Saturday, February 16, 2008

The whisper of the conspiracy

The flavour of a rain that purifies even the transparency of all your nightmares...
Far beyond your hopes, in the recondite areas of your hesitations... a tremulous sigh from a tramp, collects the core of millions of hearts... unknown, abandoned... cold as the most beautiful snow...
It is another parallel kingdom... it's the festivity of the Greatest Souls... apart... alone... wasted flowers of a performance so many times repeated...
Out there, the music is played... the stage set... the farce ready...
What are you going to do my friend? Are you going to be wind or dust? Flower or Goodbye? Melody or fear? Hope or surrender?
Dreams as your soulmates... before dawn... The sunset always comes back and then, the succession of mask take over of the poor herd... the dictatorship of the cowardice...
Every single thing that matters... that ever mattered has been ignored... everything! And now, what is it going to be? Look inside: emptyness. Perhaps outside: fakeness.
Listen to the horizon! Listen now! It's the last chance! A rumour is broght to you by your angels: there is a conspiracy. A conspiracy to be able to become big... to do something unique... to fulfill what you were born to... to walk over the seas and flow with the wind... A conspiracy hidden for those who are shadow... embittered existences which let their arms lower its illussions...
What is there under your skin?
What is there under your veins?

It's time to take the lead!
A soft but healing breeze is whispering something to you...

Just listen, listen my friend...

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