Friday, August 12, 2016

The leader who had no title. Robin Sharma. Memorable quotes IV.

-Everyone of us has the potential to be geniuses at what we do.
-Every belief inevitably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
-Whether you think something is possible or impossible, you'll most certainly be right. Because your belief determines your behavior.
-People don't work and live at average because they are average. They behave that way because they've forgotten who they truly are.
-You will never behave in a way that's inconsistent with your self-image.
-Successful people have successful thinking patterns.
-It takes about ten thousand hours to become a master at something.
-The ten thousand hour idea add to about ten years of focused effort and consistent practice.
-Each one of us alone is responsible for how we respond to the environment we find ourselves in.
-Procrastination is just another form of fear.

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