Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes XII

-The spirit can heal once the adolescent is made whole.
-Grief and destruction as necessary for my rebirth.
-Help came from an unanticipated place.
-Rediscovering heart knowing through contemplation, yoga, and meditation.
-Her depression was, at the heart of it, a spiritual quest.
-When parents are unavailable for whatever reason to provide the loving connection to the field of love, some children are able to access it as Marin eventually did: through a direct, felt, transcendent relationship with their higher power, or through their spiritual guidance in nature, or with others who offer a heartfelt, supportive presence that honors what is good in life.
-All parts of us are valuable and good: our minds, our bodies, our sexuality, our urges and desires.
-In wholeness, lies healing.
-When you arrive into parenthood, you know you have arrived into something much bigger. Planned or unplanned, joyful or heavy with uncertainty, it is a threshold passage in the deepest sense.
-Once we become parents, we are forever changed, your love for a child opens the field of love.
-Parenthood is a spiritual pilgrimage: the hard work and austerity, the steep climb with its trials and setbacks, uncertainty in place of control, the disorientation as the self or ego dissolves into a spirit that is no longer self-centered but now exists for something larger and more precious than the self, your child.
-The exhaustion, trials and wear of parenting do not make us less, they make us more. Parenting is an erosion of vanity and of the illusion of control. Through struggles and trials and soul searching, we become clear about what matters and what really doesn't.
-Becoming a parent is when a gift of live has been offered and received, when love quietly moves into our lives and takes over.

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