Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Death by E. Kubler-Ross. Quotes IV

-The conquest of death is believed to be along and arduous task, involving the cultivation of a disciplined mind and body throughout many terms of existence.
-To find release to must begin regard life and death as identical.
-As a man desires, he wills. As he wills, he acts. As he acts, so does he become.
-It is no really the dying that's so hard; dying takes no skill and no understanding. It can be done by anyone. What is hard is living, living until you die.
-Learning to reinvest yourself in living when you have lost someone you love is very difficult, but only through doing so can you give some meaning to that person's death.
-Dying patients should be allowed as much control as possible over their lives and routines, and life should, as far as possible, be consistent with the life they led before their illness.
-A funeral should be a time to say your last goodbyes, to begin to work through your grief, to make death through actively participating in the preparation and final service, to begin living again and growing through your experience.

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