Monday, October 10, 2011

Antoni de Mello. The Way to Love. Quotes III

-"If you ever allow yourself to see it will be the death of you. And that is why love is to terrifying, for to love is to see and to see is to die. But it is also the most delightful exhilarating experience in the whole world. For in the death of the ego is freedom, peace, serenity, joy"
-"The secret is to renounce nothing, cling to nothing, enjoy everything and allow it to pass, to flow by many hours of observing the rottenness, the corrupt nature of an attachment"
-"What they say about you reveals more about them than about you"
-"Will you not be more effective if you were not irritated? Irritation only cloud your perception and make your action less effective"
-"To understand all is to forgive all"
-"Each time you leave the object of your attachment, you leave your heart there, so you cannot invest it in the next place you go to"

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