Friday, August 11, 2017

Messages from the masters. By Brian Weiss. Quotes VII

-We are always loved and always protected.
-The reward is in doing, but doing without expecting anything... doing unselfishly.
-Violence is much more than just inflicting physical injury on another. It can be very subtle. Separating into "us" and "them" is an act of violence. Focusing on the differences between people rather than our commonality inevitably leads to violence, sooner or later.
-We fear "the other". We blame them for our problems rather than looking within ourselves. We attempt to solve our problems by "fixing" them, often with violence.
-We are swimming upstream against the current of love when we separate others as different. Love tells us that we are all connected, that we are all equal, that we are all the same.
-This light is not some neuro-chemical  event occurring in an injured brain, but rather a wonderful glimpse into the world beyond.

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