Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On the count of 2.

You said, you were ready my friend... look at yourself! How pretentious! How blind! How do you dare to provoke Gods and martyrs, saints and innocents? No accident, no randomness... there is always the light between the mist...
It is so peaceful, is it not? There, wrapped by your faithful friend... nothing remains save the soft breeze that renews itself every season... like the perpetual leaf dyed so many times...

...don't be afraid... it is the natural course of the dawn... one day, the bridge will be unveiled... the roses won't be ashamed of blossoming... soon, despite the apparent perpetual curse, despite all of those sleepless nights...

... don't you see the greatness... your magnificence... your unique absoluteness?
...golden dreams... solitary walkings...
...radiant light... among masses in darkness... way ticket to the moon... coming back is not an option...
...the end and the beginning... now and then... always and forever...
....and that taste... that harmony... that warmth... that peace... it took a while... against mirages, pushed to bottomless ravines and curing hardships...

...heading north... always forward... never to return... the world will take you in... it already did...
...ready? See you in the morning time? On the count of 2?

-I will see you there my friend...



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