Monday, September 18, 2017

Grit by Angela Duckworth

-Have a fierce resolve in everything you do. Demonstrate determination, resiliency, and tenacity. Do not let temporary setbacks become permanent excuses. Use mistakes and problems as opportunities to get better, not reasons to quit.
-Talent is common; what you invest to develop that talent is the critical final measure of greatness.
-If you want to create a great culture, you have to have a collection of core values that everyone lives.
-Each year that you play soccer for Anson Dorrance, you must memorize three different literary quotes, each handpicked to communicate a different core value. You will be  tested in front of the team in pre-season and then tested again in every player conference. Not only do you have to memorize them, but you have to understand them. So reflect on them as well.
-It was not so much the physical challenges as the mental toughness required to cope with all the yelling and screaming.
-If you create a vision for yourself and stick with it, you can make amazing things happen in your life.
-It is really the guy across from us that makes us who we are. Our opponent creates challenges that help us become our best selves.
-The social multiplier effect: one person's grit enhances the grit of the others.
-John Wooden: Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.
-Always compete. You are either competing or you are not. Compete in everything you do. . Finish strong. Positive self-talk. Team first.
-Two key factors promote excellence in individuals and in teams: deep and rich support and relentless challenge to improve.
-No whining. No complaining. No excuses. Always protect the team. Be early.

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