Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Finding flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Quotes

-Between  now and the inevitable end of our lives we can choose either to live or to die.
-To live is by no means something that will happen by itself.
-What does to live mean? It must mean to live in fullness, without waste of time and potential, expressing one's uniqueness, yet participating intimately in the complexity of the cosmos.
-The only path to finding out what life is about is a patient, slow, attempt to make sense of the realities of the past, and the possibilities of the future as they can be understood in the present.
-The best strategy is to assume that these seventy or so years, are our only chance to experience the cosmos, and we should make the fullest use of it.
-The actual quality of life will be determined by our thoughts and emotions, by the interpretations we give to chemical, biological, and social processes.
-To achieve excellence, we must first understand the reality of the everyday, with all its demands and potential frustrations.
-The accident of birth, puts a person in a slot that greatly determines what sorts of experiences his or her life will consist of.
-There is enough room for personal initiative and choice to make a real difference. And those who believe this are the ones with the best chance to break free from the grip of fate.
-To live means to experience. 

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