Thursday, March 1, 2018

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Quotes X

-All those things you can have now if you do not notice of all the past, and trust the future to Providence and direct the present in the way of piety and justice.
-With respect to that which happens conformably to nature, we ought to blame neither gods, for they do nothing wrong either voluntarily or involuntarily, nor men, for they do nothing wrong except involuntarily. Consequently we should blame nobody.
-If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it. For let your impulse be in your own power.
-The ending of life then is not only no evil to the individual, for it brings him no disgrace, if in fact it is both outside our choice and not inimical to the general weal, but a good, since it is timely for the universe, bears its share in it, and is borne along with it. For then is he who is borne along on the same path as God, and borne in his judgment toward the same things, indeed a man god-borne.
-To those who ask, 'Where have you seen the gods or how do you comprehend that they exist and so worship them' I answer, in the first place, they may be seen with the eyes'. In the second place neither have I seen even my own soul and yet I honor it. Thus, then with respect to the gods, from what I constantly experience of their power, from this I comprehend that they exist and I venerate them.
-What difference does it make to you whether for five years or a hundred? For under its laws equal treatment is meted out to all.

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