Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Handbook for teachers in Human Values Education by Ron and Suwanti Farmer. Quotes XIII

-Regardless of the challenges facing us, we are safe if we can sit in our boat, regulating how we think, feel and move.
-Defusion lets us give less importance to our habitual thinking patterns, to distance ourselves from and to let go of unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and memories.
-We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. St. Catherine of Genoa.
-The what is is the most holy. Alan Watts.
-Acceptance allows us to make room for painful feelings, urges and sensations, allowing them to com and go without a struggle.
-If we can dare to live according to the values and virtues that resonate strongly within us, powerful things begin to happen.
-It requires conviction and courage to commit ourselves to living the values we believe in, wherever that path may take us.
-You have to ask yourself the question: Who am I? This investigation will lead in the end to the discovery of something within you which is behind the mind. Solve that great problem, and you will solve all other problems thereby. Ramana Maharshi.
-When we know what action needs to be taken, begin as soon as possible.
When we know what activity we should not be engaging in, cease doing it immediately.
When we are not sure what to do, wait.
-Our Signature Strengths are those of the 24 Character Strengths that we have rated as being the most prominent in our attitudes and behavior today.
-The 24 Character Strengths:

1. Creativity
2. Curiosity
3. Judgment
5. Love of learning

6. Bravery
7. Honesty
8. Perseverance
9. Zest

10. Kindness
11. Love
12. Social intelligence

13. Fairness
14. Leadership
15. Teamwork

16. Forgiveness
17. Humility
18. Prudence
19. Self-regulation

20. Appreciation of beauty
21. Gratitude
22. Hope
23. Humor
24. Spirituality

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