pleasures are life's most precious ones.
-Success both in business and personally is something that's consciously created. It's the guaranteed result of a deliberate series of acts that anyone can perform.
-Never play victim! It's impossible to build a tribute to success o a foundation of excuses.
-Great people construct monuments with the stones their critics throw at them. It is when no one criticizes you when you should be really worried.
-The single best move any organization can make is growing the leadership potential of every single one of its constituents.
-People are too scared to be too original these days.
-What can I improve today?
-Keep challenging yourself to see things as you dream of seeing them.
-Dream big yet start small.
-Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
-Be so good that people cannot ignore you.
-Expect more from yourself than anyone around you could ever expect from you. Play in the big leagues.
-There is a lot of less competition on the extra mile.
-What would the person who is the best in the world at what I do be doing in this very moment?
-Being extraordinary in your work is one of the true secrets of happiness.  

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes II.

-You'll always reap what you sow.
-Even the smallest good act has set in motion a good consequence.
-Be an original.
-5 am: the greatest time of the day.
-Embracing uncertainty is a precious gift. Most of us get so scared the moment we face the unknown. We shouldn't though. It's really nothing more than the beginning of an adventure. And our growth coming to get us.
-Leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures aren't willing to do, even though the might not like doing them either. They have the discipline to do what they know to be important.
-Few things generate as much happiness as knowing that you are fully realizing your genius, doing brilliant work, and spending your life beautifully.
-Having the courage to show up is half the battle.
-Learning is the daughter of repetition.
-Getting up early is one of the intelligent daily practices that Leaders with no title perform with consistency.
-Graves fascinate me. They serve to dramatically remind me of how short life is.
-Each of us alone creates the lives we get to live.
-I stopped making excuses. I assumed total responsibility for the consequences of my actions. And stepped into my best.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes I.

-Each of us is born into genius. Sadly, most of us die amid mediocrity.
-The best you can do is all you can do.
-Worrying about things beyond your control is a pretty good formula for illness.
-My parents didn't have a lot of things, yet in many ways they had everything: they had the courage of their convictions, they had superb values, and they had self-respect.
-The best people always seem to have the biggest libraries.
-Getting lost along your path is a part of finding the path you are meant to be on.
-Age is just a state of mind.
-The highest of all human abilities is the ability each one of us has to choose how we respond to the environment we find ourselves within.
-Leadership has nothing to do with what you get or where you sit. Leadership's a lot more about how brilliantly you work and how masterfully you behave.
-Every single one of us alive in the world today has unrecognized powers and disowned potential that are far superior to the power conferred by a title.
-The less you care about receiving the stuff most of us care about at work, the more you received it.

Friday, May 20, 2016

As you think by James Allen. Memorable quotes.

-We are made or unmade by ourselves.
-You are the master of your thought, the molder of your character, and the maker and shaper of your condition, environment, and destiny.
-As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of your own thoughts, you hold the key to every situation, and contain within yourself that transforming and regenerative agency by which you make yourself what you will.
-Thought and character are one, and as character can only manifest and discover itself through environment and circumstance, the outer conditions of your life will always be found to be harmoniously related to your inner state.
-You are where you are by the law of your being: the thoughts that you have built into your character have brought you there, and in the arrangement of your life there is no element of chance, but all is the result of a law that cannot err.
-You are buffeted by circumstances so long as you believe yourself to be a creature affected by outside conditions -but when you realize that you are a creative power, and that you may command the hidden soil and seeds of your being out of which your circumstances grow, then you become the rightful master of yourself.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The book of life. Memorable quotes by Krishnamurti.

-Learning implies the love of understanding and the love of doing for itself. Learning is possible only when there is no coercion of any kind.
-Comparison brings about frustration and merely encourages envy, which is called competition. Like other forms of persuasion, comparison prevents learning and breeds fear.
-Without self-knowledge there is no liberation from ignorance, from sorrow.
-Love admits no division
-Attachment is the beginning of sorrow.
-We are that which we posses.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Books to read next

This is a list of some of the books that I am considering to read:

1. Angels on my shoulder by Lorna Byrne.
2. The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi.
3. The Prophet. Kahlil Gibran
4. As You Think by James Allen
5. Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Law of Mirrors by Doe Zantamata

The Fifth Law of Karma is the Law of Mirrors. It has two distinct parts. Overall, it’s the Law of Personal Responsibility. 

The first part of this Law is that:

If we can label a quality in another person, then it means that quality is also within us. 

This can be good or bad news! 

Think of the people you know, and think of or make a list of the qualities you would say they have. Be honest. This is just an exercise for you. 

Some people, you may describe as kind, generous, thoughtful, or others you may say are arrogant, self-centered, or inconsiderate. All of the qualities on your list are also in you. This is at first difficult to believe, as when we’re calling someone arrogant, we certainly don’t think we are, too. 

Whatever you believe about someone, they probably also believe about you.

Have you ever been told you were so thoughtful by someone who you believe is very thoughtful? Have you ever been called controlling by someone who you believe is controlling? Or insecure by someone you think is insecure?

In all of those cases, you’re both right. 

This isn’t an article intending to insult anyone or make anyone go on the defensive. This is an amazing shift in awareness that allows you to see the truth about yourself, as well as free you from other people’s perceptions that you cannot change. It’s a tool to help you make improvements where necessary, and also see what great qualities you have that you may not even realize. 

A mirror will not show your beautiful hair if you do not have beautiful hair. It will not show your large feet if you do not have large feet. It will not show any negative qualities that you yourself do not have, and will not show any positive qualities that you do not have, either. 

This Law, when fully understood, also can also really help you understand why some people act the way they do. 

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, a person you just met or even an old friend or family member, and you seem to be speaking two different languages? Maybe they suddenly get angry or accuse you of something or insult you, and you’re totally taken off guard and shocked. 

This is what happens when two mirrors do not reflect the same things. If they have within them something that you do not have, they see it in you even though it’s just not there. 

If you truly do not have it, you do not see it in them, yourself, or anyone else, because it doesn’t exist in you. 

When this attack happens, it’s a really jarring experience. You may try to even clarify what you meant by something, but they still can only see what’s being reflected back to them. 

You may then ask another friend what they think of what’s happened, in an attempt to try to figure it out for yourself. If that friend immediately says, “Oh, she’s so…” but if that friend recognized it, it means he or she also has that negative quality. 

You may still not see it, and say, “I don’t think so…” no matter how certain they are. 

Now, if that friend were also really confused as to why the first one blew up, then it means he or she does not have that quality either. 

There is a danger in being close to someone who has negative qualities that you do not possess. The danger lies in your taking their blow ups personally and feeling awful as a result. When we’re faced with something confusing like that from someone we love, it really hurts, and we sometimes internalize that pain. You don’t know why they’re so upset or angry, as you cannot see what they see, but you don’t want them to continue to be upset. 

What you need to realize is that there is nothing YOU can do to remove that negative quality from them. You can’t even see it. It will be up to them to remove it from themselves. This may or may not happen in their entire lifetime. 

If this is something that happens regularly, then you are setting yourself up for verbal abuse as long as you stay close to them. You can choose to put some distance between yourself and them, or if it happens weekly or even daily, you may even consider letting them go from your life.

By staying close to them and continually getting accused of negative qualities in your attempt to help them to not be upset, you may try so hard to understand and see what they are talking about, that you end up picking up some of those qualities. Then you would be able to clearly see those qualities everywhere you go, but it would also unfortunately mean that they’ve developed in you. This is not a good solution, and will decrease your overall happiness, and the happiness of everyone you contact. 

Suddenly, you may see negative things in other people that they do not possess, but the qualities have become part of you, so you just see them everywhere. 

Anger and confusion are actually your friends here. They indicate when there is a difference in mirrors. 

For example, if you are always doing thoughtful things for someone, and they never do a thoughtful thing for you, you may not understand why and get a little angry about it. It means that consideration is just not in them. 

If someone gets angry with you and you just don’t understand why, it means that whatever they are angry with you about is not the truth. It’s what they see in the world, so it’s true for them, but it’s just not in you. 

Examples of this are:

- when someone is shy but gets accused of being arrogant
- when someone is outgoing but gets accused of being obnoxious
- when someone is kind but gets accused of “only” doing nice things for ulterior or selfish motives 

If you can label it, it’s in you. If they can label it, it’s in them. If you both can label it, it’s in both of you, good and bad. 

Remember, too, that we’re all walking our own path. While you may be tempted to convince someone that your acts were truly just thoughtful or kind, or you may be really hurt when they accuse you of something negative, you just can’t convince them that your motives were pure. It’s like two people speaking entirely different languages attempting to understand each other, or like a person who has sight getting frustrated with a person who is blind because they cannot see what they see. 

Once you learn this Law, it really clarifies a lot of people’s seemingly odd behavior. It suddenly shows that their behavior makes total and perfect sense. 

This is an excerpt from the book: Happiness in Your Life - Book One: Karma - By Doe Zantamata