Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes V.

-Do you want to know why most people sleep so much?
Because they don't have anything else to do. Those who rise with the sun all have one thing in common: a purpose that fans the flames of their inner potential.
- Worry causes your precious mental energy and potential to leak.
-Start taking risks. Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs. Take the road less traveled. The best thing you can do for yourself is regularly move beyond it. Stop being so practical. Take the time to think. Discover your real reason for being here and then have the courage to act on it.
-Ten minutes of focused reflection a day will have a profound impact on the quality of your life.
-One must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and a mystery.
-Persist and spend longer and longer periods savoring the heart of the rose.
-Remember, either you control your mind or it controls you.
-There is power in silence and stillness.
-Opposition thinking: whenever a negative slide comes up on the screen, take swift action to replace it with a positive one.

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