Thursday, November 29, 2018

Handbook for teachers in Human Values Education by Ron and Suwanti Farmer. Quotes XVIII

-We live in forgetfulness, looking for happiness somewhere else. Thich Nhat Hanh.
-To become exemplary role models for the five Human Values, we will need to reprogram the mind.
-Peace, love, joy and all of the other noble virtues already lie waiting within us, in full force.
-Mindfulness: being aware of, or giving attention to, the present experience.
-Letting go is like putting down two suitcases full of old rubbish.
-Our mental/emotional habits, attitudes, likes and dislikes have well-established networks of neuronal activity in the brain. It will require diligent practice in our everyday lives if we are to neutralize these customary ways of thinking that limit our perception.
-We can trust that whatever another person says or does to us, it will be perfect for our personal growth and learning.
-The way to discover the deeper levels of our innate goodness and wisdom is to steadily live a more virtuous life in an increasingly mindful way.
-Where attention goes, neural firing occurs.
-As we begin to develop awareness of the mind, it witnesses without judgment and without comment.
-It is not enough for a teacher to impart information in an efficient manner without any consideration for the moral and ethical awakening of the classroom pupils.
-Whatever you do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Goethe.

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