Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tom Bilyeu reading list

1. Mindset: the new Psychology by Carol Dweck.
2. Extreme ownership: how U.S. Nave Seals lead and win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.
3. Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankle.
4. Grit: the power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth.
5. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn by John Maxwell.
6. The obstacle is the way: the timeless art of turning trials into triumph by Ryan Holiday.
7. Linchpin: are you indispensable? By Seth Godin
8. Relentless: from good to great to unstoppable by Tim Grover.
9. Start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to take action by Simon Sinek
10. Daring greatly by Brene Brown.
11. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill.
12. The E myth revisited by Michael E. Gerber.
13. Bold: how to go big, create wealth and impact the world by P. Diamandis & S. Kotler.
14. The talent code: greatness is not born is grown. Here's how by Daniel Coyle.
15. Eleven rings: the soul of success by Phil Jackson.
16. Onward: how Starbacks fought for its life without losing its soul by Howard Schultz.
17. Leaders eat last by Simon Sinek
18. Mastery by Robert Greene

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