Sunday, August 18, 2013

Relentless. Quotes III. By Tim Grover

- Good things come to those who work.
- It's easy to improve on mediocrity, not so easy to improve on excellence.
- There are not shortcuts, no luck.
- The guy who started by sorting the mail, or cleaning the restaurant late at night, or fixing the equipment at the gym, that's the guy who knows how things get done.
- Cleaners don't care about instant gratification. The invest in the long therm payoff.
- I can't believe how lucky that guy is, I could do that if... Stop. You could do that if... what? If you put in more time and effort? If you commit to whatever is making it work for him? If you're willing to pay the price he's paying? What's he doing that you can't do?
- When did hard work become a skill? It doesn't take talent to work hard, anyone can do it. Show up, work hard and listen. It takes a willingness to be dedicated, to improve, to be better.
- Cleaner Law: when you are going through a world of pain, you never hide. You show up to work ready to go, you face adversity and your critics and those who judge you, you step into the Zone and perform at that top level when everyone is expecting you to falter. That's being a profesional

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