Saturday, February 23, 2019

Simon Sinek. How to make your life a success. On humility and working as a team

"The biggest lesson I learned, -because I was the boss- is I thought I had to know all the answers and if I didn't I thought I had to pretend I did. And that's stupid. 

And what I learned is that just because I may have the top position in the hierarchy, I am not expected to know everything and if I pretend to know everything it diminishes the value of all the great ideas and the great intelligence around me.

And when things got difficult I would never admit it. I would just put on a brave face and show up. 

And the biggest lesson I learned was to say I don't know, I don't understand or I need help at any level, about any subject and... amazingly I was always surrounded by people who wanted to help and who knew answers but they never offered to help or offered the answers because they didn't think I needed it because I kept pretending that I knew it all, right? Not to mention the fact that nobody likes a know-it-all...

So that was huge for me and when I was willing to ask for help and accept it when it was offered and sort of accept the humility of the fact that other people know a lot of more about a lot of things than I know... I know one thing... and they know lots of things... that's when things really started to move because we were now a team, that we were actually working together". 

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