Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The monk who sold his Ferrari. Robin S. Sharma. Selected quotes VIII.

-Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself  by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into the flames of achievement. Foster C. McClellan.
-We are living in a very troubled world. Negativity pervades it and many in our society are floating like ships without rudders, weary souls searching for a lighthouse that will keep them from crashing against the rocky shores.
-He who serves the most, reaps the most, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the way to inner peace and outer fulfillment.
-People who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened.
-Never let the weeds of impure thought and action take the garden of your mind. Stand guard at the gateway of your mind. Keep it healthy and strong.
-The purpose of life is to have a life of purpose.
-Lasting happiness comes from steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing confidently in the direction of your life's purpose.
-Everyone of us has a heroic mission whilst we walk this Earth. We have all been granted a unique set of gifts and talents that will readily allow us to realize this lifework. The key is to discover them, and in doing so, discover the main objective of your life.
-The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
-The things that are most important should never be sacrificed to those things which are the least important.
-Goal-setting is the starting point.
-If I have seen farther than others, it is simply because I have stood on the shoulders of great teachers.

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