Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Your words hold a miracle by John Osteen. Quotes II

-David chose to focus on the greatness of God.
-His spirit will take us beyond believing into knowing.
-Why are we sitting here until we die? Rise up!
-When they acted, God did something for them.
-You are born of God.
-Christ died four our sins.
-I am the light of the world. He put a light on the inside of us.
-God is not interested in what church we attend. He simply requires that we accept His Son as Savior.
-Because God is in you, you have overcome.
-You are not in the battle alone.
-God loves us with an everlasting love.
-What you continue to believe in your heart and say with your mouth will come to pass in your life.
-Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are, and starting talking to your mountains how big your God is.
-God encourages us in his Word to be strong and very courageous.
-When you say something often enough, with enthusiasm and passion, before long your subconscious mind begins to act on what you are saying, doing whatever is necessary to bring those thoughts and words to pass.
-I will not live a withered life. My life is filled with life and strength and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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